
   Open source data acquisition framework

Temperature Monitor

One-line summary: A general purpose, two-channels temperature monitor.

Abstract: Read and display on a strip chart the temperature readout through a pair of thermistors connected to the analog inputs A0 and A1.

Author: Luca Baldini


Dependencies: python, PyQt4, PyQwt, pyserial, avrdude, arduino.

Shield: lab1

Sketch: sktchAnalogSampling


This module is designed to read the two thermistors connected to the analog inputs of the Lab 1 shield. There is no specific application in mind, just a synchronous readout at 2 Hz. It can be used for several applications.

Propagation of heat through a metal bar

A typical experiment is the study of the propagation of heat through a metal bar. One end of the bar is heated using a resistor and the other one is cooled with water; when stationary condition are reached, the temperature gradient can be used to measure the thermal conductivity of the metal.

We can use this module to measure the temperature in different positions along the bar. The continuous readout allows the study of the response time of the sensor (Newton's law of cooling ).