Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Peter Hatina <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.

import sys

from import *

from import LMIObjectFactory
from import LMIWrapperBaseObject
from import lmi_instance_name_fetch_lazy
from import lmi_possibly_deleted
from import lmi_transform_to_lmi
from import lmi_wrap_cim_method

[docs]class LMIInstanceName(LMIWrapperBaseObject): """ LMI wrapper class representing :py:class:`wbem.CIMInstanceName`. :param LMIConnection conn: connection object :param CIMInstanceName cim_instance_name: wrapped object """ def __init__(self, conn, cim_instance_name): if isinstance(cim_instance_name, LMIInstanceName): cim_instance_name = cim_instance_name.wrapped_object # We use __dict__ to avoid recursion potentially caused by # combo __setattr__ and __getattr__ self.__dict__["_cim_instance_name"] = cim_instance_name self.__dict__["_deleted"] = False self.__dict__["_lmi_class"] = None super(LMIInstanceName, self).__init__(conn) def __cmp__(self, other): """ :param LMIInstanceName other: :py:class:`.LMIInstanceName` object to compare :returns: negative number, if self < other; 0 if self == other or positive number, if self > other :rtype: int """ if not isinstance(other, LMIInstanceName): return -1 if self._deleted and not other._deleted: return -1 elif not self._deleted and other._deleted: return 1 return cmp(self._cim_instance_name, other._cim_instance_name) @lmi_possibly_deleted(False) def __contains__(self, key): """ :param string key: key name, which will be tested for presence in keybindings :returns: True, if the specified key is present in keybindings, False otherwise :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return False. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ return key in self._cim_instance_name @lmi_possibly_deleted(None) def __getattr__(self, name): """ Returns class member or key property. :param string name: class member or key property name :returns: class member or key property :raises: :py:exc:`AttributeError`, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return None. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ if name in self._cim_instance_name: member = self._cim_instance_name[name] if isinstance(member, wbem.CIMInstanceName): member = lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, member) return member elif not self._conn.is_wsman() and name in self.methods(): return lmi_wrap_cim_method(self._conn, name, self) elif self._conn.is_wsman() and not name.startswith("_"): return lmi_wrap_cim_method(self._conn, name, self) raise AttributeError(name) @lmi_possibly_deleted(None) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Assigns a new value to class member or key property. :param string name: class member or key property name :param value: new value to assign :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return None. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ if name in self._cim_instance_name.keys(): if isinstance(value, str): # Convert string value into unicode value = unicode(value, "utf-8") elif isinstance( value, (LMIObjectFactory().LMIInstanceName, LMIObjectFactory().LMIInstance)): # Unpack wrapped LMI object value = value.wrapped_object self._cim_instance_name[name] = value else: self.__dict__[name] = value @lmi_possibly_deleted("") def __str__(self): """ :returns: string containing object path :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty string. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ return unicode(self).encode("utf-8") @lmi_possibly_deleted(u"") def __unicode__(self): """ :returns: unicode string containing object path :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty unicode string. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ return unicode(self._cim_instance_name) @lmi_possibly_deleted("") def __repr__(self): """ :returns: pretty string for the object :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty string. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ return "%s(classname=\"%s\"...)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.classname) @lmi_possibly_deleted([])
[docs] def associator_names(self, AssocClass=None, ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None): """ Returns a list of associated :py:class:`.LMIInstanceName` with this object. :param string AssocClass: valid CIM association class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of names by mandating that each returned name identify an object that shall be associated to the source object through an instance of this class or one of its subclasses. :param string ResultClass: valid CIM class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of names by mandating that each returned name identify an object that shall be either an instance of this class (or one of its subclasses) or be this class (or one of its subclasses). :param string Role: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of names by mandating that each returned name identify an object that shall be associated to the source object through an association in which the source object plays the specified role. That is, the name of the property in the association class that refers to the source object shall match the value of this parameter. :param string ResultRole: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of names by mandating that each returned name identify an object that shall be associated to the source object through an association in which the named returned object plays the specified role. That is, the name of the property in the association class that refers to the returned object shall match the value of this parameter. :returns: list of associated :py:class:`.LMIInstanceName` objects :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty list. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`associators_instance_names`. """ assoc_names = self._conn.client.get_associator_names( self._cim_instance_name, AssocClass, ResultClass, Role, ResultRole) return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, assoc_names)
[docs] def first_associator_name(self, AssocClass=None, ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None): """ Returns the first associated :py:class:`.LMIInstanceName` with this object. :param string AssocClass: valid CIM association class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of names by mandating that each returned name identify an object that shall be associated to the source object through an instance of this class or one of its subclasses. :param string ResultClass: valid CIM class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of names by mandating that each returned name identify an object that shall be either an instance of this class (or one of its subclasses) or be this class (or one of its subclasses). :param string Role: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of names by mandating that each returned name identify an object that shall be associated to the source object through an association in which the source object plays the specified role. That is, the name of the property in the association class that refers to the source object shall match the value of this parameter. :param string ResultRole: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of names by mandating that each returned name identify an object that shall be associated to the source object through an association in which the named returned object plays the specified role. That is, the name of the property in the association class that refers to the returned object shall match the value of this parameter. :returns: first associated :py:class:`.LMIInstanceName` object :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return None. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`associators_instance_names`. """ assoc_names = self._conn.client.get_associator_names( self._cim_instance_name, AssocClass, ResultClass, Role, ResultRole, limit=1) if not assoc_names: return None return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, assoc_names[0])
[docs] def associators(self, AssocClass=None, ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None, IncludeQualifiers=False, IncludeClassOrigin=False, PropertyList=None): """ Returns a list of associated :py:class:`.LMIInstance` objects with this instance. :param string AssocClass: valid CIM association class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall be associated to the source object through an instance of this class or one of its subclasses. :param string ResultClass: valid CIM class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall be either an instance of this class (or one of its subclasses) or be this class (or one of its subclasses). :param string Role: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall be associated with the source object through an association in which the source object plays the specified role. That is, the name of the property in the association class that refers to the source object shall match the value of this parameter. :param string ResultRole: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall be associated to the source object through an association in which the returned object plays the specified role. That is, the name of the property in the association class that refers to the returned object shall match the value of this parameter. :param bool IncludeQualifiers: bool flag indicating, if all qualifiers for each object (including qualifiers on the object and on any returned properties) shall be included as ``<QUALIFIER>`` elements in the response. :param bool IncludeClassOrigin: bool flag indicating, if the ``CLASSORIGIN`` attribute shall be present on all appropriate elements in each returned object. :param list PropertyList: if not None, the members of the array define one or more property names. Each returned object shall not include elements for any properties missing from this list. If *PropertyList* is an empty list, no properties are included in each returned object. If it is None, no additional filtering is defined. :returns: list of associated :py:class:`.LMIInstance` objects :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty list. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`associators_instances`. """ associators = self._conn.client.get_associators( self._cim_instance_name, AssocClass, ResultClass, Role, ResultRole, IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList) return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, associators)
[docs] def first_associator(self, AssocClass=None, ResultClass=None, Role=None, ResultRole=None, IncludeQualifiers=False, IncludeClassOrigin=False, PropertyList=None): """ Returns the first associated :py:class:`.LMIInstance` with this object. :param string AssocClass: valid CIM association class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall be associated to the source object through an instance of this class or one of its subclasses. :param string ResultClass: valid CIM class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall be either an instance of this class (or one of its subclasses) or be this class (or one of its subclasses). :param string Role: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall be associated with the source object through an association in which the source object plays the specified role. That is, the name of the property in the association class that refers to the source object shall match the value of this parameter. :param string ResultRole: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall be associated to the source object through an association in which the returned object plays the specified role. That is, the name of the property in the association class that refers to the returned object shall match the value of this parameter. :param bool IncludeQualifiers: bool flag indicating, if all qualifiers for each object (including qualifiers on the object and on any returned properties) shall be included as ``<QUALIFIER>`` elements in the response. :param bool IncludeClassOrigin: bool flag indicating, if the ``CLASSORIGIN`` attribute shall be present on all appropriate elements in each returned object. :param list PropertyList: if not None, the members of the array define one or more property names. Each returned object shall not include elements for any properties missing from this list. If PropertyList is an empty list, no properties are included in each returned object. If it is None, no additional filtering is defined. :returns: first associated :py:class:`.LMIInstance` :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return None. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`associators_instances`. """ associators = self._conn.client.get_associators( self._cim_instance_name, AssocClass, ResultClass, Role, ResultRole, IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList, limit=1) if not associators: return None return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, associators[0])
[docs] def reference_names(self, ResultClass=None, Role=None): """ Returns a list of association :py:class:`.LMIInstanceName` objects with this object. :param string ResultClass: valid CIM class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of object names by mandating that each returned Object Name identify an instance of this class (or one of its subclasses) or this class (or one of its subclasses). :param string Role: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of object names by mandating that each returned object name shall identify an object that refers to the target instance through a property with a name that matches the value of this parameter. :returns: list of association :py:class:`.LMIInstanceName` objects :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty list. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`references_instance_names`. """ reference_names = self._conn.client.get_reference_names( self._cim_instance_name, ResultClass, Role) return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, reference_names)
[docs] def first_reference_name(self, ResultClass=None, Role=None): """ Returns the first association :py:class:`.LMIInstanceName` with this object. :param string ResultClass: valid CIM class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of object names by mandating that each returned Object Name identify an instance of this class (or one of its subclasses) or this class (or one of its subclasses). :param string Role: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of object names by mandating that each returned object name shall identify an object that refers to the target instance through a property with a name that matches the value of this parameter. :returns: first association :py:class:`.LMIInstanceName` object :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return None. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`references_instance_names`. """ reference_names = self._conn.client.get_reference_names( self._cim_instance_name, ResultClass, Role, limit=1) if not reference_names: return None return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, reference_names[0])
[docs] def references(self, ResultClass=None, Role=None, IncludeQualifiers=False, IncludeClassOrigin=False, PropertyList=None): """ Returns a list of association :py:class:`.LMIInstance` objects with this object. :param string ResultClass: valid CIM class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall be an instance of this class (or one of its subclasses) or this class (or one of its subclasses). :param string Role: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall refer to the target object through a property with a name that matches the value of this parameter. :param bool IncludeQualifiers: flag indicating, if all qualifiers for each object (including qualifiers on the object and on any returned properties) shall be included as ``<QUALIFIER>`` elements in the response. :param bool IncludeClassOrigin: flag indicating, if the ``CLASSORIGIN`` attribute shall be present on all appropriate elements in each returned object. :param list PropertyList: if not None, the members of the list define one or more property names. Each returned object shall not include elements for any properties missing from this list. If PropertyList is an empty list, no properties are included in each returned object. If PropertyList is None, no additional filtering is defined. :returns: list of association :py:class:`.LMIInstance` objects :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty list. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`references_instances`. """ references = self._conn.client.get_references( self._cim_instance_name, ResultClass, Role, IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList) return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, references)
[docs] def first_reference(self, ResultClass=None, Role=None, IncludeQualifiers=False, IncludeClassOrigin=False, PropertyList=None): """ Returns the first association :py:class:`.LMIInstance` with this object. :param string ResultClass: valid CIM class name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall be an instance of this class (or one of its subclasses) or this class (or one of its subclasses). :param string Role: valid property name. It acts as a filter on the returned set of objects by mandating that each returned object shall refer to the target object through a property with a name that matches the value of this parameter. :param bool IncludeQualifiers: flag indicating, if all qualifiers for each object (including qualifiers on the object and on any returned properties) shall be included as ``<QUALIFIER>`` elements in the response. :param bool IncludeClassOrigin: flag indicating, if the ``CLASSORIGIN`` attribute shall be present on all appropriate elements in each returned object. :param list PropertyList: if not None, the members of the list define one or more property names. Each returned object shall not include elements for any properties missing from this list. If PropertyList is an empty list, no properties are included in each returned object. If PropertyList is None, no additional filtering is defined. :returns: first association :py:class:`.LMIInstance` object :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return None. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`references_instances`. """ references = self._conn.client.get_references( self._cim_instance_name, ResultClass, Role, IncludeQualifiers, IncludeClassOrigin, PropertyList, limit=1) if not references: return None return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, references[0])
[docs] def copy(self): """ :returns: copy of itself """ return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, self._cim_instance_name.copy())
[docs] def delete(self): """ Deletes the instance defined by this object path from the CIMOM. :returns: True, if the instance is deleted; False otherwise :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return True. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`instance_names_delete`. """ rval, _, _ = self._conn.client.delete_instance( self._cim_instance_name) self._deleted = rval return self._deleted
[docs] def to_instance(self): """ Creates a new :py:class:`.LMIInstance` object from :py:class:`.LMIInstanceName`. :returns: :py:class:`.LMIInstance` object if the object was retrieved successfully; None otherwise. :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return None. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`instance_names_conversion`. """ instance, _, _ = self._conn.client.get_instance( self._cim_instance_name, LocalOnly=False) if not instance: return None return lmi_transform_to_lmi(self._conn, instance)
@lmi_possibly_deleted([]) @lmi_instance_name_fetch_lazy()
[docs] def methods(self): """ Returns a list of :py:class:`wbem.CIMInstance` methods' names. :returns: list of :py:class:`wbem.CIMInstance` methods' names :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty list. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`instances_methods`. """ return self._lmi_class.methods()
@lmi_possibly_deleted(None) @lmi_instance_name_fetch_lazy()
[docs] def print_methods(self): """ Prints out the list of :py:class:`wbem.CIMInstance` methods' names. :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return None. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`instances_methods`. """ self._lmi_class.print_methods()
[docs] def key_properties(self): """ :returns: list of strings of key properties :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty list. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`instance_names_key_properties`. """ return self._cim_instance_name.keys()
[docs] def print_key_properties(self): """ Prints out the list of key properties. :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return None. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. **Usage:** :ref:`instance_names_key_properties`. """ for name, key_prop in self._cim_instance_name.iteritems(): value = str(key_prop) if isinstance(key_prop, basestring): value = "'%s'" % value sys.stdout.write("%s = %s\n" % (name, value))
[docs] def key_properties_dict(self): """ :returns: dictionary with key properties and corresponding values :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty dictionary. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ return self._cim_instance_name.keybindings.copy()
[docs] def key_property_value(self, prop_name): """ :param string prop_name: key property name :returns: key property value :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return None. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ return getattr(self, prop_name)
@property @lmi_possibly_deleted("")
[docs] def classname(self): """ :returns: class name :rtype: string :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty string. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ return self._cim_instance_name.classname
@property @lmi_possibly_deleted("")
[docs] def namespace(self): """ :returns: namespace name :rtype: string :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty string. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ return self._cim_instance_name.namespace
@property @lmi_possibly_deleted("")
[docs] def hostname(self): """ :returns: host name :rtype: string :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return an empty string. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ return
[docs] def is_deleted(self): """ :returns: True, if the instance was deleted from the CIMOM; False otherwise """ return self._deleted
@property @lmi_possibly_deleted(None)
[docs] def wrapped_object(self): """ :returns: wrapped :py:class:`wbem.CIMInstanceName` object :raises: :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` **NOTE:** If the method :py:meth:`.LMIInstanceName.delete` was called, this method will not execute its code and will return None. If the shell uses exceptions, :py:exc:`.LMIDeletedObjectError` will be raised. """ return self._cim_instance_name