LMIShell provides a (non)interactive way how to access CIM objects provided by OpenPegasus or sblim-sfcb broker. The shell is based on a python interpreter and added logic, therefore what you can do in pure python, it is possible in LMIShell. There are classes added to manipulate with CIM classes, instance names, instances, etc. Additional classes are added to fulfill wrapper pattern and expose only those methods, which are necessary for the purpose of a shell.

Short example:

$ lmishell
> c = connect('localhost', 'root', 'password')
> for proc in c.root.cimv2.LMI_Processor.instances():
...   print "Name:\t%s, Clock Speed:\t%s" % (proc.Name, proc.MaxClockSpeed)
Name:   QEMU Virtual CPU version 1.6.2, Clock Speed:    2000
Name:   QEMU Virtual CPU version 1.6.2, Clock Speed:    2000
