Source code for lmi.scripts.common.configuration

# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Michal Minar <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Module for Configuration class.

import os
from lmi.base.BaseConfiguration import BaseConfiguration

LISTER_FORMATS = ['csv', 'table']

#: Default format string to use in stderr handlers.
DEFAULT_FORMAT_STRING = "%(cseq)s%(levelname_)-8s:%(creset)s %(message)s"

[docs]class Configuration(BaseConfiguration): """ Configuration class specific to software providers. *OpenLMI* configuration file should reside in: :: /etc/openlmi/scripts/lmi.conf :param string user_config_file_path: Path to the user configuration options. """ USER_CONFIG_FILE_PATH = "~/.lmirc" HISTORY_FILE = "~/.lmi_history" OUTPUT_SILENT = -1 OUTPUT_WARNING = 0 OUTPUT_INFO = 1 OUTPUT_DEBUG = 2 # indexes to LISTER_FORMATS LISTER_FORMAT_CSV = 0 LISTER_FORMAT_TABLE = 1 def __init__(self, user_config_file_path=USER_CONFIG_FILE_PATH, **kwargs): self._user_config_file_path = os.path.expanduser(user_config_file_path) BaseConfiguration.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._verbosity = None self._trace = None self._verify_server_cert = None self._cim_namespace = None self._human_friendly = None self._lister_format = None self._no_headings = None self._log_file = None self._history_max_length = None @classmethod def provider_prefix(cls): return "scripts" @classmethod
[docs] def default_options(cls): """ :returns: Dictionary of default values. :rtype: dictionary """ defaults = BaseConfiguration.default_options().copy() # [Main] options defaults["CommandNamespace"] = 'lmi.scripts.cmd' defaults["Trace"] = "False" defaults["Verbosity"] = "0" defaults["HistoryMaxLength"] = "4000" # [Log] options defaults['ConsoleFormat'] = DEFAULT_FORMAT_STRING defaults['ConsoleInfoFormat'] = '%(message)s' defaults['FileFormat'] = \ "%(asctime)s:%(levelname)-8s:%(name)s:%(lineno)d - %(message)s" defaults['LogToConsole'] = 'True' defaults['OutputFile'] = '' # [SSL] options defaults['VerifyServerCertificate'] = 'True' # [Format] options defaults['HumanFriendly'] = 'False' # be ugly by default defaults['ListerFormat'] = 'table' defaults['NoHeadings'] = 'False' return defaults
@classmethod def mandatory_sections(cls): sects = set(BaseConfiguration.mandatory_sections()) sects.add('Main') sects.add('SSL') sects.add('Format') return list(sects)
[docs] def load(self): """ Read additional user configuration file if it exists. """ BaseConfiguration.load(self) # ************************************************************************* # [CIM] options # *************************************************************************
@property def namespace(self): if self._cim_namespace is None: return BaseConfiguration.namespace.fget(self) return self._cim_namespace @namespace.setter def namespace(self, namespace): if not isinstance(namespace, basestring) and namespace is not None: raise TypeError("namespace must be a string") self._cim_namespace = namespace # ************************************************************************* # [Main] options # ************************************************************************* @property
[docs] def history_file(self): """ Path to a file with history of interactive mode. """ return os.path.expanduser(self.HISTORY_FILE)
[docs] def history_max_length(self): """ Maximum number of lines kept in history file. """ return self.get_safe('Main', 'HistoryMaxLength', int)
[docs] def silent(self): """ Whether to suppress all output messages except for errors. """ return self.verbosity <= self.OUTPUT_SILENT
@property def trace(self): """ Whether the tracebacks shall be printed upon errors. """ if self._trace is not None: return self._trace return self.get_safe('Main', 'Trace', bool) @trace.setter
[docs] def trace(self, trace): """ Allow to override configuration option Trace. """ if trace is not None: trace = bool(trace) self._trace = trace
[docs] def verbose(self): """ Whether to output more details. """ return self.verbosity >= self.OUTPUT_INFO
@property def verbosity(self): """ Return integer indicating verbosity level of output to console. """ if self._verbosity is None: return self.get_safe('Main', 'Verbosity', int) return self._verbosity @verbosity.setter
[docs] def verbosity(self, level): """ Allow to set verbosity without modifying configuration values. """ if not isinstance(level, (long, int)) and level is not None: raise TypeError("level must be integer") if level is not None: if level < self.OUTPUT_SILENT: level = self.OUTPUT_SILENT elif level > self.OUTPUT_DEBUG: level = self.OUTPUT_DEBUG self._verbosity = level # ************************************************************************* # [Log] options # *************************************************************************
@property def log_file(self): """ Path to a file, where logging messages shall be written. """ if self._log_file is None: return self.get_safe('Log', 'OutputFile') return self._log_file @log_file.setter
[docs] def log_file(self, log_file): """ Override logging file path. """ if log_file is not None and not isinstance(log_file, basestring): raise TypeError("log_file must be a string") self._log_file = log_file # ************************************************************************* # [SSL] options # *************************************************************************
@property def verify_server_cert(self): """ Return boolean saying, whether the server-side certificate should be checked. """ if self._verify_server_cert is None: return self.get_safe('SSL', 'VerifyServerCertificate', bool) return self._verify_server_cert @verify_server_cert.setter
[docs] def verify_server_cert(self, value): """ Allows to override configuration option value. """ if value is not None: value = bool(value) self._verify_server_cert = value # ************************************************************************* # [Format] options # *************************************************************************
@property def human_friendly(self): """ Whether to print human-friendly values. """ if self._human_friendly is None: return self.get_safe('Format', 'HumanFriendly', bool) return self._human_friendly @human_friendly.setter
[docs] def human_friendly(self, value): """ Allows to override configuration option value. """ if value is not None: value = bool(value) self._human_friendly = value
@property def lister_format(self): """ Output format used for lister commands. Returns one of * LISTER_FORMAT_CSV * LISTER_FORMAT_TABLE :rtype: integer """ if self._lister_format is None: value = self.get_safe('Format', 'ListerFormat') try: return LISTER_FORMATS.index(value.lower()) except ValueError: value = self.default_options()['ListerFormat'] return LISTER_FORMATS.index(value.lower()) return self._lister_format @lister_format.setter
[docs] def lister_format(self, value): """ Allows to override configuration option. :param value: One of items from ``LISTER_FORMATS`` array or an index to it. :type value: integer or string """ if ( value is not None and ( not isinstance(value, int) or (value < 0 or value >= len(LISTER_FORMATS))) and ( not isinstance(value, basestring) or value.lower() not in LISTER_FORMATS)) : raise TypeError("value must be an integer or one of: %s" % LISTER_FORMATS) if isinstance(value, basestring): value = LISTER_FORMATS.index(value.lower()) self._lister_format = value
@property def no_headings(self): """ Whether to print headings of tables. """ if self._no_headings is None: return self.get_safe('Format', 'NoHeadings', bool) return self._no_headings @no_headings.setter
[docs] def no_headings(self, value): """ Allows to override configuration option. """ if value is not None: value = bool(value) self._no_headings = value # There were some path changes in BaseConfiguration after 0.2.0 release. # Let's fallback to older variable name when the new one is not present.
if hasattr(BaseConfiguration, 'CONFIG_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE_PROVIDER'): setattr( Configuration , 'CONFIG_FILE_PATH_TEMPLATE_PROVIDER' , getattr(BaseConfiguration, 'CONFIG_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE_PROVIDER') + 'lmi.conf') else: # fallback setattr( Configuration , 'CONFIG_FILE_PATH_TEMPLATE' , getattr(BaseConfiguration, 'CONFIG_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE') + 'lmi.conf')