Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Peter Hatina <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.

import os
import abc
import sys
import tempfile
import subprocess
from textwrap import TextWrapper

from import lmi_raise_or_dump_exception

from import LMINoPagerError

def _is_executable(fpath):
    :param string fpath: path of executable
    :returns: True, if provided path is executable, False otherwise
    return os.path.exists(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)

def _which(program):
    :param string program: executable name
    :returns: full path of a selected executable
    :rtype: string
    fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
    if fpath:
        if _is_executable(program):
            return program
        for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
            exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
            if _is_executable(exe_file):
                return exe_file
    return None

def _get_pager_with_params():
    :returns: list containing a executable with its CLI arguments
    if "PAGER" in os.environ:
        path = _which(os.environ["PAGER"])
        if path:
            return [path]
    for p in ["less", "more"]:
        path = _which(p)
        if not path:
        elif p == "less":
            return [path, "-S"]
        return [path]
    lmi_raise_or_dump_exception(LMINoPagerError("No default pager found"))
    return []

[docs]class LMITextFormatter(object): """ Text formatter class. Used when printing a block of text to output stream. :param string text: text to be formatted """ SUB_INDENT = 4 def __init__(self, text): self._text = text
[docs] def format(self, indent=0, width=80, f=sys.stdout, separator=True): """ Formats a block of text and prints it to the output stream. :param int indent: number of spaces to indent the text block :param int width: total text block width :param f: output stream :param dictionary kwargs: supported keyword arguments :param bool separator: if True, there will be a new line appended after the formatted text; default value is True """ if indent > width: return # NOTE: this is wrong! wrapper = TextWrapper() wrapper.width = width - indent wrapper.subsequent_indent = " " * LMITextFormatter.SUB_INDENT for l in wrapper.wrap(self._text): f.write("%s%s\n" % (" " * indent, l)) if separator: f.write("\n")
[docs]class LMIFormatter(object): """ Abstract class for derived subclasses. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self): stty_dim = os.popen("stty size 2> /dev/null", "r").read().split() self._width = int(stty_dim[1]) if stty_dim else 80 @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def format(self, indent=0, width=80, f=sys.stdout): """ Formats a block of text and prints it to the output stream. :param int indent: number of spaces to indent the text block :param int width: total text block width :param f: output stream """ pass
[docs] def fancy_format(self, interactive): """ Formats a block of text. If the LMIShell is running in interactive mode, pager will be used, otherwise the output will be written to standard output. :param bool interactive: defines, if to use pager """ if interactive: tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp() f = os.fdopen(tmpfile[0], "w") self.format(0, self._width, f) f.close() subprocess_params = _get_pager_with_params() if not subprocess_params: return subprocess_params.append(tmpfile[1]) os.remove(tmpfile[1]) else: self.format(0, self._width)
[docs]class LMIMethodFormatter(LMIFormatter): """ Method formatter is used to print out :py:class:`wbem.CIMMethod` representation. """ def __init__(self, cim_method): super(LMIMethodFormatter, self).__init__() self._cim_method = cim_method
[docs] def format_qualifier(self, qualif, indent, width, f): """ Prints out a parameter of :py:class:`wbem.CIMMethod`. :param int indent: number of spaces to indent the text block :param int width: total text block width :param f: output stream """ val = "[qualifier] %s %s" % (qualif.type, if qualif.value: if isinstance(qualif.value, list): val += ": { " + ", ".join( ["'" + str(v) + "'" for v in qualif.value]) + " }" else: val += ": '%s'" % str(qualif.value) LMITextFormatter(val).format(indent, width, f)
[docs] def format_parameter(self, param, indent, width, f): """ Prints out a parameter of :py:class:`wbem.CIMMethod`. :param int indent: number of spaces to indent the text block :param int width: total text block width :param f: output stream """ ref_classname = "" if param.type == "reference": ref_classname = " (%s)" % param.reference_class formatter = LMITextFormatter("[param] %s%s %s" % ( param.type, ref_classname, formatter.format(indent, width, f)
[docs] def format_method(self, method, indent, width, f): """ Prints out a method of :py:class:`wbem.CIMClass`. :param int indent: number of spaces to indent the text block :param int width: total text block width :param f: output stream """ has_args = "..." if method.parameters else "" formatter = LMITextFormatter( "[method] %s %s(%s)" % (method.return_type,, has_args)) formatter.format(indent, width, f) for q in method.qualifiers.itervalues(): self.format_qualifier(q, indent+4, width, f) for p in method.parameters.itervalues(): self.format_parameter(p, indent+4, width, f)
[docs] def format(self, indent=0, width=80, f=sys.stdout): """ Prints out :py:class`CIMMethod` object. :param int indent: number of spaces to indent the text block :param int width: total text block width :param f: output stream """ self.format_method(self._cim_method, indent, width, f)
[docs]class LMIClassFormatter(LMIMethodFormatter): """ Class formatter is used to print out :py:class:`wbem.CIMClass` representation. :param CIMClass cim_class: object to print out """ def __init__(self, cim_class): # Call LMIFormatter ctor directly and use inly LMIMethodFormatter # methods for LMIClass documentation formatting. LMIFormatter.__init__(self) self._cim_class = cim_class
[docs] def format_property(self, prop, indent, width, f): """ Prints out a property of :py:class:`wbem.CIMClass`. :param int indent: number of spaces to indent the text block :param int width: total text block width :param f: output stream """ is_array_str = " array" if prop.is_array else "" val = "[property%s] %s %s" % (is_array_str, prop.type, LMITextFormatter(val).format(indent, width, f) for q in prop.qualifiers.itervalues(): self.format_qualifier(q, indent+4, width, f)
[docs] def format(self, indent=0, width=80, f=sys.stdout): """ Formats out :py:class:`wbem.CIMClass` object. :param int indent: number of spaces to indent the text block :param int width: total text block width :param f: output stream """ formatter = LMITextFormatter("Class: %s (%s)" % ( self._cim_class.classname, self._cim_class.superclass)) formatter.format(indent, width, f) for q in self._cim_class.qualifiers.itervalues(): self.format_qualifier(q, indent+4, width, f) for p in self.format_property(p, indent+4, width, f) for m in self._cim_class.methods.itervalues(): self.format_method(m, indent+4, width, f)
[docs]class LMIInstanceFormatter(LMIFormatter): """ Instance formatter is used to print out :py:class:`wbem.CIMInstance` representation. :param CIMInstance cim_instance: object to print out """ def __init__(self, cim_instance): super(LMIInstanceFormatter, self).__init__() self._cim_instance = cim_instance
[docs] def format_property(self, prop, indent, width, f): """ Prints out a property of :py:class:`wbem.CIMInstance`. :param int indent: number of spaces to indent the text block :param int width: total text block width :param f: output stream """ is_array_str = " array" if prop.is_array else "" val = "[property%s] %s %s" % (is_array_str, prop.type, if prop.value: if isinstance(prop.value, list): val += " = { " + ", ".join( ["'" + str(v) + "'" for v in prop.value]) + " }" else: val += " = '%s'" % str(prop.value) LMITextFormatter(val).format(indent, width, f) for q in prop.qualifiers.itervalues(): self.format_qualifier(q, indent+4, width, f)
[docs] def format(self, indent=0, width=80, f=sys.stdout): """ Prints out :py:class`CIMInstance` object. :param int indent: number of spaces to indent the text block :param int width: total text block width :param f: output stream """ formatter = LMITextFormatter( "Instance of %s" % self._cim_instance.classname) formatter.format(indent, width, f) for p in self.format_property(p, indent+4, width, f)
[docs]class LMIMofFormatter(LMIFormatter): """ MOF formatter is used to print out MOF representation of a CIM object. :param obj: object, which has :py:meth:`tomof` method """ def __init__(self, obj): super(LMIMofFormatter, self).__init__() if not hasattr(obj, "tomof") or not callable(obj.tomof): raise TypeError("object needs provide tomof() method") self._obj = obj
[docs] def format(self, indent=0, width=80, f=sys.stdout): """ Formats a MOF object and prints it to the output stream. :param int indent: number of spaces to indent the text block :param int width: total text block width :param f: output stream """ f.write(self._obj.tomof())