fandango.linos module¶
- fandango.linos module
- Description
- Classes
- Functions
- is_link
- get_memstats
- kill_process
- get_memory
- is_dir
- sysargs_to_dict
- diffdir
- expand_args_to_list
- findfolders
- ping
- listdir
- get_cpu
- copydir
- timefun
- desktop_switcher
- get_memory_usage
- get_process_pid
- sendmail
- expand_args_to_int_list
- shell_command
- expand_args_to_str_list
- get_file_size
- arg_to_bool
- file_exists
- check_process
- get_free_memory
- KillEmAll
- raw autodoc
#some Linux utilities
<pre> Executing shell commands and getting the stdout
The module subprocess must be used for that, instead of os.exec* or os.system.
import subprocess ps = subprocess.Popen(‘ps uax’,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) grep1 = subprocess.Popen(‘grep -i hdbarchiver’,shell=True,stdin=ps.stdout,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) grep1.communicate() Out[77]: (‘sicilia 13698 0.0 0.0 51000 1552 ? Ss Feb23 0:00 SCREEN -dm -S HdbArchiver-palantir01_BO01_VC /homelocal/sicilia/ap sicilia 6343 0.0 0.0 50872 2748 pts/13 S+ 10:17 0:00 screen -r HdbArchiver-palantir01_BO01_VC ‘,
- fandango.linos.sysargs_to_dict(args=None, defaults=[], trace=False, split=False, cast=True, lazy=True)[source]¶
It parses the command line arguments into an understandable dict defaults is the list of anonymous arguments to accept (would be False if not specified)
@param split: if True: args,kwargs are returned; if False then {None:[defaults],’option’:value} is returned instead
@param cast: will try to cast all strings to python types
@param lazy: will accept any A=B as an alternative to -A B
> command H=1 –option=value –parameter VALUE -test default_arg1 default_arg2
will returns
getopt and argparse modules in python provide similar functionality, but are not available in all of our distributions
- fandango.linos.expand_args_to_int_list(args)¶
- fandango.linos.expand_args_to_str_list(args)¶
raw autodoc¶
- fandango.linos.KillEmAll(klass)[source]
- class fandango.linos.MyMachine[source]
Bases: fandango.objects.Struct
This method identifies the current Machine (OS/Arch/Hostname/Kernel) using the platform module
- fandango.linos.arg_to_bool(arg)[source]
- fandango.linos.check_process(pid)[source]
- fandango.linos.copydir(origin, destination, timewait=0.1, overwrite=False)[source]
This method copies recursively a folder, creating subdirectories if needed and exiting at first error. Origin and destination must be existing folders. It includes a timewait between file copying
- fandango.linos.desktop_switcher(period, event=None, iterations=2)[source]
It uses wmctrl to switch between all desktops with a period as specified. @param period Time between desktop changes @param event Event to stop the application @param iterations Number of cycles to execute, -1 for infinite
- fandango.linos.diffdir(origin, destination, caseless=False, checksize=True)[source]
- fandango.linos.expand_args_to_int_list(args)
- fandango.linos.expand_args_to_list(args, type_=<type 'int'>)[source]
it generates a list of args from a sequence like 1,3,5 or 3-7
- fandango.linos.expand_args_to_str_list(args)
- fandango.linos.file_exists(path)[source]
- fandango.linos.findfolders(target='', parent='', filter_=True, printout=False)[source]
- fandango.linos.get_cpu(pid)[source]
Uses ps to get the CPU usage of a process by PID ; it will trigger exception of PID doesn’t exist
- fandango.linos.get_file_size(path)[source]
- fandango.linos.get_free_memory(units='m')[source]
- fandango.linos.get_memory(pid=None, virtual=False)[source]
This function uses ‘/proc/pid/status’ to get the memory consumption of a process
- fandango.linos.get_memory_usage()[source]
This method returns the percentage of total memory used in this machine
- fandango.linos.get_memstats(units='m')[source]
This method returns mem stats in Megabytes Remember that in linux buffers and cached memory should be considered FREE Dictionary returned is like: { ‘buffers’: ‘6’,
‘cached’: ‘557’, ‘free’: ‘16’, ‘shared’: ‘0’, ‘total’: ‘1002’, ‘used’: ‘986’ }
- fandango.linos.get_process_pid(include='', exclude='grep|screen|kwrite')[source]
- fandango.linos.is_dir(path)[source]
- fandango.linos.is_link(path)[source]
- fandango.linos.kill_process(process=None, signal=15)[source]
- fandango.linos.listdir(folder, mask='.*', files=False, folders=False, links=False, caseless=True)[source]
-, threaded=False, timeout=1)[source]
By Noah Gift’s, PyCon 2008 ips = [‘ivc%02d01’%(i+1) for i in range(16)] #ips = [“”, “”, “”, “”]
- fandango.linos.sendmail(subject, text, receivers, sender='', attachments=None, trace=False)[source]
- fandango.linos.shell_command(*commands, **keywords)[source]
Executes a list of commands linking their stdin and stdouts @param commands each argument is interpreted as a command @param split returns stdout as a file.readlines() result @return the last stdout result
- fandango.linos.sysargs_to_dict(args=None, defaults=[], trace=False, split=False, cast=True, lazy=True)[source]
It parses the command line arguments into an understandable dict defaults is the list of anonymous arguments to accept (would be False if not specified)
@param split: if True: args,kwargs are returned; if False then {None:[defaults],’option’:value} is returned instead
@param cast: will try to cast all strings to python types
@param lazy: will accept any A=B as an alternative to -A B
> command H=1 –option=value –parameter VALUE -test default_arg1 default_arg2
will returns
getopt and argparse modules in python provide similar functionality, but are not available in all of our distributions
- fandango.linos.timefun(f)[source]
This function allow to get time spent by some method calls, use timefun(lambda:f(args)) if needed