Amazon AWS

In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up your own 3-node cluster on Amazon Web Services.

Please get the source and refer to the scripts in contrib/aws while following this documentation.


An automated deployment of a Deis cluster on AWS is provided for free by Engine Yard at For Engine Yard deployments, your cluster is already fully provisioned. Skip to the Using Deis documentation for details on deploying applications, creating users, and other tasks.

Install the AWS Command Line Interface

In order to start working with Amazon’s API, let’s install awscli:

$ pip install awscli

We’ll also need PyYAML for the Deis AWS provision script to run:

$ pip install pyyaml

Configure aws-cli

Run aws configure to set your AWS credentials:

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: ***************
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: ************************
Default region name [None]: us-west-1
Default output format [None]:

Upload keys

Generate and upload a new keypair to AWS, ensuring that the name of the keypair is set to “deis”.

$ ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/deis -N '' -C deis
$ aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name deis --public-key-material file://~/.ssh/

During installation, deisctl will make an SSH connection to the cluster. It will need to be able to use this key to connect.

Most users use SSH agent (ssh-agent). If this is the case, run ssh-agent add ~/.ssh/deis to add the key. Otherwise, you may prefer to modify ~/.ssh/config to add the key to the IPs in AWS.

Choose Number of Instances

By default, the script will provision 3 servers. You can override this by setting DEIS_NUM_INSTANCES:


A Deis cluster must have 3 or more nodes. See Cluster size for more details.

Generate a New Discovery URL

A discovery URL links etcd instances together by storing their peer addresses and metadata under a unique identifier. Run this command from the root of the repository to generate a contrib/coreos/user-data file with a new discovery URL:

$ make discovery-url

Required scripts are supplied in this user-data file, so do not provision a Deis cluster without running make discovery-url.

Customize cloudformation.json

The configuration files and templates for AWS are located in the directory contrib/aws/ in the Deis repository.

Any of the parameter defaults defined in deis.template.json can be overridden by setting the value in cloudformation.json. For example, to configure all of the options to non-default values:

    "ParameterKey":     "InstanceType",
    "ParameterValue":   "m3.xlarge"
    "ParameterKey":     "KeyPair",
    "ParameterValue":   "jsmith"
    "ParameterKey":     "EC2VirtualizationType",
    "ParameterValue":   "PV"
    "ParameterKey":     "AssociatePublicIP",
    "ParameterValue":   "false"
    "ParameterKey":     "ELBScheme",
    "ParameterValue":   "internal"
    "ParameterKey":     "RootVolumeSize",
    "ParameterValue":   "100"
    "ParameterKey":     "DockerVolumeSize",
    "ParameterValue":   "1000"
    "ParameterKey":     "EtcdVolumeSize",
    "ParameterValue":   "5"

The only entry in cloudformation.json required to launch your cluster is KeyPair, which is already filled out. The defaults will be applied for the other settings. The default values are defined in deis.template.json.

If updated with, the InstanceType will only impact newly deployed instances (#1758).

NOTE: The smallest recommended instance size is large. Having not enough CPU or RAM will result in numerous issues when using the cluster.

Launch into an existing VPC

By default, the provided CloudFormation script will create a new VPC for Deis. However, the script supports provisioning into an existing VPC instead. You’ll need to have a VPC configured with an internet gateway and a sane routing table (the default VPC in a region should be ready to go).

To launch your cluster into an existing VPC, export three additional environment variables:

  • VPC_ID

VPC_ZONES must list the availability zones of the subnets in order.

For example, if your VPC has ID vpc-a26218bf and consists of the subnets subnet-04d7f942 (which is in us-east-1b) and subnet-2b03ab7f (which is in us-east-1c) you would export:

export VPC_ID=vpc-a26218bf
export VPC_SUBNETS=subnet-04d7f942,subnet-2b03ab7f
export VPC_ZONES=us-east-1b,us-east-1c

If you have set up private subnets in which you’d like to run your Deis hosts, and public subnets for the ELB, you should export the following environment variables instead:

  • VPC_ID

For example, if you have a public subnet subnet-8cd457b3 for the ELB and a private subnet subnet-8cd457b0 (both in us-east-1a) you would export:

export VPC_ID=vpc-a26218bf
export VPC_SUBNETS=subnet-8cd457b3
export VPC_PRIVATE_SUBNETS=subnet-8cd457b0
export VPC_ZONES=us-east-1a

Run the Provision Script

Run the cloudformation provision script to spawn a new CoreOS cluster:

$ cd contrib/aws
$ ./
Creating CloudFormation stack deis
    "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:69326027886:stack/deis/1e9916b0-d7ea-11e4-a0be-50d2020578e0"
Waiting for instances to be created...
Waiting for instances to be created... CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
Waiting for instances to pass initial health checks...
Waiting for instances to pass initial health checks...
Waiting for instances to pass initial health checks...
Instances are available:
i-5c3c91aa    m3.large        us-east-1a      running
i-403c91b6    m3.large        us-east-1a      running
i-e36fc6ee    m3.large        us-east-1b      running
Using ELB deis-DeisWebE-17PGCR3KPJC54 at
Your Deis cluster has been successfully deployed to AWS CloudFormation and is started.
Please continue to follow the instructions in the documentation.


The default name of the CloudFormation stack will be deis. You can specify a different name with ./ <name>.

Remote IPs behind your ELB

The ELB you just created is load-balancing raw TCP connections, which is required for custom domain SSL and WebSockets. As remote IPs are by default not visible behind a TCP-Proxy, the ELB and your cluster routers were created with Proxy Protocol enabled.

Configure DNS

You will need a DNS entry that points to the ELB instance created above. Find the ELB name in the AWS web console or by running aws elb describe-load-balancers and finding the Deis ELB.

See Configure DNS for more information on properly setting up your DNS records with Deis.

Install Deis Platform

Now that you’ve finished provisioning a cluster, please refer to Install the Deis Platform to start installing the platform.

CloudFormation Updates

To use CloudFormation to perform update operations to your stack, there is another script: Depending on the parameters that you have changed, CloudFormation may replace the EC2 instances in your stack.

The following parameters can be changed without replacing all instances in a stack:

  • ClusterSize - Number of nodes in the cluster. This may launch new instances or terminate existing instances. If you are scaling down, this may interrupt service. If a container was running on an instance that was terminated, it will have to be rebalanced onto another node which will cause some downtime.
  • SSHFrom - Locks down SSH access to the Deis hosts. This will update the security group for the Deis hosts.

Please reference the AWS documentation for more information about CloudFormation stack updates.