This is a step-by-step tutorial on developing a script for OpenLMI providers. It explains how to create simple library for instrumenting OpenLMI LogicalFile Provider, wrap its functionality with command wrapper and register it as a subcommand of LMI metacommand.
Required knowledge¶
You should be familiar with terms like CIM, cimom, schema, provider, DMTF profile. This short tutorial should be enough to get you started.
You should also be familiar with scripting in python and LMIShell which we use heavily in snippets below.
You need tog-pegasus cimom up and running with openlmi-logicalfile providers installed and registered on managed machine. There is a Quick Start Guide to assist you with setting it up. We will connect to it from a client which needs the following installed:
- openlmi-python-base
- openlmi-tools
RHEL clients will also need openlmi-scripts installed because LMI metacommand is not part of OpenLMI Tools there.
Installing python dependencies¶
For the first two items you may use standard rpms build for Fedora:
yum install openlmi-tools
Or you may install them to your user directory as python eggs with pip:
pip install openlmi-tools
Dependencies are solved for you automatically in both cases.
On RHEL there are several possible scenarios:
- install openlmi-tools as a python egg (see above)
- install openlmi-tools from git (see below)
- install both openlmi-tools and openlmi-scripts as rpms with EPEL repository enabled (for the latter package)
Make sure you don’t mix above options.
Or directly from git repository. Please follow steps described there.
Setting up environment¶
We’ll stick to the process described here that lets us develop quickly without the need to reinstall anything while making changes.
First let’s check out our openlmi-scripts repository:
git clone https://github.com/openlmi/openlmi-scripts.git
cd openlmi-scripts
Now let’s set up our workspace:
mkdir $WSP
# may be added to `$HOME/.profile` or `$HOME/.bashrc`
export PATH="$PATH:$WSP"
Making script structure¶
We’ll use provided commands/make_new.py script to create the basic structure and setup.py.skel file:
cd commands
# this will ask us additional questions used to create setup.py.skel file
./make_new.py mylf
Because a script implementation for OpenLMI LogicalFile profile is already present in upstream repository (in commands/logicalfile), we need to name our library distinctly (e.g. mylf).
Following structure should be created:
├── doc
│ ├── _build
│ ├── cmdline.rst
│ ├── conf.py.skel
│ ├── index.rst
│ ├── Makefile
│ ├── python.rst
│ ├── _static
│ └── _templates
├── lmi
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── scripts
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── mylf
│ └── __init__.py
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── setup.cfg
└── setup.py.skel
We should check that everything matches in mylf/setup.py.skel and correct any shortcomings.
setup.py is generated out of setup.py.skel template by running:
make setup
OpenLMI LogicalFile introduction¶
OpenLMI LogicalFile is a CIM provider which provides a way to read information about files and directories. The provider also allows to traverse the file hierarchy, create and remove empty directories.

LogicalFile model
It consists mainly of few specializations of CIM_LogicalFile representing any type of file on filesystem, LMI_UnixFile holding unix specific information for each such file and association classes between them. CIM_LogicalFile has following key properties inherited by LMI_* subclasses above:
- Name
- CSName
- CSCreationClassName
- FSCreationClassName
- CreationClassName
- FSName
Only those shown in bold are mandatory. Others are ignored when requesting an instance of CIM_LogicalFile. This applies also to LMI_UnixFile with Name being replaced with LFName. None of the presented classes supports enumeration of instances. Only references can be obtained.
With CreateInstance() and DeleteInstance() calls issued on class/object of LMI_UnixDirectory we are able to create and delete directories.
Let’s write some code¶
Before writing code that actually does anything useful, we start by specifying usage string. It is a command line API. Writing it will give you a clear picture of what you’re going to implement and how it will be used. Once done, all the subcommands can be implemented one by one in a straightforward way.
Writing usage string¶
Usage string is a module’s documentation, help message and a prescription for command line parser, all-in-one. Writing it is pretty straightforward. Let’s put it to mylf/lmi/scripts/mylf/cmd.py:
Read informations about file system structure.
%(cmd)s list [options] <directory>
%(cmd)s show [-L] <file>
%(cmd)s create <directory>
%(cmd)s delete <directory>
-t --type <type> Filter listed files by their type. One of:
any, file, device, directory, fifo, symlink, socket.
Defaults to any.
-L --dereference Causes symlink to be followed.
The first line provides a short description that will be shown with
lmi help
after the command is registered. Text under Usage: and Options: are parsed by docopt. It is very well readable but writing it may pose quite a challenge for the first time developer. Please refer to its documentation for more information.
Note the %(cmd)s string which needs to be present instead of lmi mylf or similar command names.
Note also spaces that separate options from their descriptions. There must be a column of spaces at least 2 characters wide. Otherwise docopt will treat description as a continuation of option specification.
Let’s add one more snippet so we can test it:
from lmi.scripts.common import command
MyLF = command.register_subcommands('MyLF', __doc__, {})
This creates a command multiplexer without any children (we’ll add them later).
And finally let’s modify our mylf/setup.py.skel by adding entry point:
'lmi.scripts.cmd': [
'mylf = lmi.scripts.mylf.cmd:MyLF',
Now we can install it and test it:
cd mylf
make setup # make setup.py out of template
# make sure the $WSP is in $PYTHONPATH
python setup.py develop --install-dir=$WSP
lmi help
lmi help mylf
We should be able to see the usage string we’ve written.
Implementing show command¶
Now let’s implement the easiest command. Let’s start with appending following snippet to mylf/lmi/scripts/mylf/__init__.py.
import os
from lmi.shell import LMIInstance, LMIInstanceName
from lmi.scripts.common import errors
from lmi.scripts.common import get_computer_system
from lmi.scripts.common import get_logger
LOG = get_logger(__name__)
def logical_file_type_name(file_identity):
Get a name of file type for supplied instance of ``CIM_LogicalFile``.
namemap = {
'lmi_datafile' : 'file',
'lmi_unixdevicefile' : 'device',
'lmi_unixdirectory' : 'directory',
'lmi_fifopipefile' : 'fifo',
'lmi_symboliclink' : 'symlink',
'lmi_unixsocket' : 'socket'
return namemap[file_identity.classname.lower()]
except KeyError:
LOG().warn('Unhandled logical file class "%s".',
return 'unknown'
def permission_string(file_identity):
Make an ls-like permission string for supplied instance of
return ''.join(l if getattr(file_identity, a) else '-'
for l, a in zip('rwx', ('Readable', 'Writeable', 'Executable')))
def get_logical_file_instance(ns, file_ident, dereference=False):
Get an instance of ``CIM_LogicalFile`` corresponding to given file
:param file_ident: Either a file path or an instance of ``LMI_UnixFile``.
:param boolean dereference: Whether to follow symbolic links
if isinstance(file_ident, basestring):
uf = get_unix_file_instance(ns, file_ident, dereference)
elif isinstance(file_ident, LMIInstanceName):
uf = file_ident.to_instance()
uf = file_ident
return uf.first_associator(AssocClass='LMI_FileIdentity')
def get_unix_file_instance(ns, path, dereference=False):
:param boolean dereference: Whether to follow symbolic links
:returns: Instance of ``LMI_UnixFile`` corresponding to given *path*.
cs = get_computer_system(ns)
uf_name = ns.LMI_UnixFile.new_instance_name({
'CSCreationClassName' : cs.classname,
'CSName' : cs.name,
'LFName' : path,
'LFCreationClassName' : 'ignored',
'FSCreationClassName' : 'ignored',
'FSName' : 'ignored',
uf = uf_name.to_instance()
if dereference:
lf = get_logical_file_instance(ns, uf, False)
if logical_file_type_name(lf) == 'symlink':
target = lf.TargetFile
if not os.path.isabs(target):
target = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lf.Name), target))
# recursively try to dereference
uf = get_unix_file_instance(ns, target, dereference)
except Exception as err:
LOG.warn('failed to get link target "%s": %s',
lf.TargetLink, err)
return uf
raise errors.LmiFailed('No such file or directory: "%s".' % path)
First two functions turn their argument to a human readable form. The other two are somewhat special. They actually interact with a broker. Each such function takes as a first argument a namespace object, LMIShell’s abstraction, which acts as a liaison. All our communication is done through this object. We always name it ns. These are getters we will need in our Show command. Getters usually return one or several instances of LMIInstanceName.
Now let’s place following into mylf/lmi/scripts/mylf/cmd.py.
from lmi.scripts import mylf
from lmi.scripts.common import command
from lmi.scripts.common import errors
class Show(command.LmiLister):
COLUMNS = ('Attribute', 'Value')
def transform_options(self, options):
options['<path>'] = options.pop('<file>')
def execute(self, ns, path, _dereference):
uf = mylf.get_unix_file_instance(ns, path, _dereference)
lf = mylf.get_logical_file_instance(ns, uf, _dereference)
return [
('Path' , lf.Name),
('Type' , mylf.logical_file_type_name(lf)),
('User ID' , uf.UserID),
('Group ID' , uf.GroupID),
('Size' , lf.FileSize),
('Permissions' , mylf.permission_string(lf))
And change MyLF command there like this:
MyLF = command.register_subcommands('MyLF', __doc__,
{ 'show' : Show })
All is set up. To try it out:
$ lmi -h $HOST mylf show /root
Attribute Value
Path /root
Type directory
User ID 0
Group ID 0
Size 4096
Permissions r-x
Our Show command inherits from LmiLister which renderes a table. In order to do that it needs to know number of columns and their headings which specifies COLUMNS property.
Most of the work is done in its execute() method. All parameters following namespace object come from command line. First it collects the data, make them readable and then returns them as a list of rows.
Command line options need to be modified before passing them to object method. Several rules apply. We can see that --dereference option is turned to _dereference parameter name. Replacing leading dashes with single underscore is a default behaviour that you may customize.
Sometimes you may want to rename an option. This is a case of <file> argument that would be passed as a file which is python’s built-in. Here comes transform_options() method into play. Any possible option manipulation is allowed here. It may be used also to convert values to your liking.
Implementing list¶
Most of necessary functionality has been implemented in previous snippet for the show command. Following snippet is enough to generate all the files in directory. Put it again to mylf/lmi/scripts/mylf/__init__.py.
def make_directory_instance_name(ns, directory):
Retrieve object path of a directory.
:type directory: string
:param directory: Full path to the directory.
:rtype: :py:class:`lmi.shell.LMIInstanceName.LMIInstanceName`
if directory != '/':
directory = directory.rstrip('/')
cs = get_computer_system(ns)
return ns.LMI_UnixDirectory.new_instance_name(
{ 'CSCreationClassName' : cs.classname
, 'CSName' : cs.name
, 'CreationClassName' : 'LMI_UnixDirectory'
, 'FSCreationClassName' : 'LMI_LocalFileSystem'
, 'FSName' : ''
, 'Name' : directory})
def get_directory_instance(ns, directory):
Retrieve instance of `LMI_UnixDirectory`.
:type directory: string of :py:class:`lmi.shell.LMIInstanceName.LMIInstanceName`
:param directory: Full path to the directory or its instance name.
:rtype: :py:class:`lmi.shell.LMIInstance.LMIInstance`
if isinstance(directory, basestring):
directory = make_directory_instance_name(ns, directory)
if isinstance(directory, LMIInstanceName):
directory = directory.to_instance()
return directory
def list_directory(ns, directory, file_type='any'):
Yields instances of ``CIM_LogicalFile`` representing direct children of the
given directory.
:param directory: Either a file path or an instance of
:param file_type: Filter of files made by checking their type. One of: ::
{'any', 'file', 'device', 'directory', 'fifo', 'symlink', 'socket'}
def _generate_children():
for child in get_directory_instance(ns, directory).associators(
if ( file_type and file_type != 'any'
and logical_file_type_name(child) != file_type):
yield child
return sorted(_generate_children(), key=lambda i: i.Name)
Note the associators() call on LMI_UnixDirectory instance. It enumerates all CIM_LogicalFile instances that are referenced by LMI_DirectoryContainsFile associations. These represent a relation of parent directory and its direct children. Parent directory is referenced with GroupComponent role while the children with PartComponent. It’s advisable to always provide as much information to calls like:
- associators()
- associator_names()
- references()
- reference_names()
as possible. Without the AssocClass parameter given, broker would try to enumerate all instrumented association classes possible, resulting in very poor performance. Both Role and ResultRole parameters need to be given here, otherwise a parent directory of the one being enumerated would also appear in output.
Following subclass of LmiInstanceLister needs to be added to mylf/lmi/scripts/mylf/cmd.py and added to MyLF subcommands dictionary (omitted for now).
class List(command.LmiInstanceLister):
CALLABLE = mylf.list_directory
('Type', mylf.logical_file_type_name),
('Permissions', mylf.permission_string),
('Size', 'FileSize'))
def verify_options(self, options):
if options['--type'] is not None \
and not options['--type'].lower() in {
'any', 'file', 'directory', 'symlink', 'dev', 'socket',
raise errors.LmiInvalidOptions(
'Unsupported type: %s' % options['--type'])
def transform_options(self, options):
file_type = options.pop('--type')
if file_type is None:
file_type = 'any'
options['file-type'] = file_type
Instead of defining our own execute() method, we just associate list_directory() function with List command using CALLABLE property. Thanks to the ability to transform option names in any way, we are not limited to the use of arguments as listed in usage string. Apart from renaming options, we also check the value of --type option. Overriding verify_options() to check for validity of options is the more preferred approach compared to delayed checking in associated function.
Implementing create and delete¶
Let’s again start with content of mylf/lmi/scripts/mylf/__init__.py module.
def create_directory(ns, directory):
Create a directory.
:type directory: string
:param directory: Full path to the directory.
make_directory_instance_name(ns, directory).path.keybindings)
def delete_directory(ns, directory):
Delete an empty directory.
:param directory: Either a file path or an instance of
get_directory_instance(ns, directory).delete()
create_instance() call of any LMIClass creates a new instance, in this case we create an instance of LMI_UnixDirectory. If it exists already, an exception will be raised. On the other hand, delete_directory() operates on an LMIInstance which must exists. If directory does not exist or it’s not empty, an exception will be raised.
Now let’s move on to mylf/lmi/scripts/mylf/cmd.py:
class Create(command.LmiCheckResult):
CALLABLE = mylf.create_directory
class Delete(command.LmiCheckResult):
CALLABLE = mylf.delete_directory
LmiCheckResult is a special command that prints no useful information. It allows us to check, whether the associated function returns expected result and prints an error if not. Here we expect None. Associated functions in this case throw an exception upon any error which have the same effect.
Test it¶
lmi -h $HOST mylf create /root/some_directory
# try it for the second time (it will fail)
lmi -h $HOST mylf create /root/some_directory
# now let's delete it
lmi -h $HOST mylf delete /root/some_directory
# try it for the second time (it will fail)
lmi -h $HOST mylf delete /root/some_directory