Source code for lmi.scripts.common.command.helper

# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Michal Minar <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
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# along with this program; if not, see <>.
Module with convenient function for defining user commands.

from lmi.scripts.common.command import LmiLister
from lmi.scripts.common.command import LmiCommandMultiplexer
from lmi.scripts.common.command import LmiSelectCommand
from lmi.scripts.common.command import util

[docs]def make_list_command(func, name=None, columns=None, verify_func=None, transform_func=None): """ Create a command subclassed from :py:class:`~.lister.LmiLister`. Please refer to this class for detailed usage. :param func: Contents of ``CALLABLE`` property. :type func: string or callable :param string name: Optional name of resulting class. If not given, it will be made from the name of associated function. :param tuple columns: Contents of ``COLUMNS`` property. :param callable verify_func: Callable overriding py:meth:`~.endpoint.LmiEndPointCommand.verify_options` method. :param callable transform_func: Callable overriding :py:meth:`~.endpoint.LmiEndPointCommand.transform_options` method. :returns: Subclass of :py:class:`~.lister.LmiLister`. :rtype: type """ if name is None: if isinstance(func, basestring): name = func.split('.')[-1] else: name = func.__name__ if not name.startswith('_'): name = '_' + name.capitalize() props = { 'COLUMNS' : columns , 'CALLABLE' : func , '__module__' : util.get_module_name() } if verify_func: props['verify_options'] = verify_func if transform_func: props['transform_options'] = transform_func return LmiLister.__metaclass__(name, (LmiLister, ), props)
[docs]def register_subcommands(command_name, usage, command_map, fallback_command=None): """ Create a multiplexer command (a node in a tree of commands). :param string command_name: Name of created command. The same as will be given on a command line. :param string usage: Usage string parseable by ``docopt``. :param dictionary command_map: Dictionary of subcommands. Associates command names to their factories. It's assigned to ``COMMANDS`` property. :param fallback_command: Command factory used when no command is given on command line. :type fallback_command: :py:class:`~.endpoint.LmiEndPointCommand` :returns: Subclass of :py:class:`~.multiplexer.LmiCommandMultiplexer`. :rtype: type """ props = { 'COMMANDS' : command_map , 'OWN_USAGE' : True , '__doc__' : usage , '__module__' : util.get_module_name() , 'FALLBACK_COMMAND' : fallback_command } return LmiCommandMultiplexer.__metaclass__(command_name, (LmiCommandMultiplexer, ), props)
[docs]def select_command(command_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Create command selector that loads command whose requirements are met. Example of invocation: :: Hardware = select_command('Hardware', ("Openlmi-Hardware >= 0.4.2", "lmi.scripts.hardware.current.Cmd"), ("Openlmi-Hardware < 0.4.2" , "lmi.scripts.hardware.pre042.Cmd"), default=HwMissing ) Above example checks remote broker for OpenLMI-Hardware provider. If it is installed and its version is equal or higher than 0.4.2, command from ``current`` module will be used. For older registered versions command contained in ``pre042`` module will be loaded. If hardware provider is not available, HwMissing command will be loaded instead. .. seealso:: Check out the grammer describing language used in these conditions at :py:mod:`lmi.scripts.common.versioncheck.parser`. :param args: List of pairs ``(condition, command)`` that are inspected in given order until single condition is satisfied. Associated command is then loaded. Command is either a reference to command class or path to it given as string. In latter case last dot divides module's import path and command name. :param default: This command will be loaded when no condition from *args* is satisfied. """ props = { 'SELECT' : args , 'DEFAULT' : kwargs.get('default', None) , '__module__' : util.get_module_name() } return LmiSelectCommand.__metaclass__(command_name, (LmiSelectCommand, ), props)