Source code for fandango.excepts

from __future__ import with_statement
#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
## file :
## description : see below
## project :     Tango Control System
## $Author: Sergi Rubio Manrique, $
## $Revision: 2008 $
## copyleft :    ALBA Synchrotron Controls Section, CELLS
##               Bellaterra
##               Spain
## This file is part of Tango Control System
## Tango Control System is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Tango Control System is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, see <>.

This module excepts provides two ways of simplifying exceptions logging.

ExceptionWrapper is a decorator that provides the @Catched keyword to be added before functions declarations.
    def fun(*args):
ExceptionManager is a Contextmanager object that can be used in a with statement:
    with ExceptionManager():
The usage of the parameter of the tango throw_exception() method:
This method have 3 parameters which are called (all of them are strings)

- Reason, one word like <TangoClassName>_<OneConstructedWordToSummarizeTheException>
- Desc
- Origin

    PyTango.Except.throw_exception("PyPLC_ModbusDevNotDef","Modbus Device not defined",inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)

ADVICE: PyTango.re_throw_exception it's failing a lot, try to use that instead:

    except PyTango.DevFailed, e:
            print e
            #PyTango.Except.re_throw_exception(e,"DevFailed Exception",str(e),inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
 cheers ...     
# Get the current frame, the code object for that frame and the name of its object
import inspect
print inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name 

import sys
import traceback
import functools
import contextlib
from fandango import log
from objects import decorator_with_args
import fandango.functional as fun

    from PyTango import DevFailed,Except
    DevFailed,Except = Exception,Exception

[docs]def trial(tries,excepts=None,args=None,kwargs=None,return_exception=None): """ This method executes a try,except clause in a single line :param tries: may be a callable or a list of callables :param excepts: it can be a callable, a list of callables, a map of {ExceptionType:[callables]} or just a default value to return :param args,kwargs: arguments to be passed to the callable :return exception: whether to return exception or None (default) """ try: return_exception = return_exception or (excepts is not None and not any(fun.isCallable(x) for x in fun.toSequence(excepts))) tries = fun.toSequence(tries) args = fun.toSequence(fun.notNone(args,[])) kwargs = fun.notNone(kwargs,{}) excepts = fun.notNone(excepts,lambda e: log.printf(str(e))) result = [t(*args,**kwargs) for t in tries if fun.isCallable(t)] return result[0] if len(result)==1 else result except Exception,e: if fun.isCallable(excepts): v = excepts(e) return v if return_exception else None else: if fun.isDictionary(excepts): if type(e) in excepts: excepts = excepts.get(type(e)) elif type(e).__name__ in excepts: excepts = excepts.get(type(e).__name__) else: candidates = [t for t in excepts if isinstance(e,t)] if candidates: excepts = excepts[candidates[0]] else: excepts = excepts.get('') or excepts.get(None) or [] vals = [x(e) for x in fun.toSequence(excepts) if fun.isCallable(x)] if return_exception: return vals or fun.notNone(excepts,None)
exLogger = log.Logger('fandango',level='WARNING')
[docs]def getLastException(): """ returns last exception traceback """ return str(traceback.format_exc()) #@TODO: These methods failed with python 2.6; to be checked ... #def get_exception_line(as_str=False): #ty,e,tb = sys.exc_info() #file,line = tb[-1][:2] if tb else ('',0) #result = (file,line,tb) #if as_str: return '%s[%d]: %s!'%result #else: return result
[docs]def exc2str(e): if isinstance(e,DevFailed): msg='' try: msg = getattr(e.args[0],'description',e.args[0]['description']) except: msg = [s for s in str(e).split('\n') if 'desc' in s][0].strip() return 'DevFailed(%s)'%msg else: #return get_exception_line(as_str=True) traceback.format_exc(e)
[docs]def getPreviousExceptions(limit=0): """ sys.exc_info() returns : type,value,traceback traceback.extract_tb(traceback) : returns (filename, line number, function name, text) """ try: exinfo = sys.exc_info() if exinfo[0] is not None: stack = traceback.format_tb(exinfo[2]) return str('\n'.join(['Tracebacks (most recent call last):', ''.join(stack[(len(stack)>1 and 1 or 0):]), ': '.join([str(exinfo[0].__name__),str(exinfo[1])]) ])) else: return '' except Exception,e: print 'Aaaargh!' return traceback.format_exc()
[docs]class RethrownException(Exception): pass
[docs]def ExceptionWrapper(fun,logger=exLogger,postmethod=None, showArgs=False,verbose=True,rethrow=False,default=None): ''' Implementation of the popular Catched() decorator: * it will execute your method within a a try/except * it will print the traceback * if :rethrow: is False it will return :default: in case of exception Example: @ExceptionWrapper def funny(): print 'what?' end funny() ''' def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): try: #logger.trace('Trying %s'%fun.__name__) result = fun(*args,**kwargs) #logger.trace('%s Succeed!\n'%fun) return result except Exception,e: etype = type(e).__name__ exstring=getPreviousExceptions() elog,eargs = exstring,('Exception',exstring,"%s(...)"%fun.__name__) if isinstance(e,DevFailed): try: err = e.args[0] eargs = (err.reason, exstring, "%s(...)"%fun.__name__) elog = str((err.reason,err.desc,err.origin)) except: pass if verbose: logger.warning('<'*80) logger.error('%s Exception catched: \n%s'%(etype,elog)) try: if showArgs:'%s(*args=%s, **kwargs=%s)'%(fun.__name__,args,kwargs)) except:pass if postmethod: ExceptionWrapper(postmethod)(exstring) if rethrow: #Except.re_throw_exception(e,'','',"%s(...)"%fun.__name__) logger.warning('%s Rethrow!'%etype) Except.throw_exception(*eargs) else: if isinstance(e,DevFailed) and elog and not verbose and not postmethod: logger.warning(elog) return default finally: #if verbose: logger.warning('<'*80) pass ##ExceptionWrapper behaves like a decorator functools.update_wrapper(wrapper,fun) #it copies all function information to the wrapper logger.debug('wrapped(%s) => %s'%(fun,wrapper)) return wrapper
Catched = ExceptionWrapper CatchedArgs = decorator_with_args(ExceptionWrapper) #stdout may have problems with it Catched2 = CatchedArgs #For backwards compatibility
[docs]class ExceptionManager(object): """ This was a version of ExceptionWrapper to be used as ContextManager together with *with* statement. Not really tested nor used, just a proof of concept. """ def __init__(self,logger=exLogger,origin=None,postmethod=None,verbose=True,rethrow=True): self.logger=logger self.postmethod=postmethod self.verbose=verbose self.rethrow=rethrow self.origin=origin pass def __enter__(self): pass #@Catched def __exit__(self,etype,e,tb): #Type of exception, exception instance, traceback if not e and not etype: pass else: stack = traceback.format_tb(tb) exstring = '\n'.join(stack) if self.verbose: print '-'*80 self.logger.warning('%s Exception Catched, Tracebacks (most recent call last): %s;\n%s'%(etype.__name__,str(e),exstring)) sys.stdout.flush(); sys.stderr.flush() print '-'*80 if self.postmethod: self.postmethod(exstring) if etype is DevFailed: #for k,v in e[0].items():print k,':',v if True: #not self.rethrow: #re_throw doesn't work! #The exception is throw just as it was err = e[0] Except.throw_exception(err.reason,err.desc,err.origin) #Except.throw_exception(e.args[0]['reason'],e.args[0]['desc'],e.args[0]['origin']) else: #It doesn't work!!! #ex=DevFailed(e[0]['reason'],e[0]['desc'],e[0]['origin']) #Except.re_throw_exception(ex, '','','') pass else: #elif etype is Exception: exstring = self.origin or len(exstring)<125 and exstring or stack[-1] Except.throw_exception(etype.__name__,str(e),exstring)
[docs]def __test__(args=[]): exLogger.setLogLevel('DEBUG')'Testing fandango.excepts') print('\n')'Raise ZeroDivError:\n') @Catched def failed_f(): return 1/0. failed_f() print('\n')'Show custom message:\n') def custom_msg(s): print('CUSTOM: %s'%s.split('\n')[-1]) @CatchedArgs(postmethod=custom_msg,verbose=False) def failed_f(): return 1/0 failed_f() def devfailed(d,a): import PyTango dp = PyTango.DeviceProxy(d) return dp.read_attribute(a)'Try a good tango call:\n') Catched(devfailed)('sys/tg_test/1','state') print('\n')'Try a bad attribute:\n') Catched(devfailed)('sys/tg_test/1','nanana') print('\n')'Raise DevFailed:\n') Catched(devfailed)('sys/tg_test/1','throw_exception') print('\n')'Try a rethrow:\n') try: CatchedArgs(rethrow=True)(devfailed)('sys/tg_test/1','throw_exception') except DevFailed,e:'Catched!')
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys __test__(sys.argv[1:]) from . import doc __doc__ = doc.get_fn_autodoc(__name__,vars())