
Before starting, I heavily encourage you to have the Modules scheme section opened while reading these tutorials so that you can easily figure out what you can do (which are the available methods) for each class in the examples and how you can aggregate the classes themselves.


geoms module

  1. First step: Building by aggregation
  2. Basic usage: Classes usage
  3. Visualization: Visualization
  4. Transformations: Transformations
  5. In depth: Polygon tutorial
  6. In depth: Surface tutorial
  7. In depth: Polyhedron tutorial
  8. In depth: Place tutorial
  9. In depth: Space tutorial
  10. Advanced algorithms: PiP and Classify tutorial

shadows module

  1. Basic shading simulation: Basic shading tutorial
  2. Advanced shading simulation: Advanced shading tutorial

Code examples

  1. Structure of a building: Parking
  2. Cable section: Ring