fandango.tango module¶
provides tango utilities for fandango, like database search methods and emulated Attribute Event/Value types
This module is a light-weight set of utilities for PyTango. Classes dedicated for device management will go to fandango.device Methods for Astor-like management will go to fandango.servers
- fandango.tango module
- Description
- Classes
- Functions
- get_distinct_devices
- get_domain
- check_property_extensions
- _file_extension
- get_attribute_time
- get_alias_dict
- get_matching_servers
- get_device_started
- check_device
- read_internal_attribute
- get_device_help
- export_commands_to_dict
- get_internal_devices
- get_device_attributes
- export_attribute_to_dict
- check_host
- attr2str
- find_attributes
- get_matching_device_attribute_labels
- get_class_devices
- get_distinct_members
- get_server_property
- get_matching_devices
- parse_labels
- get_device
- get_database
- put_class_property
- get_attribute_info
- get_device_info
- get_member
- set_device_labels
- get_all_models
- get_device_for_alias
- get_attribute_label
- get_matching_device_properties
- get_device_property
- loadTaurus
- get_extension_arg
- parse_tango_model
- get_distinct_attributes
- get_model_name
- check_attribute
- get_device_host
- reduce_distinct
- get_server_pid
- get_database_device
- export_properties_to_dict
- get_property_history
- get_family
- get_device_labels
- get_tango_host
- get_attribute_config
- get_attribute_events
- __test_method__
- cast_tango_type
- find_devices
- check_starter
- get_devices_properties
- set_attribute_label
- property_undo
- add_new_device
- getTangoValue
- get_proxy
- check_device_list
- parse_db_command_array
- read_attribute
- get_device_commands
- _attr_extension
- get_distinct_domains
- get_distinct_families
- get_full_name
- TGet
- _copy_extension
- get_real_name
- put_device_property
- get_polled_attrs
- export_device_to_dict
- get_matching_attributes
- get_alias_for_device
- get_class_property
- raw autodoc
- class fandango.tango.TangoEval(formula='', launch=True, timeout=1000, keeptime=100, trace=False, proxies=None, attributes=None, cache=0, use_events=False, event_hook=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Class for Tango formula evaluation; used by Panic-like formulas
example: te = fandango.TangoEval(cache=3) te.eval('test/sim/test-00/A * test/sim/test-00/') Out: 2.6307095848792521 #A value multiplied by delta of S in its last 3 values
Attributes in the formulas may be (it is recommended to insert spaces between attribute names and operators): THIS REGULAR EXPRESSIONS DOES NOT MATCH THE HOST IN THE FORMULA!!!; IT IS TAKEN AS PART OF THE DEVICE NAME!!
dom/fam/memb/attrib >= V1 #Will evaluate the attribute value d/f/m/a1 > V2 and d/f/m/a2 == V3 #Comparing 2 attributes d/f/m.quality != QALARM #Using attribute quality d/f/m/State == UNKNOWN #States can be compared directly d/f/m/A.exception #True if exception occurred d/f/m/A.time #Attribute value time d/f/m/A.value #Explicit value d/f/m/ #Increase/decrease of the value since the first value in cache (if cache and cache_depth are set) d/f/m/A.all #Instead of just value will return an AttributeValue object
All tango-like variables are parsed. TangoEval.macros can be used to do regexp-based substitution. By default FIND(regexp) will be replaced by a list of matching attributes.
FIND([a-zA-Z0-9/].*) macro allows to get any attribute matching a regular expression Any variable in _locals is evaluated or explicitly replaced in the formula if matches $(); e.g. FIND($(VARNAME)//) T() < T(‘YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm’) allow to compare actual time with any timeUse_events: will manage events using the callbacks.EventSource object. It will redirect all events to TangoEval.eventReceived method. If an event_hook callback is passed as argument, both TangoEval object and result of eval will be sent to it.
eval() will be triggered by events only if event_hook is True or a callable
- add_macro(macro_name, macro_expression, macro_function)[source]¶
Add a new macro to be parsed by parse_formula. It will apply macro_function to the target found by macro_expression; the result will later replace macro_name%target
e.g: self.add_macro(‘FIND(%s)’,self.FIND_EXP,self.find_macro) #where FIND_EXP = ‘FIND(((?:[ ‘”])?[^)]*(?:[ ‘”])?))’
- eval(formula=None, previous=None, _locals=None, _raise=None)[source]¶
Evaluates the given formula. Previous can be used to add extra local values, or predefined values for attributes ({‘a/b/c/d’:1} that would override its reading Any variable in locals is evaluated or explicitly replaced in the formula if appearing with brackets (e.g. FIND({VARNAME}//)) :param _raise: if attribute is empty or ‘State’ exceptions will be rethrown
- eventReceived(src, type_, value)[source]¶
Method to implement the event notification Source will be an object, type a PyTango EventType, evt_value an AttrValue Regarding PANIC, the eventReceived hook must be in the PanicAPI, not here
- find_macro(target)[source]¶
Gets a match of FIND_EXP and applies get_matching_attributes to the expresion found.
- get_delta(target)[source]¶
target = (device+’/’+attribute).lower() ; returns difference between first and last cached value
- parse_formula(formula, _locals=None)[source]¶
This method just removes comments and applies self.macros (e.g FIND()) searches in the formula; In this method there is no tango check, neither value replacement
- parse_variables(formula, _locals=None, parsed=False)[source]¶
This method parses attributes declarated in formulas with the following formats: TAG1: dom/fam/memb/attrib >= V1 #A comment TAG2: d/f/m/a1 > V2 and d/f/m/a2 == V3 TAG3: d/f/m.quality != QALARM #Another comment TAG4: d/f/m/State ##A description?, Why not :return:
- a None value if the alarm is not parsable
- a list of (device,attribute,value/time/quality) tuples
- class fandango.tango.fakeAttributeValue(name, value=None, time_=0.0, quality=PyTango._PyTango.AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID, dim_x=1, dim_y=1, parent=None, device='', error=False, keeptime=0)[source]¶
This class simulates a modifiable AttributeValue object (not available in PyTango) It is the class used to read values from Dev4Tango devices (valves, pseudos, composer, etc ...) It also has a read(cache) method to be used as a TaurusAttribute or AttributeProxy (but it returns self if cache is not used) The cache is controlled by keeptime variable (milliseconds) :param parent: Apart of common Attribute arguments, parent will be used to keep a proxy to the parent object (a DeviceProxy or DeviceImpl)
- class fandango.tango.ProxiesDict(use_tau=False)[source]¶
Dictionary that stores PyTango.DeviceProxies It is like a normal dictionary but creates a new proxy each time that the “get” method is called An earlier version is used in PyTangoArchiving.utils module This class must be substituted by Tau.Core.TauManager().getFactory()()
- class fandango.tango.TangoCommand(command, device=None, timeout=None, feedback=None, expected=None, wait=3.0, asynch=True, process=False)[source]¶
This class encapsulates a call to a Tango Command, it manages asynchronous commands in a background thread or process. It also allows to setup a “feedback” condition to validate that the command has been executed.
The usage would be like:
tc = TangoCommand('move',DeviceProxy('just/a/motor'),asynch=True,process=False) #In this example the value of the command will be returned once the state will change result = tc(args,feedback='state',expected=PyTango.DevState.MOVING,timeout=10000) #In this other example, it will be the value of the state what will be returned result = tc(args,feedback='state',timeout=10000)
Parameters: - command – the name of a tango command; or a callable
- device – a device that can be an string, a DeviceProxy or a TaurusDevice
- timeout – when using asynchronous commands default timeout can be overriden
- feedback – attribute, command or callable to be executed
- expected – if not None, value that feedback must have to consider the command successful
- wait – time to wait for feedback (once command has been executed)
- asynch – to perform the wait in a different thread instead of blocking
- process – whether to use a different process to execute the command (if CPU intensive or trhead-blocking)
- fandango.tango.read_internal_attribute(device, attribute)[source]¶
- This method allows several things:
- If a device object (Impl or Proxy) is given, it is used to read the attribute
- If the attribute belongs to a device in the SAME SERVER, it accesses directly to the device object
- If the attribute belongs to an external SERVER, use PyTango proxies to read it
- It can manage dynamic attributes used within the same SERVER calling read_dyn_attr
device must be a DevImpl object or string, attribute must be an string if the device is not internal this method will connect to a PyTango Proxy the method will return a fakeAttributeValue object
- fandango.tango.export_attribute_to_dict(model, attribute=None, value=None, keep=False, as_struct=False)[source]¶
get attribute config, format and value from Tango and return it as a dictionary:
Parameters: model – can be a full tango model, a device name or a device proxy - keys: min_alarm,name,data_type,format,max_alarm,ch_event,data_format,value,
- label,writable,device,polling,alarms,arch_event,unit
- fandango.tango.get_attribute_info(device, attribute)[source]¶
This method returns attribute info in the attr_list format It parses values returned by PyTango.DeviceProxy(device).get_attribute_config(attribute) return format:
[[PyTango.DevString, PyTango.SPECTRUM, PyTango.READ_WRITE, 2], {
‘unit’:”mbar”, ‘format’:”%4d”,}],
- fandango.tango.get_matching_device_properties(devs, props, hosts=[], exclude='*dserver*', port=10000, trace=False)[source]¶
get_matching_device_properties enhanced with multi-host support @props: regexp are enabled! get_devices_properties(‘alarms‘,props,hosts=[get_bl_host(i) for i in bls]) @TODO: Compare performance of this method with get_devices_properties
- fandango.tango.parse_tango_model(name, use_tau=False, use_host=False)[source]¶
{‘attributename’: ‘state’, ‘attribute’: ‘state’, ‘devicename’: ‘bo01/vc/ipct-01’, #Always short name ‘device’: ‘cts:10000/bo01/vc/ipct-01’, #Will contain host if use_host or host!=TANGO_HOST ‘host’: ‘cts’, ‘port’: ‘10000’, ‘scheme’: ‘tango’}
- fandango.tango.check_attribute(attr, readable=False, timeout=0, brief=False, trace=False)[source]¶
checks if attribute is available. :param readable: Whether if it’s mandatory that the attribute returns a value or if it must simply exist. :param timeout: Checks if the attribute value have been effectively updated (check zombie processes). :param brief: return just .value instead of AttrValue object
- fandango.tango.get_device_labels(target, filters='*', brief=True)[source]¶
Returns an {attr:label} dict for all attributes of this device Filters will be a regular expression to apply to attr or label. If brief is True (default) only those attributes with label are returned. This method works offline, does not need device to be running
- fandango.tango.get_tango_host(dev_name='', use_db=False)[source]¶
If device is a tango model, it will extract the host from the model URL If devicesis none, then environment variable or PyTango.Database are used to extract the host If TANGO_HOST is not defined it will always fallback to PyTango.Database()
- fandango.tango.get_devices_properties('*alarms*',props,hosts=[get_bl_host(i) for i in bls])[source]¶
props must be an string as passed to Database.get_device_property(); regexp are not enabled! get_matching_device_properties enhanced with multi-host support @TODO: Compare performance of this method with get_matching_device_properties
- fandango.tango.getTangoValue(obj, device=None)[source]¶
This method may be used to return objects from read_attribute or FIND() that are still computable and keep quality/time members try to avoid spectrums.; this method doesn’t work for numpy arrays so I have to convert them to less efficient lists.
- fandango.tango.parse_db_command_array(data, keys=1, depth=2)[source]¶
This command will parse data received from DbGetDeviceAttributeProperty2 command. DB device commands return data in this format: X XSize Y YSize Z ZSize ZValue W WSize WValue This corresponds to {X:{Y:{Z:[Zdata],W:[Wdata]}}} Depth of the array is 2 by default e.g.: label_of_dev_test_attribute = parse_db_command_array(dbd.DbGetDeviceAttributeProperty2([dev,attr]).,keys=1,depth=2)[dev][attr][‘label’][0]
- fandango.tango.get_real_name(dev, attr=None)[source]¶
It translate any device/attribute string by name/alias/label
Parameters: - device – Expected format is [host:port/][device][/attribute]; where device can be either a/b/c or alias
- attr – optional, when passed it will be regexp matched against attributes/labels
- fandango.tango.get_polled_attrs(device, others=None)[source]¶
@TODO: Tango8 has its own get_polled_attr method; check for incompatibilities if a device is passed, it returns the polled_attr property as a dictionary if a list of values is passed, it converts to dictionary others argument allows to get extra property values in a single DB call; e.g others = [‘polled_cmd’] would append the polled commands to the list
- fandango.tango.export_device_to_dict(device, commands=True, properties=True)[source]¶
This method can be used to export the current configuration of devices, attributes and properties to a file. The dictionary will get properties, class properties, attributes, commands, attribute config, event config, alarm config and pollings.
raw autodoc¶
- class fandango.tango.ProxiesDict(use_tau=False)[source]
Bases: fandango.dicts.CaselessDefaultDict, fandango.objects.Object
Dictionary that stores PyTango.DeviceProxies It is like a normal dictionary but creates a new proxy each time that the “get” method is called An earlier version is used in PyTangoArchiving.utils module This class must be substituted by Tau.Core.TauManager().getFactory()()
- get_admin(dev_name)[source]
Adds to the dictionary the admin device for a given device name and returns a proxy to it.
- pop(dev_name)[source]
Removes a device from the dict
- fandango.tango.TGet(*args)[source]
Universal fandango helper, it will return a matching Tango object depending on the arguments passed Objects are: database (), server (/), attribute ((:/)?*///), device ()
- class fandango.tango.TangoCommand(command, device=None, timeout=None, feedback=None, expected=None, wait=3.0, asynch=True, process=False)[source]
Bases: object
This class encapsulates a call to a Tango Command, it manages asynchronous commands in a background thread or process. It also allows to setup a “feedback” condition to validate that the command has been executed.
The usage would be like:
tc = TangoCommand('move',DeviceProxy('just/a/motor'),asynch=True,process=False) #In this example the value of the command will be returned once the state will change result = tc(args,feedback='state',expected=PyTango.DevState.MOVING,timeout=10000) #In this other example, it will be the value of the state what will be returned result = tc(args,feedback='state',timeout=10000)
Parameters: - command – the name of a tango command; or a callable
- device – a device that can be an string, a DeviceProxy or a TaurusDevice
- timeout – when using asynchronous commands default timeout can be overriden
- feedback – attribute, command or callable to be executed
- expected – if not None, value that feedback must have to consider the command successful
- wait – time to wait for feedback (once command has been executed)
- asynch – to perform the wait in a different thread instead of blocking
- process – whether to use a different process to execute the command (if CPU intensive or trhead-blocking)
- TangoCommand.Proxies = defaultdict(<bound method ProxiesDict.__default_factory__ of defaultdict(..., {})>, {})¶
- class fandango.tango.TangoEval(formula='', launch=True, timeout=1000, keeptime=100, trace=False, proxies=None, attributes=None, cache=0, use_events=False, event_hook=None, **kwargs)[source]
Bases: object
Class for Tango formula evaluation; used by Panic-like formulas
example: te = fandango.TangoEval(cache=3) te.eval('test/sim/test-00/A * test/sim/test-00/') Out: 2.6307095848792521 #A value multiplied by delta of S in its last 3 values
Attributes in the formulas may be (it is recommended to insert spaces between attribute names and operators): THIS REGULAR EXPRESSIONS DOES NOT MATCH THE HOST IN THE FORMULA!!!; IT IS TAKEN AS PART OF THE DEVICE NAME!!
dom/fam/memb/attrib >= V1 #Will evaluate the attribute value d/f/m/a1 > V2 and d/f/m/a2 == V3 #Comparing 2 attributes d/f/m.quality != QALARM #Using attribute quality d/f/m/State == UNKNOWN #States can be compared directly d/f/m/A.exception #True if exception occurred d/f/m/A.time #Attribute value time d/f/m/A.value #Explicit value d/f/m/ #Increase/decrease of the value since the first value in cache (if cache and cache_depth are set) d/f/m/A.all #Instead of just value will return an AttributeValue object
All tango-like variables are parsed. TangoEval.macros can be used to do regexp-based substitution. By default FIND(regexp) will be replaced by a list of matching attributes.
FIND([a-zA-Z0-9/].*) macro allows to get any attribute matching a regular expression Any variable in _locals is evaluated or explicitly replaced in the formula if matches $(); e.g. FIND($(VARNAME)//) T() < T(‘YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm’) allow to compare actual time with any timeUse_events: will manage events using the callbacks.EventSource object. It will redirect all events to TangoEval.eventReceived method. If an event_hook callback is passed as argument, both TangoEval object and result of eval will be sent to it.
eval() will be triggered by events only if event_hook is True or a callable
- FIND_EXP = 'FIND\\(((?:[ \'"])?[^)]*(?:[ \'"])?)\\)'¶
- add_macro(macro_name, macro_expression, macro_function)[source]
Add a new macro to be parsed by parse_formula. It will apply macro_function to the target found by macro_expression; the result will later replace macro_name%target
e.g: self.add_macro(‘FIND(%s)’,self.FIND_EXP,self.find_macro) #where FIND_EXP = ‘FIND(((?:[ ‘”])?[^)]*(?:[ ‘”])?))’
- alnum = '[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+'¶
- eval(formula=None, previous=None, _locals=None, _raise=None)[source]
Evaluates the given formula. Previous can be used to add extra local values, or predefined values for attributes ({‘a/b/c/d’:1} that would override its reading Any variable in locals is evaluated or explicitly replaced in the formula if appearing with brackets (e.g. FIND({VARNAME}//)) :param _raise: if attribute is empty or ‘State’ exceptions will be rethrown
- eventReceived(src, type_, value)[source]
Method to implement the event notification Source will be an object, type a PyTango EventType, evt_value an AttrValue Regarding PANIC, the eventReceived hook must be in the PanicAPI, not here
- find_macro(target)[source]
Gets a match of FIND_EXP and applies get_matching_attributes to the expresion found.
- get_delta(target)[source]
target = (device+’/’+attribute).lower() ; returns difference between first and last cached value
- no_alnum = '[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]'¶
- no_quotes = '(?:^|$|[^\'"a-zA-Z0-9_\\./])'¶
- parse_formula(formula, _locals=None)[source]
This method just removes comments and applies self.macros (e.g FIND()) searches in the formula; In this method there is no tango check, neither value replacement
- parse_variables(formula, _locals=None, parsed=False)[source]
This method parses attributes declarated in formulas with the following formats: TAG1: dom/fam/memb/attrib >= V1 #A comment TAG2: d/f/m/a1 > V2 and d/f/m/a2 == V3 TAG3: d/f/m.quality != QALARM #Another comment TAG4: d/f/m/State ##A description?, Why not :return:
- a None value if the alarm is not parsable
- a list of (device,attribute,value/time/quality) tuples
- read_attribute(device, attribute='', what='', _raise=True, timeout=None)[source]
Executes a read_attribute and returns the value requested :param _raise: if attribute is empty or ‘State’ exceptions will be rethrown
- reattr = '(?:/(?P<attribute>[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)(?:(?:\\.)(?P<what>quality|time|value|exception|delta|all|hist))?)?'¶
- redev = '(?P<device>(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+:[0-9]+/{1,2})?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+))'¶
- regexp = '(?:^|$|[^\'"a-zA-Z0-9_\\./])(?P<device>(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+:[0-9]+/{1,2})?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+))(?:/(?P<attribute>[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)(?:(?:\\.)(?P<what>quality|time|value|exception|delta|all|hist))?)?(?=^|$|[^\'"a-zA-Z0-9_/])'¶
- retango = '(?P<device>(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+:[0-9]+/{1,2})?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+))(?:/(?P<attribute>[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)(?:(?:\\.)(?P<what>quality|time|value|exception|delta|all|hist))?)?'¶
- class fandango.tango.TangoedValue[source]
Bases: object
- fandango.tango.add_new_device(server, klass, device)[source]
- fandango.tango.attr2str(attr_value)[source]
- fandango.tango.cast_tango_type(value_type)[source]
Returns the python equivalent to a Tango type
- fandango.tango.check_attribute(attr, readable=False, timeout=0, brief=False, trace=False)[source]
checks if attribute is available. :param readable: Whether if it’s mandatory that the attribute returns a value or if it must simply exist. :param timeout: Checks if the attribute value have been effectively updated (check zombie processes). :param brief: return just .value instead of AttrValue object
- fandango.tango.check_device(dev, attribute=None, command=None, full=False, admin=False, bad_state=False)[source]
Command may be ‘StateDetailed’ for testing HdbArchivers It will return True for devices ok, False for devices not running and None for unresponsive devices.
- fandango.tango.check_device_list(devices, attribute=None, command=None)[source]
This method will check a list of devices grouping them by host and server; minimizing the amount of pings to do.
- fandango.tango.check_host(host)[source]
Pings a hostname, returns False if unreachable
- fandango.tango.check_property_extensions(prop, value, db=None, extensions={'@COPY:': <function _copy_extension at 0x7eff574f8de8>, '@FILE:': <function _file_extension at 0x7eff574f8e60>, '@ATTR:': <function _attr_extension at 0x7eff574f8ed8>}, filters=[])[source]
- fandango.tango.check_starter(host)[source]
Checks host’s Starter server
- fandango.tango.export_attribute_to_dict(model, attribute=None, value=None, keep=False, as_struct=False)[source]
get attribute config, format and value from Tango and return it as a dictionary:
Parameters: model – can be a full tango model, a device name or a device proxy - keys: min_alarm,name,data_type,format,max_alarm,ch_event,data_format,value,
- label,writable,device,polling,alarms,arch_event,unit
- fandango.tango.export_commands_to_dict(device, target='*')[source]
export all device commands config to a dictionary
- fandango.tango.export_device_to_dict(device, commands=True, properties=True)[source]
This method can be used to export the current configuration of devices, attributes and properties to a file. The dictionary will get properties, class properties, attributes, commands, attribute config, event config, alarm config and pollings.
- fandango.tango.export_properties_to_dict(device, target='*')[source]
export device or class properties to dictionary
- class fandango.tango.fakeAttributeValue(name, value=None, time_=0.0, quality=PyTango._PyTango.AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID, dim_x=1, dim_y=1, parent=None, device='', error=False, keeptime=0)[source]
Bases: object
This class simulates a modifiable AttributeValue object (not available in PyTango) It is the class used to read values from Dev4Tango devices (valves, pseudos, composer, etc ...) It also has a read(cache) method to be used as a TaurusAttribute or AttributeProxy (but it returns self if cache is not used) The cache is controlled by keeptime variable (milliseconds) :param parent: Apart of common Attribute arguments, parent will be used to keep a proxy to the parent object (a DeviceProxy or DeviceImpl)
- class fandango.tango.fakeEvent(device, attr_name, attr_value, err, errors)[source]
Bases: object
- fandango.tango.find_attributes(*args, **kwargs)[source]
- fandango.tango.find_devices(*args, **kwargs)[source]
- fandango.tango.getTangoValue(obj, device=None)[source]
This method may be used to return objects from read_attribute or FIND() that are still computable and keep quality/time members try to avoid spectrums.; this method doesn’t work for numpy arrays so I have to convert them to less efficient lists.
- fandango.tango.get_alias_dict(exp='*')[source]
returns an {alias:device} dictionary with all matching alias from Tango DB :param exp:
- fandango.tango.get_alias_for_device(dev)[source]
return alias for this device
- class fandango.tango.get_all_devices(exported=False, keeptime=None, host='')[source]
- fandango.tango.get_all_models(expressions, limit=1000)[source]
Customization of get_matching_attributes to be usable in Taurus widgets. It returns all the available Tango attributes (exported!) matching any of a list of regular expressions.
- fandango.tango.get_attribute_config(target)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_attribute_events(target, polled=True, throw=False)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_attribute_info(device, attribute)[source]
This method returns attribute info in the attr_list format It parses values returned by PyTango.DeviceProxy(device).get_attribute_config(attribute) return format:
[[PyTango.DevString, PyTango.SPECTRUM, PyTango.READ_WRITE, 2], {
‘unit’:”mbar”, ‘format’:”%4d”,}],
- fandango.tango.get_attribute_label(target, use_db=True)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_attribute_time(value)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_class_devices(klass, db=None)[source]
Returns all registered devices for a given class
- fandango.tango.get_class_property(klass, property, db=None)[source]
It returns class property value or just first item if value list has lenght==1
- fandango.tango.get_database(host='', port='', use_tau=False)[source]
Method to get a singleton instance of the Tango Database host/port can be a host,port tuple; a ‘host:port’ string or a taurus model. @TODO: host/port is checked only at first creation, once initialized you can’t change HOST
- fandango.tango.get_database_device(use_tau=False, db=None)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_device(dev, use_tau=False, keep=False)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_device_attributes(dev, expressions='*')[source]
Given a device name it returns the attributes matching any of the given expressions
- fandango.tango.get_device_commands(dev)[source]
returns a list of device command names
- fandango.tango.get_device_for_alias(alias)[source]
returns the device name for a given alias
- fandango.tango.get_device_help(self, str_format='text')[source]
This command returns help text for this device class and its parents
- fandango.tango.get_device_host(dev)[source]
Asks the Database device server about the host of this device
- fandango.tango.get_device_info(dev, db=None)[source]
This method provides an alternative to for those devices that are not running
- fandango.tango.get_device_labels(target, filters='*', brief=True)[source]
Returns an {attr:label} dict for all attributes of this device Filters will be a regular expression to apply to attr or label. If brief is True (default) only those attributes with label are returned. This method works offline, does not need device to be running
- fandango.tango.get_device_property(device, property, db=None)[source]
It returns device property value or just first item if value list has lenght==1
- fandango.tango.get_device_started(target)[source]
Returns device started time
- fandango.tango.get_devices_properties('*alarms*',props,hosts=[get_bl_host(i) for i in bls])[source]
props must be an string as passed to Database.get_device_property(); regexp are not enabled! get_matching_device_properties enhanced with multi-host support @TODO: Compare performance of this method with get_matching_device_properties
- fandango.tango.get_distinct_attributes(attrs)[source]
It returns a list with the distinc attribute names (excluding device) appearing in a list
- fandango.tango.get_distinct_devices(attrs)[source]
It returns a list with the distinct device names appearing in a list
- fandango.tango.get_distinct_domains(attrs)[source]
It returns a list with the distinc member names appearing in a list
- fandango.tango.get_distinct_families(attrs)[source]
It returns a list with the distinc member names appearing in a list
- fandango.tango.get_distinct_members(attrs)[source]
It returns a list with the distinc member names appearing in a list
- fandango.tango.get_domain(model)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_extension_arg(x)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_family(model)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_full_name(model)[source]
Returns full schema name as needed by HDB++ api
- fandango.tango.get_internal_devices()[source]
Gets all devices declared in the current Tango server
- fandango.tango.get_matching_attributes(expressions, limit=0, fullname=None, trace=False)[source]
Returns all matching device/attribute pairs. regexp only allowed in attribute names :param expressions: a list of expressions like [domain_wild/family_wild/member_wild/attribute_regexp]
- fandango.tango.get_matching_device_attribute_labels(device, attribute)[source]
To get all gauge port labels: get_matching_device_attribute_labels(‘vgct‘,’p*’)
- fandango.tango.get_matching_device_properties(devs, props, hosts=[], exclude='*dserver*', port=10000, trace=False)[source]
get_matching_device_properties enhanced with multi-host support @props: regexp are enabled! get_devices_properties(‘alarms‘,props,hosts=[get_bl_host(i) for i in bls]) @TODO: Compare performance of this method with get_devices_properties
- fandango.tango.get_matching_devices(expressions, limit=0, exported=False, fullname=False, trace=False)[source]
Searches for devices matching expressions, if exported is True only running devices are returned Tango host will be included in the matched name if fullname is True
- fandango.tango.get_matching_servers(expressions, tango_host='', exported=False)[source]
Return all servers in the given tango tango_host matching the given expressions. :param exported: whether servers should be running or not
- fandango.tango.get_member(model)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_model_name(model)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_polled_attrs(device, others=None)[source]
@TODO: Tango8 has its own get_polled_attr method; check for incompatibilities if a device is passed, it returns the polled_attr property as a dictionary if a list of values is passed, it converts to dictionary others argument allows to get extra property values in a single DB call; e.g others = [‘polled_cmd’] would append the polled commands to the list
- fandango.tango.get_property_history(dev, prop)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_proxy(argin, use_tau=False, keep=False)[source]
Returns attribute or device proxy depending on argin syntax
- fandango.tango.get_real_name(dev, attr=None)[source]
It translate any device/attribute string by name/alias/label
Parameters: - device – Expected format is [host:port/][device][/attribute]; where device can be either a/b/c or alias
- attr – optional, when passed it will be regexp matched against attributes/labels
- fandango.tango.get_server_pid(server)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_server_property(name, instance, prop)[source]
- fandango.tango.get_tango_host(dev_name='', use_db=False)[source]
If device is a tango model, it will extract the host from the model URL If devicesis none, then environment variable or PyTango.Database are used to extract the host If TANGO_HOST is not defined it will always fallback to PyTango.Database()
- fandango.tango.loadTaurus()[source]
- fandango.tango.parse_db_command_array(data, keys=1, depth=2)[source]
This command will parse data received from DbGetDeviceAttributeProperty2 command. DB device commands return data in this format: X XSize Y YSize Z ZSize ZValue W WSize WValue This corresponds to {X:{Y:{Z:[Zdata],W:[Wdata]}}} Depth of the array is 2 by default e.g.: label_of_dev_test_attribute = parse_db_command_array(dbd.DbGetDeviceAttributeProperty2([dev,attr]).,keys=1,depth=2)[dev][attr][‘label’][0]
- fandango.tango.parse_labels(text)[source]
- fandango.tango.parse_tango_model(name, use_tau=False, use_host=False)[source]
{‘attributename’: ‘state’, ‘attribute’: ‘state’, ‘devicename’: ‘bo01/vc/ipct-01’, #Always short name ‘device’: ‘cts:10000/bo01/vc/ipct-01’, #Will contain host if use_host or host!=TANGO_HOST ‘host’: ‘cts’, ‘port’: ‘10000’, ‘scheme’: ‘tango’}
- fandango.tango.property_undo(dev, prop, epoch)[source]
- fandango.tango.put_class_property(klass, property, value=None, db=None)[source]
- Two syntax are possible:
- put_class_property(class,{property:value})
- put_class_property(class,property,value)
- fandango.tango.put_device_property(device, property, value=None, db=None)[source]
- Two syntax are possible:
- put_device_property(device,{property:value})
- put_device_property(device,property,value)
- fandango.tango.read_attribute(attr, timeout=0, full=False)[source]
Alias to check_attribute(attr,brief=True)
- fandango.tango.read_internal_attribute(device, attribute)[source]
- This method allows several things:
- If a device object (Impl or Proxy) is given, it is used to read the attribute
- If the attribute belongs to a device in the SAME SERVER, it accesses directly to the device object
- If the attribute belongs to an external SERVER, use PyTango proxies to read it
- It can manage dynamic attributes used within the same SERVER calling read_dyn_attr
device must be a DevImpl object or string, attribute must be an string if the device is not internal this method will connect to a PyTango Proxy the method will return a fakeAttributeValue object
- fandango.tango.reduce_distinct(group1, group2)[source]
It returns a list of (device,domain,family,member,attribute) keys that appear in group1 and not in group2
- fandango.tango.set_attribute_label(target, label='', unit='')[source]
- fandango.tango.set_device_labels(target, labels)[source]
Applies an {attr:label} dict for attributes of this device