Source code for rabacus.solvers.calc_iliev_sphere

""" Solves a sphere with a point source at the center.  Canonical examples
are Tests 1 and 2 from """

import numpy as np
import one_zone as ozn
from rabacus.atomic import chemistry
from rabacus.atomic import cooling
from rabacus.constants import units
from rabacus.utils import utils

__all__ = ['IlievSphere']

[docs]class IlievSphere: """ Stores and calculates equilibrium ionization (and optionally temperature) structure in a spherically symmetric geometry with a point source at the center. The sphere is divided into `Nl` shells. We will refer to the center of the sphere as "C" and the radius of the sphere as "R". Args: `Edges` (array): Radius of all shell edges `T` (array): Temperature in each shell `nH` (array): Hydrogen number density in each shell `nHe` (array): Helium number density in each shell `rad_src` (:class:`~rabacus.rad_src.point.PointSource`): Point source .. note:: The arrays `T`, `nH`, and `nHe` must all be the same size. This size determines the number of shells, `Nl`. `Edges` determines the positions of the shell edges and must have `Nl+1` entries. Kwargs: `rec_meth` (string): How to treat recombinations {"fixed"} `fixed_fcA` (float): If `rec_meth` = "fixed", constant caseA fraction `atomic_fit_name` (string): Source for atomic rate fits {"hg97"} `find_Teq` (bool): If ``False``, use fixed input T, if ``True`` solve for equilibrium T `z` (float): Redshift, only need if `find_Teq` = ``True`` `verbose` (bool): Verbose output? `tol` (float): tolerance for all convergence tests `thin` (bool): if ``True`` only solves optically thin Attributes: `U` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.units.Units`) `r_c` (array): distance from C to center of shell `dr` (array): radial thickness of shell `NH_c` (array): H column density from C to center of shell `dNH` (array): H column density through shell `NH1_c` (array): HI column density from C to center of shell `dNH1` (array): HI column density through shell `H1i` (array): HI photo-ionization rate `H1h` (array): HI photo-heating rate `xH1` (array): H neutral fraction nHI / nH `xH2` (array): H ionized fraction nHII / nH `ne` (array): electron number density `fcA_H2` (array): HII case A fraction `cool` (array): cooling rate [erg / (cm^3 K)] `heat` (array): heating rate [erg / (cm^3 K)] `heatH1` (array): contribution to `heat` from H1 photo-heating `dtauH1_th` (array): HI optical depth at H1 ionizing threshold through shell `tauH1_th_lo` (array): HI optical depth below this shell `tauH1_th_hi` (array): HI optical depth above this shell `NH1_thru` (float): HI column density from C to R `Nl` (int): Number of shells `itr` (int): Number of iterations to converge .. note:: For many of the attributes above, there are analagous versions for helium. We also note that the source of the atomic rates fit is stored in the variable `atomic_fit_name`, but the source of the photoionization cross section fits are stored in the point source object in the variable `px_fit_type`. Examples: The following code will solve a monochromatic point source inside a spherical distribution with fixed recombination rates and temperatues. In this case we use a Haardt and Madau 2012 spectrum to calculate a grey photon energy which is then used to create a monochromatic plane source :: import numpy as np import rabacus as ra # create Haardt and Madau 2012 source #--------------------------------------------------------------- q_min = 1.0; q_max = 4.0e2; z = 3.0 hm12 = ra.rad_src.PointSource( q_min, q_max, 'hm12', z=z ) # get grey photon energy and create a monochromatic plane source #--------------------------------------------------------------- q_mono = hm12.grey.E.He2 / hm12.PX.Eth_H1 mono = ra.rad_src.PointSource( q_mono, q_mono, 'monochromatic' ) mono.normalize_Ln( 5.0e48 / ra.U.s ) # describe slab #--------------------------------------------------------------- Nl = 512; Yp = 0.24 nH = np.ones(Nl) * 1.0e-3 /**3 nHe = nH * Yp * 0.25 / (1.0-Yp) Tslab = np.ones(Nl) * 1.0e4 * ra.U.K Rsphere = 6.6 * ra.U.kpc Edges = np.linspace( 0.0 * ra.U.kpc, Rsphere, Nl+1 ) # solve slab #--------------------------------------------------------------- sphere = ra.solvers.IlievSphere( Edges, Tslab, nH, nHe, mono, rec_meth='fixed', fixed_fcA=0.0 ) """ def __init__(self, Edges, T, nH, nHe, rad_src, # rec_meth = "fixed", fixed_fcA = 1.0, atomic_fit_name = "hg97", find_Teq = False, z = None, verbose = False, tol = 1.0e-10, thin = False, ): # attach units #----------------------------------------------- self.U = units.Units() # check input #----------------------------------------------- assert( Edges.size == T.size + 1 ) assert( T.shape == nH.shape == nHe.shape ) assert( T.shape == (T.size,) ) assert( rec_meth == 'fixed' ) if find_Teq and z==None: msg = 'need to supply redshift if finding equilibrium temperature' raise utils.InputError(msg) if rad_src.source_type != 'point': msg = 'source type needs to be point' raise utils.InputError(msg) # set units #----------------------------------------------- Edges.units = 'cm' T.units = 'K' nH.units = '1.0/cm^3' nHe.units = '1.0/cm^3' # attach input #----------------------------------------------- self.Edges = Edges.copy() self.T = T.copy() self.nH = nH.copy() self.nHe = nHe.copy() self.rad_src = rad_src self.rec_meth = rec_meth if self.rec_meth == 'fixed': self.fixed_fcA = fixed_fcA self.atomic_fit_name = atomic_fit_name self.find_Teq = find_Teq self.verbose = verbose self.tol = tol self.thin = thin if find_Teq: self.z = z # initialize sphere #----------------------------------------------- self.init_sphere() self.set_optically_thin() if self.thin: return # solve sphere (sweep until convergence) #----------------------------------------------------------- conv_old = np.sum( ) not_converged = True self.itr = 0 while not_converged: self.sweep_sphere() conv_new = np.sum( ) if np.abs( conv_new/conv_old - 1.0 ) < self.tol: not_converged = False conv_old = conv_new self.itr += 1 # finalize slab #----------------------------------------------------------- self.finalize_sphere()
[docs] def init_sphere( self ): """ Initialize sphere values. """ if self.verbose: print 'begin initialization' # set arbitrary radius #----------------------------------------------- r = 1.0 * self.U.kpc # instantiate atomic rates (optically thin) #----------------------------------------------- fcA_H2 = self.fixed_fcA fcA_He2 = self.fixed_fcA fcA_He3 = self.fixed_fcA kchem = chemistry.ChemistryRates( self.T[0], fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1i = self.rad_src.thin.H1i(r), He1i = self.rad_src.thin.He1i(r), He2i = self.rad_src.thin.He2i(r), fit_name = self.atomic_fit_name ) kcool = cooling.CoolingRates( self.T[0], fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h = self.rad_src.thin.H1h(r), He1h = self.rad_src.thin.He1h(r), He2h = self.rad_src.thin.He2h(r), fit_name = self.atomic_fit_name ) self.kchem = kchem self.kcool = kcool if self.verbose: print ' created kchem and kcool' # setup arrays #----------------------------------------------- self.Nl = self.nH.size Nl = self.Nl self.dr = self.Edges[1:] - self.Edges[0:-1] self.r_c = self.Edges[0:-1] + 0.5 * self.dr self.xH1 = np.zeros(Nl) self.dNH1 = np.zeros(Nl) /**2 self.dtauH1_th = np.zeros(Nl) self.tauH1_th_lo = np.zeros(Nl) # H1 optical depth below layer self.tauH1_th_hi = np.zeros(Nl) # H1 optical depth above layer self.H1i = np.zeros(Nl) / self.U.s self.H1h = np.zeros(Nl) * self.U.eV / self.U.s self.fcA_H2 = np.zeros(Nl) self.xHe1 = np.zeros(Nl) self.dNHe1 = np.zeros(Nl) /**2 self.dtauHe1_th = np.zeros(Nl) self.tauHe1_th_lo = np.zeros(Nl) # He1 optical depth below layer self.tauHe1_th_hi = np.zeros(Nl) # He1 optical depth above layer self.He1i = np.zeros(Nl) / self.U.s self.He1h = np.zeros(Nl) * self.U.eV / self.U.s self.fcA_He2 = np.zeros(Nl) self.xHe2 = np.zeros(Nl) self.dNHe2 = np.zeros(Nl) /**2 self.dtauHe2_th = np.zeros(Nl) self.tauHe2_th_lo = np.zeros(Nl) # He2 optical depth below layer self.tauHe2_th_hi = np.zeros(Nl) # He2 optical depth above layer self.He2i = np.zeros(Nl) / self.U.s self.He2h = np.zeros(Nl) * self.U.eV / self.U.s self.fcA_He3 = np.zeros(Nl) = np.zeros(Nl) * self.U.eV / (self.U.s ***3) self.heat = np.zeros(Nl) * self.U.eV / (self.U.s ***3) self.heatH1 = np.zeros(Nl) * self.U.eV / (self.U.s ***3) self.heatHe1 = np.zeros(Nl) * self.U.eV / (self.U.s ***3) self.heatHe2 = np.zeros(Nl) * self.U.eV / (self.U.s ***3) self.xH2 = np.zeros(Nl) self.xHe3 = np.zeros(Nl) = np.zeros(Nl) /**3 if self.verbose: print ' created simple arrays' # calc NH and NHe between C and center of each layer #---------------------------------------- self.dNH = self.dr * self.nH self.dNHe = self.dr * self.nHe self.NH_c = np.zeros(Nl) /**2 self.NHe_c = np.zeros(Nl) /**2 for i in xrange(Nl): self.NH_c[i] = np.sum( self.dNH[0:i] ) + 0.5 * self.dNH[i] self.NHe_c[i] = np.sum( self.dNHe[0:i] ) + 0.5 * self.dNHe[i] if self.verbose: print 'initialization complete'
[docs] def set_optically_thin( self ): """ Set optically thin ionzation state at input temperature. Adjustments will be made during the sweeps. """ # initialize a chemistry object #---------------------------------------- fcA_H2 = self.fixed_fcA fcA_He2 = self.fixed_fcA fcA_He3 = self.fixed_fcA kchem = chemistry.ChemistryRates( self.T[0], fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1i = self.rad_src.thin.H1i( self.r_c[0] ), He1i = self.rad_src.thin.He1i( self.r_c[0] ), He2i = self.rad_src.thin.He2i( self.r_c[0] ), fit_name = self.atomic_fit_name, ) kcool = cooling.CoolingRates( self.T[0], fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h = self.rad_src.thin.H1h( self.r_c[0] ), He1h = self.rad_src.thin.He1h( self.r_c[0] ), He2h = self.rad_src.thin.He2h( self.r_c[0] ), fit_name = self.atomic_fit_name, ) # loop through layers and set x #---------------------------------------- for i in range(self.Nl): H1i = self.rad_src.thin.H1i( self.r_c[i] ) He1i = self.rad_src.thin.He1i( self.r_c[i] ) He2i = self.rad_src.thin.He2i( self.r_c[i] ) kchem.set( self.T[i], fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1i=H1i, He1i=He1i, He2i=He2i ) H1h = self.rad_src.thin.H1h( self.r_c[i] ) He1h = self.rad_src.thin.He1h( self.r_c[i] ) He2h = self.rad_src.thin.He2h( self.r_c[i] ) kcool.set( self.T[i], fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h=H1h, He1h=He1h, He2h=He2h ) if self.find_Teq: x = ozn.Solve_PCTE( self.nH[i], self.nHe[i], kchem, kcool, self.z, self.tol ) self.T[i] = x.Teq else: x = ozn.Solve_PCE( self.nH[i], self.nHe[i], kchem, self.tol ) self.xH1[i] = x.H1 self.xH2[i] = x.H2 self.xHe1[i] = x.He1 self.xHe2[i] = x.He2 self.xHe3[i] = x.He3 # summarize #---------------------------------------- self.dNH1 = self.dNH * self.xH1 self.dNHe1 = self.dNHe * self.xHe1 self.dNHe2 = self.dNHe * self.xHe2 self.dtauH1_th = self.dNH1 * self.dtauHe1_th = self.dNHe1 * self.dtauHe2_th = self.dNHe2 * = self.xH2 * self.nH + \ ( self.xHe2 + 2 * self.xHe3 ) * self.nHe
[docs] def set_taus( self, i ): """ Calculate optical depth at the ionization thresholds of each species above and below this layer. Does not include a contribution from the layer itself. Args: `i` (int): layer index """ self.tauH1_th_lo[i] = np.sum( self.dtauH1_th[0:i] ) self.tauH1_th_hi[i] = np.sum( self.dtauH1_th[i+1:self.Nl] ) self.tauHe1_th_lo[i] = np.sum( self.dtauHe1_th[0:i] ) self.tauHe1_th_hi[i] = np.sum( self.dtauHe1_th[i+1:self.Nl] ) self.tauHe2_th_lo[i] = np.sum( self.dtauHe2_th[0:i] ) self.tauHe2_th_hi[i] = np.sum( self.dtauHe2_th[i+1:self.Nl] )
[docs] def set_photoion_rates( self, i ): """ set photoionization rates for this layer Args: `i` (int): layer index """ tauH1_th = np.float( self.tauH1_th_lo[i] + 0.5 * self.dtauH1_th[i] ) tauHe1_th = np.float( self.tauHe1_th_lo[i] + 0.5 * self.dtauHe1_th[i] ) tauHe2_th = np.float( self.tauHe2_th_lo[i] + 0.5 * self.dtauHe2_th[i] ) self.H1i[i] = self.rad_src.shld_H1i( self.r_c[i], tauH1_th, tauHe1_th, tauHe2_th ) self.He1i[i] = self.rad_src.shld_He1i( self.r_c[i], tauH1_th, tauHe1_th, tauHe2_th ) self.He2i[i] = self.rad_src.shld_He2i( self.r_c[i], tauH1_th, tauHe1_th, tauHe2_th )
[docs] def set_photoheat_rates( self, i ): """ set photoheating rates for this layer Args: `i` (int): layer index """ tauH1_th = np.float( self.tauH1_th_lo[i] + 0.5 * self.dtauH1_th[i] ) tauHe1_th = np.float( self.tauHe1_th_lo[i] + 0.5 * self.dtauHe1_th[i] ) tauHe2_th = np.float( self.tauHe2_th_lo[i] + 0.5 * self.dtauHe2_th[i] ) self.H1h[i] = self.rad_src.shld_H1h( self.r_c[i], tauH1_th, tauHe1_th, tauHe2_th ) self.He1h[i] = self.rad_src.shld_He1h( self.r_c[i], tauH1_th, tauHe1_th, tauHe2_th ) self.He2h[i] = self.rad_src.shld_He2h( self.r_c[i], tauH1_th, tauHe1_th, tauHe2_th )
[docs] def sweep_sphere(self): """ Performs one sweep through sphere. """ for i in xrange(self.Nl): if self.verbose: print 'i = ', i # calc tauXX above and below this layer # (constant during iterations) #---------------------------------------- self.set_taus( i ) # set fcA #---------------------------------------- self.fcA_H2 = np.ones(self.Nl) * self.fixed_fcA self.fcA_He2 = np.ones(self.Nl) * self.fixed_fcA self.fcA_He3 = np.ones(self.Nl) * self.fixed_fcA # iterate until we have convergence in the optical # depth through this layer #-------------------------------------------------- conv_old = self.dtauH1_th[i] + \ self.dtauHe1_th[i] + self.dtauHe2_th[i] not_converged = True itr = 0 while not_converged: # calculate photoion / chemistry rates #---------------------------------------- self.set_photoion_rates( i ) self.kchem.set( self.T[i], self.fcA_H2[i], self.fcA_He2[i], self.fcA_He3[i], H1i = self.H1i[i], He1i = self.He1i[i], He2i = self.He2i[i] ) # calculate photoheat / cooling rates #---------------------------------------- self.set_photoheat_rates( i ) self.kcool.set( self.T[i], self.fcA_H2[i], self.fcA_He2[i], self.fcA_He3[i], H1h = self.H1h[i], He1h = self.He1h[i], He2h = self.He2h[i] ) # if we are finding the equilibrium temperature # we need to call IonTemp_Eq #---------------------------------------- if self.find_Teq: x = ozn.Solve_PCTE( np.ones(1) * self.nH[i], np.ones(1) * self.nHe[i], self.kchem, self.kcool, self.z, self.tol ) self.T[i] = x.Teq # otherwise we call Ion_Eq #---------------------------------------- else: x = ozn.Solve_PCE( np.ones(1) * self.nH[i], np.ones(1) * self.nHe[i], self.kchem, self.tol ) # set the ionization fraction in the object #---------------------------------------- self.xH1[i] = x.H1 self.xH2[i] = x.H2 self.xHe1[i] = x.He1 self.xHe2[i] = x.He2 self.xHe3[i] = x.He3 # calculate heating rates in layer #---------------------------------------- self.heatH1[i] = self.H1h[i] * self.nH[i] * self.xH1[i] self.heatHe1[i] = self.He1h[i] * self.nHe[i] * self.xHe1[i] self.heatHe2[i] = self.He2h[i] * self.nHe[i] * self.xHe2[i] self.heat[i] = self.heatH1[i] + \ self.heatHe1[i] + self.heatHe2[i] # calculate electron density in layer #----------------------------------------[i] = self.xH2[i] * self.nH[i] + \ ( self.xHe2[i] + 2 * self.xHe3[i] ) * self.nHe[i] # calculate tauXX through layer #---------------------------------------- self.dNH1[i] = self.dNH[i] * self.xH1[i] self.dNHe1[i] = self.dNHe[i] * self.xHe1[i] self.dNHe2[i] = self.dNHe[i] * self.xHe2[i] self.dtauH1_th[i] = self.dNH1[i] * self.dtauHe1_th[i] = self.dNHe1[i] * self.dtauHe2_th[i] = self.dNHe2[i] * # check convergence #---------------------------------------- conv_new = self.dtauH1_th[i] + \ self.dtauHe1_th[i] + self.dtauHe2_th[i] if np.abs( conv_new/conv_old - 1.0 ) < self.tol: not_converged = False conv_old = conv_new itr += 1
[docs] def finalize_sphere( self ): """ Calculate some final values using fully solved sphere. """ # calculate column densities up to each layer #----------------------------------------------------------- self.NH1_c = np.zeros(self.Nl) /**2 self.NHe1_c = np.zeros(self.Nl) /**2 self.NHe2_c = np.zeros(self.Nl) /**2 for i in xrange(self.Nl): self.NH1_c[i] = np.sum( self.dNH1[0:i] ) + 0.5 * self.dNH1[i] self.NHe1_c[i] = np.sum( self.dNHe1[0:i] ) + 0.5 * self.dNHe1[i] self.NHe2_c[i] = np.sum( self.dNHe2[0:i] ) + 0.5 * self.dNHe2[i] # calculate column densities through whole slab #----------------------------------------------------------- self.NH1_thru = np.sum( self.dNH * self.xH1 ) self.logNH1_thru = np.log10( self.NH1_thru.magnitude ) self.NHe1_thru = np.sum( self.dNHe * self.xHe1 ) self.logNHe1_thru = np.log10( self.NHe1_thru.magnitude ) self.NHe2_thru = np.sum( self.dNHe * self.xHe2 ) self.logNHe2_thru = np.log10( self.NHe2_thru.magnitude ) # set preferred units #----------------------------------------------------------- self.r_c.units = 'kpc' # delete things we don't need #----------------------------------------------------------- del(self.kchem) del(self.kcool) # calculate effective photoionization rates # (i.e. the photoionization rates that result in # the same ionization fractions if caseA rates # are used). Note, we assume that the recombination # radiation is peaked near the ionization thresholds # and therefore does not alter the temperature. #------------------------------------------------ kchemA = chemistry.ChemistryRates( self.T, fcA_H2 = 1.0, fcA_He2 = 1.0, fcA_He3 = 1.0, H1i = self.H1i, He1i = self.He1i, He2i = self.He2i, fit_name = self.atomic_fit_name ) self.H1i_eff = kchemA.reH2 * * self.xH2 / self.xH1 - \ kchemA.ciH1 * self.He1i_eff = kchemA.reHe2 * * self.xHe2 / self.xHe1 - \ kchemA.ciHe1 * self.He2i_eff = kchemA.reHe3 * * self.xHe3 / self.xHe2 - \ kchemA.ciHe2 *