fandango.device.Dev4Tango module¶
@if gnuheader¶
## ## file : ## ## description : CLASS FOR Enhanced TANGO DEVICE SERVERs ## ## project : Tango Control System ## ## $Author: Sergi Rubio Manrique, $ ## ## $Revision: 2008 $ ## ## copyleft : ALBA Synchrotron Controls Section, CELLS ## Bellaterra ## Spain ## ############################################################################# ## ## This file is part of Tango Control System ## ## Tango Control System is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## Tango Control System is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, see <>. ########################################################################### @endif @package device @brief provides Dev4Tango, StateQueue, DevChild @todo @warning IMPORTING THIS MODULE IS CAUSING SOME ERRORS WHEN CLOSING PYTHON DEVICE SERVERS, BE CAREFUL!
This module is used to have all those classes used inside DeviceServers or to control/configure them and are not part of the Astor api (ServersDict)
- class fandango.device.Dev4Tango.Dev4Tango(cl, name)[source]¶
Bases: PyTango._PyTango.Device_4Impl, fandango.log.Logger
See documentation at doc/devices/Dev4Tango.rst
This class provides several new features to TangoDevice implementations. By including log.Logger it also includes objects.Object as parent class. It allows to use call__init__(self, klass, *args, **kw) to avoid multiple inheritance from same parent problems. Therefore, use self.call__init__(PyTango.Device_4Impl,cl,name) instead of PyTango.Device_4Impl.__init__(self,cl,name)
It also allows to connect several devices within the same server or not usint taurus.core
- State()[source]¶
State redefinition is required to keep independency between attribute configuration (max/min alarms) and the device State
- attr_list = {'LastUpdate': [[PyTango._PyTango.CmdArgType.DevDouble, PyTango._PyTango.AttrDataFormat.SCALAR, PyTango._PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ]], 'MemUsage': [[PyTango._PyTango.CmdArgType.DevDouble, PyTango._PyTango.AttrDataFormat.SCALAR, PyTango._PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ]]}¶
- check_Properties(props_list)¶
It verifies that all properties has been initialized
- event_received(source, type_, attr_value)[source]¶
This method manages the events received from external attributes. This method must be overriden in child classes.
- getAttributeTemplate(name, type_=PyTango._PyTango.CmdArgType.DevDouble, rw=PyTango._PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ, unit='', frmt='')[source]¶
Returns an Attr object ready to be inserted with self.add_attribute(&Attr,&reader,&writer,&allowed)
- getAttributeTime(attr_value)[source]¶
AttributeValue.time is of Type TimeVal={tv_sec,tv_usec,...}, not accepted by set_attribute_value_date_quality method of DeviceImpl
- get_devs_in_server(MyClass=None)[source]¶
Method for getting a dictionary with all the devices running in this server
- get_polled_attrs()[source]¶
Returns a dictionary like {attr_name:period} @TODO: Tango8 has its own get_polled_attr method; check for incompatibilities
- init_logger(name=None, use_tango=False)[source]¶
A default initialization for the Logger class
Use_tango: Use internal tango streams (-v) or not.
- init_my_Logger(name=None, use_tango=False)¶
A default initialization for the Logger class
Use_tango: Use internal tango streams (-v) or not.
- is_Attr_allowed(req_type)¶
This method is a template for any Attribute allowed control.
- read_ShortStatus()[source]¶
This reduced Status allows Status attribute to be archived (a ShortStatus attribute must exist)