
   Open source data acquisition framework


plasduino configuration window

plasduino comes with a fully fledged configuration editor that allows the user to customize several aspects of the data acquisition. The configuration editor can be accessed by either launching the Configuration module (directly or from the main plasduino launcher) of via the Configuration menu in the GUI of any of the package modules—mind that, in this case, the configuration editor gives you only access to the settings that are relevant for that specific module. Note that you have access to each single setting from command line, too (if you do launch the program from the terminal). Invoke the plasduino launcher or any of the modules with the -h option (or see the output below) to have a list of all the available command-line switches.

Behind the scenes, the configuration is stored in a text file (formatted similarly to a Microsoft Windows INI file), namely ~/plasduino/plasduino.cfg (note that by "~", here, we really mean whatever os.path.expanduser('~') returns on your system). This is pretty much the only path that the user cannot change. The configuration editor window acts as an interface from/to this text file (and yes, if you're brave enough you might as well edit the file by hand).

By default, a whole bunch of other files and folders are placed by default in ~/plasduino, most notably the file keeping track of the run number and the directories for the data, log and temp files. All of this can be configured from the "daq" tab of the configuration editor.

Below is an automatically-generated text output from the main plasduino argument parsing class, each one of the command line options (in the long form) being replicated with the exact same name in the configuration editor window. This should give you a rough overview of what you are able to configure and how to do it.

    This is plasduino version 2.0.2 (built on Thu, 06 Feb 2014 14:45:12 +0100).

    Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the plasduino team.
    * Luca Baldini 
    * Johan Enoc Bregeon 
    * Jacopo Nespolo 
    * Melissa Pesce-Rollins 
    * Carmelo Sgro 
    All rights reserved.

    plasduino comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
    This is free software (and hardware), and you are welcome to redistribute
    it under certain conditions. See the LICENSE file for details.

    Visit for more information.

usage: plasduino [-h] [-S STYLE] [-s SKIN] [-r] [-l LANGUAGE]
                 [-t MAX-ACQUISITION-TIME] [-N MAX-NUM-EVENTS]
                 [-i RUN-ID-FILE-PATH] [-D DATA-FILE-DIR] [-c]
                 [-L LOG-FILE-DIR] [-T TMP-FILE-DIR] [-q] [-p ARDUINO-PORT]
                 [-b ARDUINO-BOARD] [-V VENDOR-ID] [-P PRODUCT-ID]
                 [-0 A0-SENSOR] [-1 A1-SENSOR] [-2 A2-SENSOR] [-3 A3-SENSOR]
                 [-4 A4-SENSOR] [-5 A5-SENSOR] [-v VIDEO-DECODER]
                 [-f FRAME-RATE] [-I FRAME-FORMAT] [-o NUM-OBJECTS]

Run plasduino

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

GUI options:
  Graphical user interface configuration

  -S STYLE, --style STYLE
                        style for the main gui [automatic]
  -s SKIN, --skin SKIN  skin for the main gui [cold]
  -r, --run-control-params
                        show the run control configuration parameters in the
                        main GUI [False]
  -l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
                        language for the main gui [en]

DAQ options:
  Data acquisition configuration

                        maximum data acquisition time [None]
  -N MAX-NUM-EVENTS, --max-num-events MAX-NUM-EVENTS
                        maximum number of events to be acquired [None]
  -i RUN-ID-FILE-PATH, --run-id-file-path RUN-ID-FILE-PATH
                        the path to the runId configuration file
  -D DATA-FILE-DIR, --data-file-dir DATA-FILE-DIR
                        the path to the folder for the data files
  -c, --prompt-save-dialog
                        prompt a file dialog at the run stop to save a copy of
                        the processed data [False]
  -L LOG-FILE-DIR, --log-file-dir LOG-FILE-DIR
                        the path to the folder for the log files
  -T TMP-FILE-DIR, --tmp-file-dir TMP-FILE-DIR
                        the path to the folder for temporary files
  -q, --disable-log-file
                        disable the generation of log files [False]

Arduino options:
  Arduino configuration

  -p ARDUINO-PORT, --arduino-port ARDUINO-PORT
                        the usb port arduino is connected to [automatic]
  -b ARDUINO-BOARD, --arduino-board ARDUINO-BOARD
                        the arduino board connected to the computer
  -V VENDOR-ID, --vendor-id VENDOR-ID
                        the arduino usb interface vendor id [automatic]
  -P PRODUCT-ID, --product-id PRODUCT-ID
                        the arduino usb interface product id [automatic]

Sensors settings:
  Sensors and analog inputs

  -0 A0-SENSOR, --a0-sensor A0-SENSOR
                        the sensor attached on input A0 [NXFT15XH103FA2B]
  -1 A1-SENSOR, --a1-sensor A1-SENSOR
                        the sensor attached on input A1 [None]
  -2 A2-SENSOR, --a2-sensor A2-SENSOR
                        the sensor attached on input A2 [None]
  -3 A3-SENSOR, --a3-sensor A3-SENSOR
                        the sensor attached on input A3 [None]
  -4 A4-SENSOR, --a4-sensor A4-SENSOR
                        the sensor attached on input A4 [None]
  -5 A5-SENSOR, --a5-sensor A5-SENSOR
                        the sensor attached on input A5 [None]

Video settings:
  Video and image configuration

  -v VIDEO-DECODER, --video-decoder VIDEO-DECODER
                        the video decoder for processing clips [ffmpeg]
  -f FRAME-RATE, --frame-rate FRAME-RATE
                        override the video frame rate [None]
  -I FRAME-FORMAT, --frame-format FRAME-FORMAT
                        the image format for the frame extraction [png]
  -o NUM-OBJECTS, --num-objects NUM-OBJECTS
                        the number of objects to track in a video [2]

Audio settings:
  Audio configuration

  -R SAMPLE-RATE, --sample-rate SAMPLE-RATE
                        the audio stream sample rate [1024]
  -B BUFFER-SIZE, --buffer-size BUFFER-SIZE
                        the audio stream buffer size [128]
                        the audio stream prescale factor [16]

Have fun with open source data acquisition!