fandango.db module


This package implements a simplified acces to MySQL using FriendlyDB object.

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class fandango.db.FriendlyDB(db_name, host='', user='', passwd='', autocommit=True, loglevel='WARNING', use_tuples=False, default_cursor=None)[source]

Class for managing direct access to MySQL databases using mysql-python module

Query(query, export=True, asDict=False)[source]

Executes a query directly in the database @param query SQL query to be executed @param export If it’s True, it returns directly the values instead of a cursor @return the executed cursor, values can be retrieved by executing cursor.fetchall()

Select(what, tables, clause='', group='', order='', limit='', distinct=False, asDict=False, trace=False)[source]

Allows to create and execute Select queries using Lists as arguments @return depending on param asDict it returns a list or lists or a list of dictionaries with results


This method provides a custom replacement to cursor.fetchall() method. It is used to return a list instead of a big tuple; what seems to cause trouble to python garbage collector.

getCursor(renew=True, klass=None)[source]

returns the Cursor for the database renew will force the creation of a new cursor object klass may be any of MySQLdb.cursors classes (e.g. DictCursor) MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor allows to minimize mem usage in clients (although it relies memory cleanup to the server!)


Returns the column names for the given table, and stores these values in the tables dict.


Initializes the keys of the tables dictionary and returns these keys.

setUser(user, passwd)[source]

Set User and Password to access MySQL

table2dicts(keys, table)[source]

Converts a 2-D table and a set of keys in a list of dictionaries


Converts a N-D tuple to a N-D list

raw autodoc

class fandango.db.FriendlyDB(db_name, host='', user='', passwd='', autocommit=True, loglevel='WARNING', use_tuples=False, default_cursor=None)[source]

Bases: fandango.log.Logger

Class for managing direct access to MySQL databases using mysql-python module

Query(query, export=True, asDict=False)[source]

Executes a query directly in the database @param query SQL query to be executed @param export If it’s True, it returns directly the values instead of a cursor @return the executed cursor, values can be retrieved by executing cursor.fetchall()

Select(what, tables, clause='', group='', order='', limit='', distinct=False, asDict=False, trace=False)[source]

Allows to create and execute Select queries using Lists as arguments @return depending on param asDict it returns a list or lists or a list of dictionaries with results


This method provides a custom replacement to cursor.fetchall() method. It is used to return a list instead of a big tuple; what seems to cause trouble to python garbage collector.

getCursor(renew=True, klass=None)[source]

returns the Cursor for the database renew will force the creation of a new cursor object klass may be any of MySQLdb.cursors classes (e.g. DictCursor) MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor allows to minimize mem usage in clients (although it relies memory cleanup to the server!)


Returns the column names for the given table, and stores these values in the tables dict.


Initializes the keys of the tables dictionary and returns these keys.

setUser(user, passwd)[source]

Set User and Password to access MySQL

table2dicts(keys, table)[source]

Converts a 2-D table and a set of keys in a list of dictionaries


Converts a N-D tuple to a N-D list