Welcome to fandango 12+ documentation!¶
Fandango (“functional” programming for Tango) is a Python library for developing functional and multithreaded control applications and scripts, mostly used in the scope of Tango Control System and PANIC Alarm System projects.
See an Introduction to fandango: Introducing Fandango
And have a look to some common recipes: Fandango Recipes
- Introducing Fandango
- Fandango Recipes
- Check status of Devices Attributes
- Create and launch new devices
- Using Fandango from the Linux Shell
- fandango.callbacks.EventSource and EventListener API
- Creating a New Host with Fandango
- Export Tango Device Data to .json files
- Dynamic Devices and Simulators
- Catching Exceptions
- Basic Tango Recipes
- Threading Classes in Fandango
- Functional Programming Recipes
- Fandango Devices
- Changelog
- 12.6.1 - April 2017
- 12.6 - March 2017
- 12.5 - January 2017
- 12.4 - January 2017
- 12.3 - November 2016
- 12.2.1 - October 2016, Bugfix release, required by latest PyPLC/Panic
- 12.1 - August 2016, required by latest PyPLC/Panic
- 11.15 - July 2016, required by PyTangoArchiving 7.1
- 11.14 - June 2016 Solved Bugs with Dev4Tango/tango_servers
- 11.13 Solved bugs in Tango9, Added CopyCatDS/WorkerDS devices
- February 2016 - 11.9 Compact dynamic attributes with VAR/GET/SET. Bug patches.
- November 2015 - 11.7 Drag/Drop/Pickle devices from anywhere
- August 2015 - 11.6 New QEvaluator tool for debugging PyQt
- July 2015 - 11.5 Improvements for 64 bits support and simulations
- April 2015 - 11.4 Bugs solved for better simulations
- January 2015 - 11.3 New DynamicServer,CopyCatDS classes, interface submodule refactored, Taurus/PyTango independent, needed for PyTangoArchiving.widget>5.2 and PyTango>8.1
- November 2014 - 11.2 needed for PyTangoArchiving>5.2 and PyTango>8.1
- fandango.arrays module
- fandango.callbacks module
- fandango.db module
- fandango.debug module
- fandango.device package
- fandango.devslist module
- fandango.dicts module
- fandango.dynamic module
- fandango.excepts module
- fandango.functional module
- fandango.linos module
- fandango.log module
- fandango.objects module
- fandango.qt module
- fandango.servers module
- fandango.scripts package
- fandango.tango module
- fandango.threads module
- fandango.web module