rabacus.solvers package


rabacus.solvers.calc_iliev_sphere module

Solves a sphere with a point source at the center. Canonical examples are Tests 1 and 2 from http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0603199.

class rabacus.solvers.calc_iliev_sphere.IlievSphere(Edges, T, nH, nHe, rad_src, rec_meth='fixed', fixed_fcA=1.0, atomic_fit_name='hg97', find_Teq=False, z=None, verbose=False, tol=1e-10, thin=False)[source]

Stores and calculates equilibrium ionization (and optionally temperature) structure in a spherically symmetric geometry with a point source at the center. The sphere is divided into Nl shells. We will refer to the center of the sphere as “C” and the radius of the sphere as “R”.


Edges (array): Radius of all shell edges

T (array): Temperature in each shell

nH (array): Hydrogen number density in each shell

nHe (array): Helium number density in each shell

rad_src (PointSource): Point source


The arrays T, nH, and nHe must all be the same size. This size determines the number of shells, Nl. Edges determines the positions of the shell edges and must have Nl+1 entries.


rec_meth (string): How to treat recombinations {“fixed”}

fixed_fcA (float): If rec_meth = “fixed”, constant caseA fraction

atomic_fit_name (string): Source for atomic rate fits {“hg97”}

find_Teq (bool): If False, use fixed input T, if True solve for equilibrium T

z (float): Redshift, only need if find_Teq = True

verbose (bool): Verbose output?

tol (float): tolerance for all convergence tests

thin (bool): if True only solves optically thin


U (Units)

r_c (array): distance from C to center of shell

dr (array): radial thickness of shell

NH_c (array): H column density from C to center of shell

dNH (array): H column density through shell

NH1_c (array): HI column density from C to center of shell

dNH1 (array): HI column density through shell

H1i (array): HI photo-ionization rate

H1h (array): HI photo-heating rate

xH1 (array): H neutral fraction nHI / nH

xH2 (array): H ionized fraction nHII / nH

ne (array): electron number density

fcA_H2 (array): HII case A fraction

cool (array): cooling rate [erg / (cm^3 K)]

heat (array): heating rate [erg / (cm^3 K)]

heatH1 (array): contribution to heat from H1 photo-heating

dtauH1_th (array): HI optical depth at H1 ionizing threshold through shell

tauH1_th_lo (array): HI optical depth below this shell

tauH1_th_hi (array): HI optical depth above this shell

NH1_thru (float): HI column density from C to R

Nl (int): Number of shells

itr (int): Number of iterations to converge


For many of the attributes above, there are analagous versions for helium. We also note that the source of the atomic rates fit is stored in the variable atomic_fit_name, but the source of the photoionization cross section fits are stored in the point source object in the variable px_fit_type.


The following code will solve a monochromatic point source inside a spherical distribution with fixed recombination rates and temperatues. In this case we use a Haardt and Madau 2012 spectrum to calculate a grey photon energy which is then used to create a monochromatic plane source

import numpy as np
import rabacus as ra

# create Haardt and Madau 2012 source
q_min = 1.0; q_max = 4.0e2; z = 3.0
hm12 = ra.rad_src.PointSource( q_min, q_max, 'hm12', z=z )

# get grey photon energy and create a monochromatic plane source
q_mono = hm12.grey.E.He2 / hm12.PX.Eth_H1
mono = ra.rad_src.PointSource( q_mono, q_mono, 'monochromatic' )
mono.normalize_Ln( 5.0e48 / ra.U.s )

# describe slab
Nl = 512; Yp = 0.24
nH = np.ones(Nl) * 1.0e-3 / ra.U.cm**3
nHe = nH * Yp * 0.25 / (1.0-Yp)
Tslab = np.ones(Nl) * 1.0e4 * ra.U.K
Rsphere = 6.6 * ra.U.kpc
Edges = np.linspace( 0.0 * ra.U.kpc, Rsphere, Nl+1 )

# solve slab
sphere = ra.solvers.IlievSphere( Edges, Tslab, nH, nHe, mono,
                                 rec_meth='fixed', fixed_fcA=0.0 )

Calculate some final values using fully solved sphere.


Initialize sphere values.


Set optically thin ionzation state at input temperature. Adjustments will be made during the sweeps.


set photoheating rates for this layer

i (int): layer index

set photoionization rates for this layer

i (int): layer index

Calculate optical depth at the ionization thresholds of each species above and below this layer. Does not include a contribution from the layer itself.

i (int): layer index

Performs one sweep through sphere.

rabacus.solvers.calc_slab module

Solves a slab with plane parallel radiation incident from one side.

class rabacus.solvers.calc_slab.Slab(Edges, T, nH, nHe, rad_src, rec_meth='fixed', fixed_fcA=1.0, thresh_P_A=0.01, thresh_P_B=0.99, thresh_xmfp=30.0, atomic_fit_name='hg97', find_Teq=False, z=None, verbose=False, tol=1e-10, thin=False)[source]

Solves a slab geometry with plane parallel radiation incident from one side. The slab is divided into Nl layers.


Edges (array): Distance to layer edges

T (array): Temperature in each layer

nH (array): hydrogen number density in each layer

nHe (array): helium number density in each layer

rad_src (PlaneSource): Plane source


The arrays T, nH, and nHe must all be the same size. This size determines the number of shells, Nl. Edges determines the positions of the layer edges and must have Nl+1 entries.


rec_meth (string): How to treat recombinations {fixed, thresh}

fixed_fcA (float): If rec_meth = fixed, constant caseA fraction

thresh_P_A (float): If rec_meth = thresh, this is the probability of absorption, P = 1 - exp(-tau), at which the transition to caseB rates begins.

thresh_P_B (float): If rec_meth = thresh, this is the probability of absorption, P = 1 - exp(-tau), at which the transition to caseB ends.

thresh_xmfp (float): Determines the distance to probe when calculating optical depth for the caseA to caseB transition. Specifies a multiple of the mean free path for fully neutral gas. In equation form, L = thresh_xmfp / (n * sigma)

atomic_fit_name (string): Source for atomic rate fits {hg97}

find_Teq (bool): If False, use fixed input T, if True solve for equilibrium T

z (float): Redshift, only need if find_Teq = True

verbose (bool): Verbose output?

tol (float): tolerance for all convergence tests

thin (bool): if True only solves optically thin


U (Units)

z_c (array): distance from surface of slab to center of layer

dz (array): thickness of layer

NH_c (array): H column density from surface of slab to center of layer

dNH (array): H column density through layer

NH1_c (array): HI column density from surface of slab to center of layer

dNH1 (array): HI column density through layer

H1i (array): HI photo-ionization rate

H1h (array): HI photo-heating rate

xH1 (array): H neutral fraction nHI / nH

xH2 (array): H ionized fraction nHII / nH

ne (array): electron number density

fcA_H2 (array): HII case A fraction

cool (array): cooling rate [erg / (cm^3 K)]

heat (array): heating rate [erg / (cm^3 K)]

heatH1 (array): contribution to heat from H1 photoheating

dtauH1_th (array): HI optical depth at H1 ionizing threshold through layer

tauH1_th_lo (array): HI optical depth below this layer

tauH1_th_hi (array): HI optical depth above this layer

NH1_thru (float): HI column density through entire slab

Nl (int): Number of layers

itr (int): Number of iterations to converge


For many of the attributes above, there are analagous versions for helium. We also note that the source of the atomic rates fit is stored in the variable atomic_fit_name, but the source of the photoionization cross section fits are stored in the point source object in the variable px_fit_type.


The following code will solve a monochromatic source incident onto a slab with fixed recombination rates and temperatues. In this case we use a Haardt and Madau 2012 spectrum to calculate a grey photon energy which is then used to create a monochromatic plane source

import numpy as np
import rabacus as ra

# create Haardt and Madau 2012 source
q_min = 1.0; q_max = 4.0e2; z = 3.0
hm12 = ra.rad_src.PlaneSource( q_min, q_max, 'hm12', z=z )

# get grey photon energy and create a monochromatic plane source
q_mono = hm12.grey.E.He2 / hm12.PX.Eth_H1
mono = ra.rad_src.PlaneSource( q_mono, q_mono, 'monochromatic' )
mono.normalize_H1i( hm12.thin.H1i )

# describe slab
Nl = 512; Yp = 0.24
nH = np.ones(Nl) * 1.5e-2 / ra.U.cm**3
nHe = nH * Yp * 0.25 / (1.0-Yp)
Tslab = np.ones(Nl) * 1.0e4 * ra.U.K
Lslab = 200.0 * ra.U.kpc
Edges = np.linspace( 0.0 * ra.U.kpc, Lslab, Nl+1 )

# solve slab
slab = ra.solvers.Slab( Edges, Tslab, nH, nHe, mono,
                        rec_meth='fixed', fixed_fcA=1.0 )

Calculate some final values using fully solved slab.


Initialize slab values.

return_bounds(i, Ltarget)[source]

Given a shell number and a distance, return the indices such that self.r[i] - self.r[ii] > Ltarget and self.r[ff] - self.r[i] > Ltarget.


Given the optical depth at nu_th for any given species, returns the case A fraction.


Calculate case A fraction for each species in this layer.

i (int): layer index

Set optically thin ionzation state


set photoheating rates for this layer

i (int): layer index

set photoionization rates for this layer

i (int): layer index

Calculate optical depth at the ionization thresholds of each species above and below this layer. Does not include a contribution from the layer itself.

i (int): layer index

Performs one sweep through slab.

rabacus.solvers.calc_slab_2 module

Solves a slab with plane parallel radiation incident from both sides.

class rabacus.solvers.calc_slab_2.Slab2(Edges, T, nH, nHe, rad_src, rec_meth='fixed', fixed_fcA=1.0, thresh_P_A=0.01, thresh_P_B=0.99, thresh_xmfp=30.0, atomic_fit_name='hg97', find_Teq=False, z=None, verbose=False, tol=1e-10, thin=False)[source]

Solves a slab geometry with plane parallel radiation incident from both sides. The slab is divided into Nl layers.


Edges (array): Distance to layer edges

T (array): Temperature in each layer

nH (array): hydrogen number density in each layer

nHe (array): helium number density in each layer

rad_src (PlaneSource): Plane source


The arrays T, nH, and nHe must all be the same size. This size determines the number of shells, Nl. Edges determines the positions of the layer edges and must have Nl+1 entries.


rec_meth (string): How to treat recombinations {“fixed”, “thresh”}

fixed_fcA (float): If rec_meth = “fixed”, constant caseA fraction

thresh_P_A (float): If rec_meth = “thresh”, this is the probability of absorption, P = 1 - exp(-tau), at which the transition to caseB rates begins.

thresh_P_B (float): If rec_meth = “thresh”, this is the probability of absorption, P = 1 - exp(-tau), at which the transition to caseB ends.

thresh_xmfp (float): Determines the distance to probe when calculating optical depth for the caseA to caseB transition. Specifies a multiple of the mean free path for fully neutral gas. In equation form, L = thresh_xmfp / (n * sigma)

atomic_fit_name (string): Source for atomic rate fits {“hg97”}

find_Teq (bool): If False, use fixed input T, if True solve for equilibrium T

z (float): Redshift, only need if find_Teq = True

verbose (bool): Verbose output?

tol (float): tolerance for all convergence tests

thin (bool): if True only solves optically thin


U (Units)

z_c (array): distance from surface of slab to center of layer

dz (array): thickness of layer

NH_c (array): H column density from surface of slab to center of layer

dNH (array): H column density through layer

NH1_c (array): HI column density from surface of slab to center of layer

dNH1 (array): HI column density through layer

H1i (array): HI photo-ionization rate

H1h (array): HI photo-heating rate

xH1 (array): H neutral fraction nHI / nH

xH2 (array): H ionized fraction nHII / nH

ne (array): electron number density

fcA_H2 (array): HII case A fraction

cool (array): cooling rate [erg / (cm^3 K)]

heat (array): heating rate [erg / (cm^3 K)]

heatH1 (array): contribution to heat from H1 photoheating

dtauH1_th (array): HI optical depth at H1 ionizing threshold through layer

tauH1_th_lo (array): HI optical depth below this layer

tauH1_th_hi (array): HI optical depth above this layer

NH1_thru (float): HI column density through entire slab

Nl (int): Number of layers

itr (int): Number of iterations to converge


For many of the attributes above, there are analagous versions for helium. We also note that the source of the atomic rates fit is stored in the variable atomic_fit_name, but the source of the photoionization cross section fits are stored in the point source object in the variable px_fit_type.


The following code will solve a monochromatic source incident onto a slab with fixed recombination rates and temperatues. In this case we use a Haardt and Madau 2012 spectrum to calculate a grey photon energy which is then used to create a monochromatic plane source

import numpy as np
import rabacus as ra

# create Haardt and Madau 2012 source
q_min = 1.0; q_max = 4.0e2; z = 3.0
hm12 = ra.rad_src.PlaneSource( q_min, q_max, 'hm12', z=z )

# get grey photon energy and create a monochromatic plane source
q_mono = hm12.grey.E.He2 / hm12.PX.Eth_H1
mono = ra.rad_src.PlaneSource( q_mono, q_mono, 'monochromatic' )
mono.normalize_H1i( hm12.thin.H1i )

# describe slab
Nl = 512; Yp = 0.24
nH = np.ones(Nl) * 1.5e-2 / ra.U.cm**3
nHe = nH * Yp * 0.25 / (1.0-Yp)
Tslab = np.ones(Nl) * 1.0e4 * ra.U.K
Lslab = 200.0 * ra.U.kpc
Edges = np.linspace( 0.0 * ra.U.kpc, Lslab, Nl+1 )

# solve slab
slab = ra.solvers.Slab2( Edges, Tslab, nH, nHe, mono,
                         rec_meth='fixed', fixed_fcA=1.0 )

Calculate some final values using fully solved slab.


Initialize slab values. We will refer to the surface that coincides with layer 0 as Slo and the surface that coincides with layer Nl-1 as Shi.

return_bounds(i, Ltarget)[source]

Given a shell number and a distance, return the indices such that self.r[i] - self.r[ii] > Ltarget and self.r[ff] - self.r[i] > Ltarget.


Given the optical depth at nu_th for any given species, returns the case A fraction.


Calculate case A fraction for each species in this layer.

i (int): layer index

Set optically thin ionzation state


set photoheating rates for this layer

i (int): layer index

set photoionization rates for this layer

i (int): layer index

Calculate optical depth at the ionization thresholds of each species above and below this layer. Does not include a contribution from the layer itself.

i (int): layer index

Performs one sweep through slab.


rabacus.solvers.calc_slab_analytic module

Provides an analytic solution for a pure hydrogen constant density and temperature slab with monochromatic plane parallel radiation incident from one side.

class rabacus.solvers.calc_slab_analytic.AnalyticSlab(nH, T, H1i_0, y, fcA, Nsamp=500)[source]

Solves an analytic slab. The distance variable used in this solution is the fully neutral optical depth, tauH. To convert this to a distance provide the hydrogen photoionization cross section at a given frequency.


nH (float): constant hydrogen number density

T (float); constant temperature

H1i_0 (float): hydrogen photoionization rate at surface of slab

y (float): quantifies electrons from elements heavier than H, ne = nH * (xH2 + y) (throughout slab)

fcA (float) constant case A recombination fraction.

Nsamp (int): number of spatial samples.

Given a monochromatic photon energy, adds attributes that measure distance using tauH.

rabacus.solvers.one_zone module

Single zone ionization and temperature solvers for primordial gas.

class rabacus.solvers.one_zone.Solve_CE(kchem, fpc=True)[source]

Calculates and stores collisional ionization equilibrium (i.e. all photoionization rates are equal to zero) given a chemistry rates object. This is an exact analytic solution.


kchem (ChemistryRates): Chemistry rates


fpc (bool): If True, perform floating point error correction.


T (array): temperature

T_floor (float): minimum possible input temperature

H1 (array): neutral hydrogen fraction, x_{\rm _{HI}} = n_{\rm _{HI}} / n_{\rm _H}

H2 (array): ionized hydrogen fraction, x_{\rm _{HII}} = n_{\rm _{HII}} / n_{\rm _H}

He1 (array): neutral helium fraction, x_{\rm _{HeI}} = n_{\rm _{HeI}} / n_{\rm _{He}}

He2 (array): singly ionized helium fraction, x_{\rm _{HeII}} = n_{\rm _{HeII}} / n_{\rm _{He}}

He3 (array): doubly ionized helium fraction, x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = n_{\rm _{HeIII}} / n_{\rm _{He}}


This class finds solutions (H1, H2, He1, He2, He3) to the following equations

\frac{dx_{\rm _{HI}}}{dt} &= 
- C_{\rm _{HI}}  x_{\rm _{HI}}
+ R_{\rm _{HII}}  x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0 
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HII}}}{dt} &= 
C_{\rm _{HI}}  x_{\rm _{HI}}
- R_{\rm _{HII}}  x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HeI}}}{dt} &= 
- C_{\rm _{HeI}}  x_{\rm _{HeI}}
+ R_{\rm _{HeII}}  x_{\rm _{HeII}} = 0 
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HeII}}}{dt} &= 
C_{\rm _{HeI}}  x_{\rm _{HeI}}
-( C_{\rm _{HeII}}  + R_{\rm _{HeII}}  ) x_{\rm _{HeII}} +
R_{\rm _{HeIII}}  x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0 
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HeIII}}}{dt} &= 
C_{\rm _{HeII}}  x_{\rm _{HeII}}
- R_{\rm _{HeIII}}  x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0

with the following closure relationship

1 &= x_{\rm _{HI}} + x_{\rm _{HII}}  \\
1 &= x_{\rm _{HeI}} + x_{\rm _{HeII}} + x_{\rm _{HeIII}}

where the C_{\rm _X} are collisional ionization rates and the R_{\rm _X} are recombination rates. These solutions depend only on temperature.


The following code will solve for collisional ionization equilibrium at 128 temperatures equally spaced between 1.0e4 and 1.0e5 K using case A recombination rates for all species:

import numpy as np
import rabacus as ra
N = 128
T = np.logspace( 4.0, 5.0, N ) * ra.u.K 
fcA_H2 = 1.0; fcA_He2 = 1.0; fcA_He3 = 1.0
kchem = ra.ChemistryRates( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3 )
x_ce = ra.solvers.Solve_CE( kchem )

See also

Solve_PCE, Solve_PCTE


This function is called when a new instance of Solve_CE is created. Updated ionization fractions can be calculated by calling it again with a new kchem object.


kchem (ChemistryRates): Chemistry rates
class rabacus.solvers.one_zone.Solve_PCE(nH_in, nHe_in, kchem, fpc=True, verbose=False, two_dim_output=False, tol=1e-10)[source]

Stores and calculates photo-collisional ionization equilibrium given the density of hydrogen and helium plus a chemistry rates object. This is an iterative solution. The shape of the output depends on the shape of the input arrays. There are two important numbers, Nrho and NT. Nrho is the size of the density arrays nH_in and nHe_in (both of which must be the same). NT is the size of the temperature array in kchem. If two_dim_output = False, the density and temperature arrays must have the same size and the output arrays are 1-D of that size. If two_dim_output = True, all the main output arrays will have shape (Nrho,NT). In this case, an ionization state solution will be produced for each possible combination of input density and temperature.


The user must pass in photoionization rates for each species when creating the chemistry rates object (see examples below).


nH_in (array): number density of hydrogen

nHe_in (array): number density of helium

kchem (ChemistryRates): chemistry rates


fpc (bool): If True, perform floating point error correction.

verbose (bool): If True, produce verbose output

two_dim_output (bool): If True, produce a solution for every possible density-temperature pair

tol (float): convergence tolerance, abs(1 - ne_new / ne_old) < tol


nH (array): H number density. Matches output array shape (i.e. equal to nH_in if two_dim_output = False.)

nHe (array): He number density. Matches output array shape. (i.e. equal to nHe_in if two_dim_output = False.)

ne (array): electron number density

T (array): temperature

T_floor (float): minimum possible temperature

H1 (array): neutral hydrogen fraction, x_{\rm _{HI}} = n_{\rm _{HI}} / n_{\rm _H}

H2 (array): ionized hydrogen fraction, x_{\rm _{HII}} = n_{\rm _{HII}} / n_{\rm _H}

He1 (array): neutral helium fraction, x_{\rm _{HeI}} = n_{\rm _{HeI}} / n_{\rm _{He}}

He2 (array): singly ionized helium fraction, x_{\rm _{HeII}} = n_{\rm _{HeII}} / n_{\rm _{He}}

He3 (array): doubly ionized helium fraction, x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = n_{\rm _{HeIII}} / n_{\rm _{He}}

Hatom (Hydrogen): H atom

itr (int): number of iterations to converge

ne_min (array): electron density in collisional equilibrium

ne_max (array): electron density for full ionization

xH1_ana (array): analytic H neutral fraction (neglects electrons from elements other than H)

ne_ana (array): electron number density implied by xH1_ana

x_ce (Solve_CE): the collisional equilibrium solutions.


This class finds solutions (H1, H2, He1, He2, He3) to the following equations

\frac{dx_{\rm _{HI}}}{dt} &= 
- (\Gamma_{\rm _{HI}} + C_{\rm _{HI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HI}}
+ R_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0 
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HII}}}{dt} &= 
(\Gamma_{\rm _{HI}} + C_{\rm _{HI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HI}}       
- R_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HeI}}}{dt} &= 
- (\Gamma_{\rm _{HeI}} + C_{\rm _{HeI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HeI}}
+ R_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeII}} = 0 
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HeII}}}{dt} &= 
(\Gamma_{\rm _{HeI}} + C_{\rm _{HeI}} n_{\rm _e}) 
x_{\rm _{HeI}} - \\
& \quad ( \Gamma_{\rm _{HeII}} + C_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} + 
R_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} ) 
x_{\rm _{HeII}} + \\
& \quad R_{\rm _{HeIII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0 
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HeIII}}}{dt} &= 
(\Gamma_{\rm _{HeII}} + C_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e}) 
x_{\rm _{HeII}}
- R_{\rm _{HeIII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0

with the following closure relationships

1 &= x_{\rm _{HI}} + x_{\rm _{HII}} 
1 &= x_{\rm _{HeI}} + x_{\rm _{HeII}} + x_{\rm _{HeIII}} 
n_{\rm e} &= x_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _{H}} + 
( x_{\rm _{HeII}} + 2 x_{\rm _{HeIII}} ) n_{\rm _{He}}

where the \Gamma_{\rm _X} are photoionization rates, the C_{\rm _X} are collisional ionization rates and the R_{\rm _X} are recombination rates. These solutions depend on temperature and density.


The 1-D output is the default setting. The following code will solve for photo-collisional ionization equilibrium at 128 density-temperature pairs using recombination rates half way between case A and case B for all species. Note that the photoionization rate arrays are grouped with the chemistry rates and so should always be the same size as the temperature array:

import numpy as np
import rabacus as ra

fcA_H2 = 0.5; fcA_He2 = 0.5; fcA_He3 = 0.5

N = 128; Nrho = NT = N; Yp = 0.24

nH = np.linspace( 1.0e-4, 1.0e-3, Nrho ) / ra.U.cm**3
nHe = nH * 0.25 * Yp / (1-Yp)
T = np.linspace( 1.0e4, 1.0e5, NT ) * ra.U.K

H1i = np.ones( NT ) * 8.22e-13 / ra.U.s
He1i = np.ones( NT ) * 4.76e-13 / ra.U.s
He2i = np.ones( NT ) * 3.51e-15 / ra.U.s

kchem = ra.atomic.ChemistryRates( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3,
                                  H1i=H1i, He1i=He1i, He2i=He2i )

x_pce_1D = ra.solvers.Solve_PCE( nH, nHe, kchem )

If the two_dim_output keyword is set to True, a solution will be produced for all possible combinations of density and temperature. In the following example, the output arrays will have shape (Nrho,NT):

import numpy as np
import rabacus as ra

fcA_H2 = 0.5; fcA_He2 = 0.5; fcA_He3 = 0.5

Nrho = 128; NT = 32; Yp = 0.24

nH = np.linspace( 1.0e-4, 1.0e-3, Nrho ) / ra.U.cm**3
nHe = nH * 0.25 * Yp / (1-Yp)
T = np.linspace( 1.0e4, 1.0e5, NT ) * ra.U.K

H1i = np.ones( NT ) * 8.22e-13 / ra.U.s
He1i = np.ones( NT ) * 4.76e-13 / ra.U.s
He2i = np.ones( NT ) * 3.51e-15 / ra.U.s

kchem = ra.ChemistryRates( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3,
                           H1i=H1i, He1i=He1i, He2i=He2i )

x_pce_2D = ra.solvers.Solve_PCE( nH, nHe, kchem, 
                                 two_dim_output=True )

See also

Solve_CE, Solve_PCTE

set(nH_in, nHe_in, kchem)[source]

This function is called when a new instance of Solve_PCE is created. Updated ionization fractions can be calculated by calling it again with new densities and a new kchem object.


nH_in (array): number density of hydrogen

nHe_in (array): number density of helium

kchem (ChemistryRates): chemistry rates

class rabacus.solvers.one_zone.Solve_PCTE(nH_in, nHe_in, kchem, kcool, z, Hz=None, sd93_logZ=None, fpc=True, verbose=False, tol=1e-10)[source]

Stores and calculates photo-collisional-thermal ionization and temperature equilibrium given the density of hydrogen and helium plus chemistry and cooling rate objects. In other words, a self-consistent equilibrium temperature and ionization state will be found for the input density and redshift. This is an iterative solution. All input arrays should be 1-D. Note that the temperature arrays in kchem and kcool will be altered. It is not important which temperatures are used to initialize the objects kchem and kcool. It IS important that you initialize them with photoionization and photoheating rates. Because we are searching for one temperature for each density all input arrays must have the same shape.


The user must pass in photoionization rates for each species when creating the chemistry rates object and photoheating rates for each species when creating the cooling rates object (see examples below).


nH_in (array): number density of hydrogen

nHe_in (array): number density of helium

kchem (ChemistryRates): chemistry rates

kcool (CoolingRates): cooling rates

z (float): Redshift. Important for Compton cooling


Hz (float): Hubble parameter at z if Hubble cooling is desired.

sd93_logZ (float): set to log metallicity (log Z) to use metal cooling in CIE from Sutherland and Dopita 1993

fpc (bool): If True, perform floating point error correction.

verbose (bool): If True, produce verbose output

tol (float): convergence tolerance, abs(1 - ne_new / ne_old) < tol


nH (array): H number density.

nHe (array): He number density.

ne (array): electron number density

T_floor (float): minimum possible temperature

H1 (array): neutral hydrogen fraction, x_{\rm _{HI}} = n_{\rm _{HI}} / n_{\rm _H}

H2 (array): ionized hydrogen fraction, x_{\rm _{HII}} = n_{\rm _{HII}} / n_{\rm _H}

He1 (array): neutral helium fraction, x_{\rm _{HeI}} = n_{\rm _{HeI}} / n_{\rm _{He}}

He2 (array): singly ionized helium fraction, x_{\rm _{HeII}} = n_{\rm _{HeII}} / n_{\rm _{He}}

He3 (array): doubly ionized helium fraction, x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = n_{\rm _{HeIII}} / n_{\rm _{He}}

Teq (array): equilibrium temperature

cool (array): cooling rate at final state (should be equal to heat)

heat (array): heating rate at final state (should be equal to cool)

itr (int): number of iterations to converge

Tcmb (float): CMB temperature at input redshift


This class finds solutions (H1, H2, He1, He2, He3, Teq) to the following equations

\frac{dx_{\rm _{HI}}}{dt} &= 
- (\Gamma_{\rm _{HI}} + C_{\rm _{HI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HI}}
+ R_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0 
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HII}}}{dt} &= 
(\Gamma_{\rm _{HI}} + C_{\rm _{HI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HI}}       
- R_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HeI}}}{dt} &= 
- (\Gamma_{\rm _{HeI}} + C_{\rm _{HeI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HeI}}
+ R_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeII}} = 0 
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HeII}}}{dt} &= 
(\Gamma_{\rm _{HeI}} + C_{\rm _{HeI}} n_{\rm _e}) 
x_{\rm _{HeI}} - \\
& \quad ( \Gamma_{\rm _{HeII}} + C_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} + 
R_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} ) 
x_{\rm _{HeII}} + \\
& \quad R_{\rm _{HeIII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0 
\frac{dx_{\rm _{HeIII}}}{dt} &= 
(\Gamma_{\rm _{HeII}} + C_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e}) 
x_{\rm _{HeII}}
- R_{\rm _{HeIII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0 
\frac{du}{dt} &= \mathcal{H} - \Lambda_{\rm c} = 0

with the following closure relationships

1 &= x_{\rm _{HI}} + x_{\rm _{HII}} 
1 &= x_{\rm _{HeI}} + x_{\rm _{HeII}} + x_{\rm _{HeIII}} 
n_{\rm e} &= x_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _{H}} + 
( x_{\rm _{HeII}} + 2 x_{\rm _{HeIII}} ) n_{\rm _{He}}
u &= \frac{3}{2} ( n_{\rm _H} + n_{\rm _{He}} + n_{\rm _e} )
k_{\rm b} T

In the equations above, the \Gamma_{\rm _X} are photoionization rates, the C_{\rm _X} are collisional ionization rates, the R_{\rm _X} are recombination rates, u is the internal energy, \mathcal{H} is the heating function, and \Lambda_{\rm c} is the cooling function. These solutions depend on temperature and density.


The following code will solve for photo-collisional-thermal ionization equilibrium at 128 densities using case B recombination rates for all species. The photoionization and heating rates are taken from the Haardt and Madau 2012 model. Note that the photoionization rate arrays are grouped with the chemistry rates and the photo-heating rate arrays are grouped with the cooling rates:

import numpy as np
import rabacus as ra

N = 128; Yp = 0.24; z=3.0
fcA_H2 = fcA_He2 = fcA_He3 = 0.0

nH = np.linspace( 1.0e-4, 1.0e-3, N ) / ra.U.cm**3
nHe = nH * 0.25 * Yp / (1-Yp)
T = np.linspace( 1.0e4, 1.0e5, N ) * ra.U.K

hmr = ra.uv_bgnd.HM12_Photorates_Table()

H1i = np.ones(N) * hmr.H1i(z)
He1i = np.ones(N) * hmr.He1i(z)
He2i = np.ones(N) * hmr.He2i(z)
kchem = ra.atomic.ChemistryRates( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3,
                                  H1i=H1i, He1i=He1i, He2i=He2i )

H1h = np.ones(N) * hmr.H1h(z)
He1h = np.ones(N) * hmr.He1h(z)
He2h = np.ones(N) * hmr.He2h(z)
kcool = ra.atomic.CoolingRates( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3,
                                H1h=H1h, He1h=He1h, He2h=He2h )

x_pcte = ra.solvers.Solve_PCTE( nH, nHe, kchem, kcool, z )

See also

Solve_CE, Solve_PCE

set(nH_in, nHe_in, kchem, kcool, z)[source]

This function is called when a new instance of Solve_PCTE is created. Updated solutions can be calculated by calling it again with new densities and new chemistry and cooling objects.


nH_in (array): number density of hydrogen

nHe_in (array): number density of helium

kchem (ChemistryRates): chemistry rates

kcool (CoolingRates): cooling rates

z (float): Redshift. Important for Compton and Bremsstrahlung cooling

Module contents

Tools for calculating the ionization and temperature structure in primordial (i.e. composed of only hydrogen and helium) cosmological gas. The single zone solvers in one_zone form the core of this package and contain classes for solving three types of ionization/temperature equilibrium,

  • (Solve_CE) collisional equilibrium in which ionization fractions are found such that collisional ionizations are balanced by recombinations at a fixed temperature.
  • (Solve_PCE) photo-collisional equilibrium in which ionization fractions are found such that photo and collisional ionizations are balanced by recombinations at a fixed temperature.
  • (Solve_PCTE) photo-collisional-thermal equilibrium in which ionization fractions are found such that photo and collisional ionizations are balanced by recombinations and a temperature is found such that heating balances cooling.

The other modules in this package make use of one_zone to calculate the ionization and/or temperature structure in the case of specific geometries and sources.

  • (calc_slab) An infinite plane gas distribution with plane parallel radiation incident from one side.
  • (calc_slab_2) An infinite plane gas distribution with plane parallel radiation incident from both sides.
  • (calc_iliev_sphere) A spherically symmetric gas distribution with a point source at the center.

Recombination radiation

Recombination radiation is handled in all solutions using the “variable on-the-spot” approximation. In the standard “on-the-spot” approximation, the effect of ionizing recombination photons are modeled by reducing the recombination rate. The recombination rate to all atomic levels is called the case A rate. Recombinations to the ground state can cause ionizations and so a case B rate is defined that negelects these recombinations,

\alpha_{\rm B} = \alpha_{\rm A} - \alpha_{\rm 1}

We define a variable called the case A fraction, f_{\rm A}, for each recombining ionic species \{ {\scriptstyle{\rm HII, \, HeII, \, HeIII }} \} such that the recombination rate used in the solution is,

\log \alpha = \log \alpha_{\rm A} f_{\rm A} + 
    \log \alpha_{\rm B} (1-f_{\rm A})

The solutions above discretize spheres into thin shells and planes into thin slabs. We will refer to both of these as discrete elements. The main variable that determines what f_{\rm A} will be in each discrete element is rec_meth. If rec_meth = fixed then a constant case A fraction, f_{\rm A} = fixed_fcA, is used in each element. If rec_meth = thresh, the case A fraction will vary in each discrete element. For each element, the optical depth is probed out to a fixed distance, L. The probability of a recombination photon being absorbed is then calculated,

P = 1 - \exp[ -\tau(\nu_{\rm _X})]

where \tau(\nu_{\rm _X}) is the optical depth for a given species at its ionization threshold. This probability is then used to interpolate between case A and case B rates. The variable thresh_P_A (P_{\rm A}) determines the probability at which the transition to case B starts and the variable thresh_P_B (P_{\rm B}) determines the probability at which the transition to case B ends. The variable thresh_xmfp (C) determines the distance L and represents a multiplier to the fully neutral mean free path in a discrete element,

\lambda = ( n \sigma_{\rm _X} )^{-1}, \quad L = C \lambda

where n is either n_{\rm _H} or n_{\rm _{He}}. If P < P_{\rm A} then f_{\rm A} = 1, if P > P_{\rm B} then f_{\rm A} = 0, otherwise,

f_{\rm A} =   (P_{\rm B} - P) / ( P_{\rm B} - P_{\rm A} )