
Please get the source and refer to the scripts in contrib/openstack while following this documentation.


OpenStack support for Deis was originally contributed by Shlomo Hakim and has been updated by Deis community members. OpenStack support is untested by the Deis team, so we rely on the community to improve this documentation and to fix bugs. We greatly appreciate the help!

Check System Requirements

Please refer to System Requirements for resource considerations when choosing a machine size to run Deis.


Make sure that the following utilities are installed and in your execution path:

  • nova
  • neutron
  • glance

Configure OpenStack

Create an file to match the following:

$ export OS_AUTH_URL={openstack_auth_url}
$ export OS_USERNAME={openstack_username}
$ export OS_PASSWORD={openstack_password}
$ export OS_TENANT_NAME={openstack_tenant_name}

(Alternatively, download OpenStack RC file from Horizon/Access & Security/API Access.)

Source your nova credentials:

$ source

Set up your keys

Choose an existing keypair or upload a new public key, if desired.

$ nova keypair-add --pub-key ~/.ssh/ deis-key

Upload a CoreOS image to Glance

You need to have a relatively recent CoreOS image.


Deis runs on CoreOS version 494.5.0 or later in the Stable channel.

If you don’t already have a suitable CoreOS image and your OpenStack install allows you to upload your own images, the following snippet will use the latest CoreOS image from the stable channel:

$ wget
$ bunzip2 coreos_production_openstack_image.img.bz2
$ glance image-create --name coreos \
  --container-format bare \
  --disk-format qcow2 \
  --file coreos_production_openstack_image.img \
  --is-public True

Generate a New Discovery URL

A discovery URL links etcd instances together by storing their peer addresses and metadata under a unique identifier. Run this command from the root of the repository to generate a contrib/coreos/user-data file with a new discovery URL:

$ make discovery-url

Required scripts are supplied in this user-data file, so do not provision a Deis cluster without running make discovery-url.

Choose number of instances

A Deis cluster must have 3 or more nodes. See Cluster size for more details.

Instruct the provision script to launch the desired number of nodes:


Deis network settings

The script creates a private network called ‘deis’ if no such network exists.

By default, the deis subnet IP range is set to To override it and the default DNS settings, set the following variables:

$ export DEIS_CIDR=
$ export DEIS_DNS=,


This script does not handle floating IPs or routers. These should be provisioned manually by either Horizon or the CLI.

Run the provision script

If you have a fairly straightforward OpenStack install, you should be able to use the provided provisioning script. This script assumes you are using neutron and have security-groups enabled.

Run the to spawn a new CoreOS cluster. You’ll need to provide the name of the CoreOS image name (or ID), and the key pair you just added. Optionally, you can also specify a flavor name.

$ cd contrib/openstack
$ ./
Usage: <coreos image name/id> <key pair name> [flavor]
$ ./ coreos deis-key

You can override the name of the internal network to use by setting the environment variable DEIS_NETWORK=internal. If this doesn’t exist the script will try to create it with the default CIDR which requires your OpenStack cluster to support tenant VLANs.

You can also override the name of the security group to attach to the instances by setting DEIS_SECGROUP=deis_test. If this doesn’t exist the script will attempt to create it. If you are creating your own security groups you can use the provision script as a guide. Make sure that you have a rule to enable full communication inside the security group, or you will have a bad day.

Manually start the instances

Start the instances and ensure they’re operational before continuing.

Configure floating IPs

You will want to attach a floating IP to at least one of your instances. You’ll do that like this:

$ nova floating-ip-create <pool>
$ nova floating-ip-associate deis-1 <IP provided by above command>

Deploy a load balancer

It is recommended that you deploy a load balancer for user requests to your Deis cluster. See Configure Load Balancers for more details on using load balancers with Deis.

Configure DNS

See Configure DNS for more information on properly setting up your DNS records with Deis.

Install Deis Platform

Now that you’ve finished provisioning a cluster, please refer to Install the Deis Platform to start installing the platform.