Customizing builder

The following settings are tunable for the Builder component. Values are stored in etcd.


Requires: controller, registry

Required by: router

Settings set by builder

The following etcd keys are set by the builder component, typically in its /bin/boot script.

setting description
/deis/builder/host IP address of the host running builder
/deis/builder/port port used by the builder service (default: 2223)

Settings used by builder

The following etcd keys are used by the builder component.

setting description
/deis/builder/users/* user SSH keys to provision (set by controller)
/deis/controller/builderKey used to communicate with the controller (set by controller)
/deis/controller/host host of the controller component (set by controller)
/deis/controller/port port of the controller component (set by controller)
/deis/controller/protocol protocol of the controller component (set by controller)
/deis/registry/host host of the controller component (set by registry)
/deis/registry/port port of the controller component (set by registry)
/deis/services/* healthy application containers reported by deis/publisher

Using a custom builder image

You can use a custom Docker image for the builder component instead of the image supplied with Deis:

$ deisctl config builder set image=myaccount/myimage:latest

This will pull the image from the public Docker registry. You can also pull from a private registry:

$ deisctl config builder set

Be sure that your custom image functions in the same way as the stock builder image shipped with Deis. Specifically, ensure that it sets and reads appropriate etcd keys.