fandango.callbacks module¶
## file : ## ## description : This class manages a list of attributes subscribed to events that could have multiple receivers each one. ## It supplies the ATK AttributeList behaviour. ## device.DevChild and those inherited classes depends on that. ## Global objects are: ## _EventsList, _EventReceivers, _StatesList, _AttributesList, GlobalCallback ## ... _EventReceivers must be substituted by DevicesList ## ## project : Tango Control System ## ## $Author: Sergi Rubio Manrique, $ ## ## $Revision: 2008 $ ## ## copyleft : ALBA Synchrotron Controls Section, CELLS ## Bellaterra ## Spain ## ############################################################################# ## ## This file is part of Tango Control System ## ## Tango Control System is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## Tango Control System is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, see <>. ###########################################################################
- class fandango.callbacks.EventListener(name, parent=None, source=False)[source]¶
- The EventListener class accepts 3 event hooks:
- self.set_event_hook() self.set_error_hook() self.set_value_hook()
All of them need a callable accepting three arguments: src,type,value
In the case of value_hook it will not pass the event object but event.value/rvalue
- class fandango.callbacks.TangoListener(name, parent=None, source=False)[source]¶
- The EventListener class accepts 3 event hooks:
- self.set_event_hook() self.set_error_hook() self.set_value_hook()
All of them need a callable accepting three arguments: src,type,value
In the case of value_hook it will not pass the event object but event.value/rvalue
- class fandango.callbacks.EventSource(name, keeptime=1000.0, fake=False, parent=None, **kw)[source]¶
Simplified implementation of Taurus Attribute/Model and fandango.CachedAttributeProxy classes
It implements CachedAttributeProxy methods but doesnt inherit from it; this regression is due to the lack of reliability of AttributeProxy in PyTango 9.
Documentation at doc/recipes/EventsAndCallbacks.rst
Slow Polling will be always enabled, as a KeepAlive is always kept reading the attribute values at an slow rate.
Well, will be always enabled as long there are Listeners or Forced is True. If not polling will not be activated and it will be simply a CachedAttributeProxy.
In this implementation, just a faster polling will be enabled if the attribute provides no events. But the slow polling will never be fully disabled.
If no events are received after EVENT_TIMEOUT, polling wil be also enabled.
It will also subscribe to all attribute events, not only CHANGE and CONFIG
Arguments to EventSource(...) are:
- name : attribute name (simple or full)
- parent : device name or proxy
- enablePolling (force polling by default)
- pollingPeriod (3000)
- keeptime (500 ms) min. time (in ms!) between HW reads
- tango_asynch = True/False ; to use asynchronous Tango reading
- listeners = a list of listeners to be added at startup
- persistent = if True, a dummy listener is added to enforce subscription
Arguments are supported in CamelCase and lowercase to keep compatibility with previous apis (CachedProxy and TaurusAttribute).
Keep in mind that if tango_asynch=True; you will not get the latest value when doing read(cache=False). You must use read(cache=False,asynch=False) instead.
@TODO: Listeners should be assignable to only one type of eventl. @TODO: read(cache=False) should trigger fireEvent if not called from poll()
- addListener(listener, use_events=True, use_polling=False)[source]¶
Adds a Listener to this EventSource object. use_events can be a boolean or a list of event types (change,attr_conf,periodic,archive)
- checkEvents(tdiff=None, vdiff=None)[source]¶
tdiff: max time difference allowed between last_event_time and current time vdiff: difference between last event value and current hw value
- fireEvent(event_type, event_value, listeners=None)[source]¶
sends an event to all listeners or a specific one event type filtering is done here poll() events will be allowed to pass through
- isUsingEvents()[source]¶
This method doesnt tell if it wants to use_events but if it is actually receiving them
- read(cache=None, asynch=None, _raise=True)[source]¶
Read last value acquired, if cache = False or not polled it will trigger a proxy.read_attribute() call.
If asynch=True/False, self.tango_asynch will be overriden for this call.
- removeListener(listener, exclude='dummy')[source]¶
Remove a listener object or callback. :listener: can be object, weakref, sequence or ‘*’
- set_cache(value, t=None)[source]¶
set_cache and fake are used by PyAlarm.update_locals It’s used to emulate alarm state reading from other devices
- class fandango.callbacks.TangoAttribute(name, keeptime=1000.0, fake=False, parent=None, **kw)[source]¶
Simplified implementation of Taurus Attribute/Model and fandango.CachedAttributeProxy classes
It implements CachedAttributeProxy methods but doesnt inherit from it; this regression is due to the lack of reliability of AttributeProxy in PyTango 9.
Documentation at doc/recipes/EventsAndCallbacks.rst
Slow Polling will be always enabled, as a KeepAlive is always kept reading the attribute values at an slow rate.
Well, will be always enabled as long there are Listeners or Forced is True. If not polling will not be activated and it will be simply a CachedAttributeProxy.
In this implementation, just a faster polling will be enabled if the attribute provides no events. But the slow polling will never be fully disabled.
If no events are received after EVENT_TIMEOUT, polling wil be also enabled.
It will also subscribe to all attribute events, not only CHANGE and CONFIG
Arguments to EventSource(...) are:
- name : attribute name (simple or full)
- parent : device name or proxy
- enablePolling (force polling by default)
- pollingPeriod (3000)
- keeptime (500 ms) min. time (in ms!) between HW reads
- tango_asynch = True/False ; to use asynchronous Tango reading
- listeners = a list of listeners to be added at startup
- persistent = if True, a dummy listener is added to enforce subscription
Arguments are supported in CamelCase and lowercase to keep compatibility with previous apis (CachedProxy and TaurusAttribute).
Keep in mind that if tango_asynch=True; you will not get the latest value when doing read(cache=False). You must use read(cache=False,asynch=False) instead.
@TODO: Listeners should be assignable to only one type of eventl. @TODO: read(cache=False) should trigger fireEvent if not called from poll()
- class fandango.callbacks.EventThread(period_ms=None, filtered=False, latency=10.0, loglevel='WARNING')[source]¶
This class processes both Events and Polling. All listeners should implement eventReceived method All sources must have a listeners list On Current EventSource implementation this is a SINGLETONE!!!, its configuration will apply for the whole running process!
The filtered argument will just forward last event received on each loop iteration for each source. It can be set to False, True or a factor of latency.
The latency (ms) specifies a time condition to abort event checking and proceed to callback execution.
The real latency of the system is provided by inherited get_delay and get_avg_delay methods
- fireEvent(source, *args)[source]¶
It just retriggers every EventSource fireEvent method If there’s no method nor listeners, a callable is launched
raw autodoc¶
- class fandango.callbacks.AttrCallback(name='fandango.Logger', parent=None, format='%(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s', use_tango=True, use_print=True, level='INFO', max_len=0)[source]
- class fandango.callbacks.CachedAttributeProxy(name, keeptime=1000.0, fake=False, parent=None, **kw)[source]
- class fandango.callbacks.EventCallback[source]
It provides persistent storage. lock.acquire and lock.release should be used to prevent threading problems!, Use of the lists inside push_event is safe
- class fandango.callbacks.EventListener(name, parent=None, source=False)[source]
Bases: fandango.log.Logger, fandango.objects.Object
- The EventListener class accepts 3 event hooks:
- self.set_event_hook() self.set_error_hook() self.set_value_hook()
All of them need a callable accepting three arguments: src,type,value
In the case of value_hook it will not pass the event object but event.value/rvalue
- eventReceived(src, type_, value)[source]
Method to implement the event notification Source will be an object, type a PyTango EventType, evt_value an AttrValue
- class fandango.callbacks.EventSource(name, keeptime=1000.0, fake=False, parent=None, **kw)[source]
Bases: fandango.log.Logger, fandango.objects.SingletonMap
Simplified implementation of Taurus Attribute/Model and fandango.CachedAttributeProxy classes
It implements CachedAttributeProxy methods but doesnt inherit from it; this regression is due to the lack of reliability of AttributeProxy in PyTango 9.
Documentation at doc/recipes/EventsAndCallbacks.rst
Slow Polling will be always enabled, as a KeepAlive is always kept reading the attribute values at an slow rate.
Well, will be always enabled as long there are Listeners or Forced is True. If not polling will not be activated and it will be simply a CachedAttributeProxy.
In this implementation, just a faster polling will be enabled if the attribute provides no events. But the slow polling will never be fully disabled.
If no events are received after EVENT_TIMEOUT, polling wil be also enabled.
It will also subscribe to all attribute events, not only CHANGE and CONFIG
Arguments to EventSource(...) are:
- name : attribute name (simple or full)
- parent : device name or proxy
- enablePolling (force polling by default)
- pollingPeriod (3000)
- keeptime (500 ms) min. time (in ms!) between HW reads
- tango_asynch = True/False ; to use asynchronous Tango reading
- listeners = a list of listeners to be added at startup
- persistent = if True, a dummy listener is added to enforce subscription
Arguments are supported in CamelCase and lowercase to keep compatibility with previous apis (CachedProxy and TaurusAttribute).
Keep in mind that if tango_asynch=True; you will not get the latest value when doing read(cache=False). You must use read(cache=False,asynch=False) instead.
@TODO: Listeners should be assignable to only one type of eventl. @TODO: read(cache=False) should trigger fireEvent if not called from poll()
- DEFAULT_EVENTS = ['periodic', 'change', 'archive', 'quality']¶
- DUMMY = <fandango.callbacks.EventListener object at 0x7eff57513a50>¶
- DefaultPolling = 3000.0¶
- KeepAlive = 15000.0¶
- PROXIES = defaultdict(<bound method ProxiesDict.__default_factory__ of defaultdict(..., {})>, {})¶
- QUEUE = None¶
- STATES = fandango.Struct({ 'FORCED': 4, 'SUBSCRIBED': 3, 'FAILED': -1, 'UNSUBSCRIBED': 0, 'SUBSCRIBING': 2, 'PENDING': 1, })¶
- TAURUS_EVENTS = ['change', 'attr_conf']¶
- VALUE_EVENTS = ['periodic', 'change', 'archive', 'quality', 'user_event']¶
- addListener(listener, use_events=True, use_polling=False)[source]
Adds a Listener to this EventSource object. use_events can be a boolean or a list of event types (change,attr_conf,periodic,archive)
- changePollingPeriod(period)[source]
change polling period to period miliseconds
- checkEvents(tdiff=None, vdiff=None)[source]
tdiff: max time difference allowed between last_event_time and current time vdiff: difference between last event value and current hw value
- fireEvent(event_type, event_value, listeners=None)[source]
sends an event to all listeners or a specific one event type filtering is done here poll() events will be allowed to pass through
- getMode()[source]
- getPollingPeriod()[source]
returns the polling period
- hasListeners()[source]
returns True if anybody is listening to events from this attribute
- isPollingEnabled()[source]
It should be called isPollingAllowed instead
- isUsingEvents()[source]
This method doesnt tell if it wants to use_events but if it is actually receiving them
- read(cache=None, asynch=None, _raise=True)[source]
Read last value acquired, if cache = False or not polled it will trigger a proxy.read_attribute() call.
If asynch=True/False, self.tango_asynch will be overriden for this call.
- removeListener(listener, exclude='dummy')[source]
Remove a listener object or callback. :listener: can be object, weakref, sequence or ‘*’
- set_cache(value, t=None)[source]
set_cache and fake are used by PyAlarm.update_locals It’s used to emulate alarm state reading from other devices
- static thread()[source]
It returns the current EventThread INSTANCE Use EventSource.thread().setup(...) to configure it
- write(value, with_read=None)[source]
The with_read argument will trigger a read() call and an update in all listeners
- class fandango.callbacks.EventThread(period_ms=None, filtered=False, latency=10.0, loglevel='WARNING')[source]
Bases: fandango.log.Logger, fandango.threads.ThreadedObject
This class processes both Events and Polling. All listeners should implement eventReceived method All sources must have a listeners list On Current EventSource implementation this is a SINGLETONE!!!, its configuration will apply for the whole running process!
The filtered argument will just forward last event received on each loop iteration for each source. It can be set to False, True or a factor of latency.
The latency (ms) specifies a time condition to abort event checking and proceed to callback execution.
The real latency of the system is provided by inherited get_delay and get_avg_delay methods
- MinWait = 0.0001¶
- fireEvent(source, *args)[source]
It just retriggers every EventSource fireEvent method If there’s no method nor listeners, a callable is launched
- process()[source]
Currently, this implementation will process 100 events for each polling each time as max.
- setup(period_ms=None, filtered=None, latency=None, loglevel=None)[source]
This method allows to reconfigure an already running EventThread
- class fandango.callbacks.TAttr(name, dev_name='', proxy=None, event_id=None)[source]
Bases: fandango.callbacks.EventStruct
This class is used to keep information about events received, example of usage inside device.DevChild
- class fandango.callbacks.TangoAttribute(name, keeptime=1000.0, fake=False, parent=None, **kw)[source]
Bases: fandango.callbacks.EventSource
Simplified implementation of Taurus Attribute/Model and fandango.CachedAttributeProxy classes
It implements CachedAttributeProxy methods but doesnt inherit from it; this regression is due to the lack of reliability of AttributeProxy in PyTango 9.
Documentation at doc/recipes/EventsAndCallbacks.rst
Slow Polling will be always enabled, as a KeepAlive is always kept reading the attribute values at an slow rate.
Well, will be always enabled as long there are Listeners or Forced is True. If not polling will not be activated and it will be simply a CachedAttributeProxy.
In this implementation, just a faster polling will be enabled if the attribute provides no events. But the slow polling will never be fully disabled.
If no events are received after EVENT_TIMEOUT, polling wil be also enabled.
It will also subscribe to all attribute events, not only CHANGE and CONFIG
Arguments to EventSource(...) are:
- name : attribute name (simple or full)
- parent : device name or proxy
- enablePolling (force polling by default)
- pollingPeriod (3000)
- keeptime (500 ms) min. time (in ms!) between HW reads
- tango_asynch = True/False ; to use asynchronous Tango reading
- listeners = a list of listeners to be added at startup
- persistent = if True, a dummy listener is added to enforce subscription
Arguments are supported in CamelCase and lowercase to keep compatibility with previous apis (CachedProxy and TaurusAttribute).
Keep in mind that if tango_asynch=True; you will not get the latest value when doing read(cache=False). You must use read(cache=False,asynch=False) instead.
@TODO: Listeners should be assignable to only one type of eventl. @TODO: read(cache=False) should trigger fireEvent if not called from poll()
- class fandango.callbacks.TangoListener(name, parent=None, source=False)[source]
Bases: fandango.callbacks.EventListener
- The EventListener class accepts 3 event hooks:
- self.set_event_hook() self.set_error_hook() self.set_value_hook()
All of them need a callable accepting three arguments: src,type,value
In the case of value_hook it will not pass the event object but event.value/rvalue
- fandango.callbacks.addReceiver(attribute, receiver)[source]
- fandango.callbacks.addTAttr(tattr)[source]
- fandango.callbacks.getAttrValueFor(attname)[source]
- fandango.callbacks.getEventFor(attname)[source]
- fandango.callbacks.getEventItems()[source]
- fandango.callbacks.getStateFor(devname)[source]
- fandango.callbacks.getSubscribedItems(receiver)[source]
It returns a list with all devices managed by callbacks to which this receiver is effectively subscribed
- fandango.callbacks.get_test_objects(model='controls02:10000/test/sim/tonto/Pressure', period=1.0)[source]
v,tl = fandango.callbacks.get_test_objects()
- fandango.callbacks.inAttributesList(attname)[source]
- fandango.callbacks.inEventsList(attname)[source]
- fandango.callbacks.inStatesList(devname)[source]
- fandango.callbacks.setAttributeValue(attr_name, attr_value)[source]
- fandango.callbacks.setStateFor(devname, state)[source]
- fandango.callbacks.subscribeDeviceAttributes(self, dev_name, attrs)[source]
This is how attributes were registered in the old PyStateComposer