There was at least one successfull attempt of running plasduino on a MAC, by Daniele Trifirò, who is gratefully acknowledged for the content of this page (grazie mille!). It doesn't event look too hard.
First of all you need to install MacPorts, if you don't have it, already.
Next come the dependencies, which is why we need MacPorts in the first place. Open a terminal and type something along the lines of:
$ sudo port install py27-serial
$ sudo port install py27-pyqwt
$ sudo port install avrdude
$ sudo port install ffmpeg
The grab the latest version of plasduino from the download page (you're after the source plasduino-x.y.z.tar.gz file). Unpack the archive in your favourite folder and install it using distutils:
$ cd plasduino-x.y.z
$ sudo python install
>>> import plasduino
You are almost there. Run the initial configuration script (note you'll only have to do this once, from the folder where you unpacked the installation archive):
And this should be it. Launch plasduino from the terminal and enjoy the open-source data acquisition.