Source code for scheduler.fleet

import base64
import copy
import cStringIO
import httplib
import json
import paramiko
import re
import socket
import time

from django.conf import settings

from . import AbstractSchedulerClient
from .states import JobState

MATCH = re.compile(

[docs]class UHTTPConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection): """Subclass of Python library HTTPConnection that uses a Unix domain socket. """ def __init__(self, path): httplib.HTTPConnection.__init__(self, 'localhost') self.path = path
[docs] def connect(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(self.path) self.sock = sock
[docs]class FleetHTTPClient(AbstractSchedulerClient): def __init__(self, target, auth, options, pkey): super(FleetHTTPClient, self).__init__(target, auth, options, pkey) # single global connection self.conn = UHTTPConnection( # connection helpers def _request_unit(self, method, name, body=None): headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} self.conn.request(method, '/v1-alpha/units/{name}.service'.format(**locals()), headers=headers, body=json.dumps(body)) return self.conn.getresponse() def _get_unit(self, name): for attempt in xrange(RETRIES): try: resp = self._request_unit('GET', name) data = if not 200 <= resp.status <= 299: errmsg = "Failed to retrieve unit: {} {} - {}".format( resp.status, resp.reason, data) raise RuntimeError(errmsg) return data except: if attempt >= (RETRIES - 1): raise def _put_unit(self, name, body): for attempt in xrange(RETRIES): try: resp = self._request_unit('PUT', name, body) data = if not 200 <= resp.status <= 299: errmsg = "Failed to create unit: {} {} - {}".format( resp.status, resp.reason, data) raise RuntimeError(errmsg) return data except: if attempt >= (RETRIES - 1): raise def _delete_unit(self, name): headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} self.conn.request('DELETE', '/v1-alpha/units/{name}.service'.format(**locals()), headers=headers) resp = self.conn.getresponse() data = if resp.status not in (404, 204): errmsg = "Failed to delete unit: {} {} - {}".format( resp.status, resp.reason, data) raise RuntimeError(errmsg) return data def _get_state(self, name=None): headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} url = '/v1-alpha/state' if name: url += '?unitName={name}.service'.format(**locals()) self.conn.request('GET', url, headers=headers) resp = self.conn.getresponse() data = if resp.status not in (200,): errmsg = "Failed to retrieve state: {} {} - {}".format( resp.status, resp.reason, data) raise RuntimeError(errmsg) return json.loads(data) def _get_machines(self): headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} url = '/v1-alpha/machines' self.conn.request('GET', url, headers=headers) resp = self.conn.getresponse() data = if resp.status not in (200,): errmsg = "Failed to retrieve machines: {} {} - {}".format( resp.status, resp.reason, data) raise RuntimeError(errmsg) return json.loads(data) # container api
[docs] def create(self, name, image, command='', template=None, **kwargs): """Create a container.""" self._create_container(name, image, command, template or copy.deepcopy(CONTAINER_TEMPLATE), **kwargs)
def _create_container(self, name, image, command, unit, **kwargs): l = locals().copy() l.update(re.match(MATCH, name).groupdict()) # prepare memory limit for the container type mem = kwargs.get('memory', {}).get(l['c_type'], None) if mem: l.update({'memory': '-m {}'.format(mem.lower())}) else: l.update({'memory': ''}) # prepare memory limit for the container type cpu = kwargs.get('cpu', {}).get(l['c_type'], None) if cpu: l.update({'cpu': '-c {}'.format(cpu)}) else: l.update({'cpu': ''}) # set unit hostname l.update({'hostname': self._get_hostname(name)}) # should a special entrypoint be used entrypoint = kwargs.get('entrypoint') if entrypoint: l.update({'entrypoint': '{}'.format(entrypoint)}) # encode command as utf-8 if isinstance(l.get('command'), basestring): l['command'] = l['command'].encode('utf-8') # construct unit from template for f in unit: f['value'] = f['value'].format(**l) # prepare tags only if one was provided tags = kwargs.get('tags', {}) if tags: tagset = ' '.join(['"{}={}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in tags.viewitems()]) unit.append({"section": "X-Fleet", "name": "MachineMetadata", "value": tagset}) # post unit to fleet self._put_unit(name, {"desiredState": "loaded", "options": unit}) def _get_hostname(self, application_name): hostname = settings.UNIT_HOSTNAME if hostname == "default": return '' elif hostname == "application": # replace underscore with dots, since underscore is not valid in DNS hostnames dns_name = application_name.replace("_", ".") return '-h ' + dns_name elif hostname == "server": return '-h %H' else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported hostname: ' + hostname)
[docs] def start(self, name): """Start a container.""" self._put_unit(name, {'desiredState': 'launched'}) self._wait_for_container_running(name)
def _wait_for_container_state(self, name): # wait for container to get scheduled for _ in xrange(30): states = self._get_state(name) if states and len(states.get('states', [])) == 1: return states.get('states')[0] time.sleep(1) else: raise RuntimeError('container timeout while retrieving state') def _wait_for_container_running(self, name): # we bump to 20 minutes here to match the timeout on the router and in the app unit files try: self._wait_for_job_state(name, JobState.up) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError('container failed to start') def _wait_for_job_state(self, name, state): # we bump to 20 minutes here to match the timeout on the router and in the app unit files for _ in xrange(1200): if self.state(name) == state: return time.sleep(1) else: raise RuntimeError('timeout waiting for job state: {}'.format(state)) def _wait_for_destroy(self, name): for _ in xrange(30): if not self._get_state(name): break time.sleep(1) else: raise RuntimeError('timeout on container destroy')
[docs] def stop(self, name): """Stop a container.""" self._put_unit(name, {"desiredState": "loaded"}) self._wait_for_job_state(name, JobState.created)
[docs] def destroy(self, name): """Destroy a container.""" # call all destroy functions, ignoring any errors try: self._destroy_container(name) except: pass self._wait_for_destroy(name)
def _destroy_container(self, name): for attempt in xrange(RETRIES): try: self._delete_unit(name) break except: if attempt == (RETRIES - 1): # account for 0 indexing raise
[docs] def run(self, name, image, entrypoint, command): # noqa """Run a one-off command.""" self._create_container(name, image, command, copy.deepcopy(RUN_TEMPLATE), entrypoint=entrypoint) # launch the container self._put_unit(name, {'desiredState': 'launched'}) # wait for the container to get scheduled state = self._wait_for_container_state(name) try: machineID = state.get('machineID') # find the machine machines = self._get_machines() if not machines: raise RuntimeError('no available hosts to run command') # find the machine's primaryIP primaryIP = None for m in machines.get('machines', []): if m['id'] == machineID: primaryIP = m['primaryIP'] if not primaryIP: raise RuntimeError('could not find host') # prepare ssh key file_obj = cStringIO.StringIO(base64.b64decode(self.pkey)) pkey = paramiko.RSAKey(file_obj=file_obj) # grab output via docker logs over SSH ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(primaryIP, username="core", pkey=pkey) # share a transport tran = ssh.get_transport() def _do_ssh(cmd): with tran.open_session() as chan: chan.exec_command(cmd) while not chan.exit_status_ready(): time.sleep(1) out = chan.makefile() output = rc = chan.recv_exit_status() return rc, output # wait for container to launch # we loop indefinitely here, as we have no idea how long the docker pull will take while True: rc, _ = _do_ssh('docker inspect {name}'.format(**locals())) if rc == 0: break time.sleep(1) else: raise RuntimeError('failed to create container') # wait for container to start for _ in xrange(2): _rc, _output = _do_ssh('docker inspect {name}'.format(**locals())) if _rc != 0: raise RuntimeError('failed to inspect container') _container = json.loads(_output) started_at = _container[0]["State"]["StartedAt"] if not started_at.startswith('0001'): break time.sleep(1) else: raise RuntimeError('container failed to start') # wait for container to complete for _ in xrange(1200): _rc, _output = _do_ssh('docker inspect {name}'.format(**locals())) if _rc != 0: raise RuntimeError('failed to inspect container') _container = json.loads(_output) finished_at = _container[0]["State"]["FinishedAt"] if not finished_at.startswith('0001'): break time.sleep(1) else: raise RuntimeError('container timed out') # gather container output _rc, output = _do_ssh('docker logs {name}'.format(**locals())) if _rc != 0: raise RuntimeError('could not attach to container') # determine container exit code _rc, _output = _do_ssh('docker inspect {name}'.format(**locals())) if _rc != 0: raise RuntimeError('could not determine exit code') container = json.loads(_output) rc = container[0]["State"]["ExitCode"] finally: # cleanup self._destroy_container(name) self._wait_for_destroy(name) # return rc and output return rc, output
[docs] def state(self, name): """Display the given job's running state.""" systemdActiveStateMap = { 'active': 'up', 'reloading': 'down', 'inactive': 'created', 'failed': 'crashed', 'activating': 'down', 'deactivating': 'down', } try: # NOTE (bacongobbler): this call to ._get_unit() acts as a pre-emptive check to # determine if the job no longer exists (will raise a RuntimeError on 404) self._get_unit(name) state = self._wait_for_container_state(name) activeState = state['systemdActiveState'] # FIXME (bacongobbler): when fleet loads a job, sometimes it'll automatically start and # stop the container, which in our case will return as 'failed', even though # the container is perfectly fine. if activeState == 'failed' and state['systemdLoadState'] == 'loaded': return JobState.created return getattr(JobState, systemdActiveStateMap[activeState]) except KeyError: # failed retrieving a proper response from the fleet API return JobState.error except RuntimeError: # failed to retrieve a response from the fleet API, # which means it does not exist return JobState.destroyed
SchedulerClient = FleetHTTPClient CONTAINER_TEMPLATE = [ {"section": "Unit", "name": "Description", "value": "{name}"}, {"section": "Service", "name": "ExecStartPre", "value": '''/bin/sh -c "IMAGE=$(etcdctl get /deis/registry/host 2>&1):$(etcdctl get /deis/registry/port 2>&1)/{image}; docker pull $IMAGE"'''}, # noqa {"section": "Service", "name": "ExecStartPre", "value": '''/bin/sh -c "docker inspect {name} >/dev/null 2>&1 && docker rm -f {name} || true"'''}, # noqa {"section": "Service", "name": "ExecStart", "value": '''/bin/sh -c "IMAGE=$(etcdctl get /deis/registry/host 2>&1):$(etcdctl get /deis/registry/port 2>&1)/{image}; docker run --name {name} --rm {memory} {cpu} {hostname} -P $IMAGE {command}"'''}, # noqa {"section": "Service", "name": "ExecStop", "value": '''/usr/bin/docker stop {name}'''}, {"section": "Service", "name": "TimeoutStartSec", "value": "20m"}, {"section": "Service", "name": "TimeoutStopSec", "value": "10"}, {"section": "Service", "name": "RestartSec", "value": "5"}, {"section": "Service", "name": "Restart", "value": "on-failure"}, ] RUN_TEMPLATE = [ {"section": "Unit", "name": "Description", "value": "{name} admin command"}, {"section": "Service", "name": "ExecStartPre", "value": '''/bin/sh -c "IMAGE=$(etcdctl get /deis/registry/host 2>&1):$(etcdctl get /deis/registry/port 2>&1)/{image}; docker pull $IMAGE"'''}, # noqa {"section": "Service", "name": "ExecStartPre", "value": '''/bin/sh -c "docker inspect {name} >/dev/null 2>&1 && docker rm -f {name} || true"'''}, # noqa {"section": "Service", "name": "ExecStart", "value": '''/bin/sh -c "IMAGE=$(etcdctl get /deis/registry/host 2>&1):$(etcdctl get /deis/registry/port 2>&1)/{image}; docker run --name {name} --entrypoint={entrypoint} -a stdout -a stderr $IMAGE {command}"'''}, # noqa {"section": "Service", "name": "TimeoutStartSec", "value": "20m"}, ]