Managing Domains

Adding a Domain

Domains can be added by either importing them using a CSV file or by adding them using the Add domain form.

To a domain by import refer to Import domains to an organization. To add a domain using the Add domain form,

  1. Mouse over Domains
  2. Click Add a domain
  3. Enter the domain details
  4. Click the Add domain Button

Updating a Domain

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click Edit under actions
  3. Update the details you want to change
  4. Click the Update Domain Button

Deleting a Domain

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the Domain name
  3. Click Delete domain
  4. Click the Delete Domain Button

Exporting Domains

Domains can be exported to CSV, To export domains.

  1. Click Domains
  2. Click Export Domains
  3. Click Download the csv file
  4. Save the CSV file to your computer

Domain Settings

Each domain has a range of additional settings that you can configure. These include Delivery Servers, Authentication Settings, Alias Domains, DKIM, Signatures

Delivery Servers

Delivery servers are the actual mail servers hosting the email accounts where messages processed by Baruwa need to be delivered.

Multiple servers per domain are supported and they can be configured to either load balance or fail over.

In load balance mode mail is sent to the group of servers in a round robin manner while in fail over mail is sent to the first in the list and only to the others if the first is not available.

Adding a delivery server

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the actions settings icon
  3. Click Add delivery server
  4. Enter server IP address or Hostname in the Server address field
  5. Select the protocol in the Protocol drop down
  6. Change the port in the Port field if your mail server does not use port 25
  7. Ensure the Enabled checkbox is checked
  8. Click the Add server button

Editing a delivery server

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the Domain name
  3. Scroll to the bottom
  4. Select the delivery server > Click Edit
  5. Make changes
  6. Click the Update server button

Deleting a delivery server

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the Domain name
  3. Scroll to the bottom under Delivery Servers
  4. Select the delivery server > Click Delete
  5. Click the Delete server button

Authentication Settings

Authentication settings allow users within a domain be be authenticated to an external authentication system.

This can be used for centralized user management and to allow users to use existing authentication credentials instead of creating duplicate accounts on the Baruwa system.

The supported external authentication mechanisms include:

  • SMTP
  • POP3
  • IMAP

The following mechanisms are planned but have not been implemented yet:


The AD/LDAP mechanism allows for the user details in the directory to be automatically updated to the Baruwa account created for them. These details include:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Primary Email Address
  • Alias Email Addresses

Adding Authentication Settings

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the actions settings icon
  3. Click Add Authentication settings
  4. Enter server IP address or Hostname in the Server address field
  5. Select the Authentication protocol in the Protocol drop down
  6. Enter the port in the Port field
  7. Ensure the Enabled checkbox is checked
  8. Enter a username map template if your usernames require translation e.g Webmin creates usernames like domainowner.username the template would be domainowner.%(user) For available variables see Username map template variables
  9. Click the Add button

The AD/LDAP and RADIUS mechanisms require additional settings which can be added by Adding AD/LDAP Authentication additional settings and Adding RADIUS Authentication additional settings.

Username map template variables

Username map templates allow you to map Baruwa logins to complex user naming schemes such as those used by web hosting control panels for virtual accounts.

The following variables are available to your username map template:

  • %(user) - replaced by user part of the login
  • %(domain) - replaced by the domain part of the login

Adding AD/LDAP Authentication additional settings

AD/LDAP authentication requires the following additional setting.

  • Base DN - The LDAP Directory Base DN
  • Username attribute - The username attribute, defaults to uid
  • Email attribute - The email attribute, defaults to mail
  • Bind DN - The BIND DN if Directory does not allow anonymous binds
  • Bind password - The BIND password
  • Use TLS - Use a TLS connection
  • Search for UserDN - Find the UserDN then Bind to that
  • Auth Search Filter - Filter used to find the UserDN, LDAP Search Filter Variables are supported
  • Auth Search Scope - Search Scope, defaults to subtree
  • Email Search Filter - Filter used to find email addresses, LDAP Search Filter Variables are supported
  • Email Search Scope - Search Scope, defaults to subtree

To Add AD/LDAP Authentication additional settings:

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the Domain name
  3. Scroll to the bottom under Authentication Servers
  4. Select the LDAP Authentication server > Click Settings
  5. Enter the required settings
  6. Click the Save settings button

LDAP Search Filter Variables

The following variables are available for use in your LDAP search filters.

  • %n - login (user@domain)
  • %u - user (user part of the login)
  • %d - domain (domain part of the login)
  • %D - domainDN (domain DN)

Adding RADIUS Authentication additional settings

The RADIUS protocol requires a shared secret between the client and the server, the additional settings allows you to configure this.

To Add RADIUS Authentication additional settings:

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the Domain name
  3. Scroll to the bottom under Authentication Servers
  4. Select the RADIUS Authentication server > Click Settings
  5. Enter the shared secret in the Radius secret field
  6. Click the Save settings button

Alias Domains

Some domains have mail addressed to the same account using different domain names, Alias domains allow users access to all their messages regardless of the domain name under a single login.

Adding an Alias Domain

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the actions settings icon
  3. Click Add Alias Domain
  4. Enter Alias domain name in the Domain alias name field
  5. Ensure the Enabled checkbox is checked
  6. Click the Add button


DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a method for associating a domain name to an email message, thereby allowing a person, role, or organization to claim some responsibility for the message. The association is set up by means of a digital signature which can be validated by recipients. Wikipidia

Baruwa allows you to manage the digital signatures within the interfaces and signs any outbound messages for which DKIM is enabled.

Generate DKIM Keys

To generate DKIM keys for a domain,

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the actions settings icon
  3. Click DKIM > Generate DKIM keys
  4. Select DNS record and add to you DNS zone

Enable DKIM signing

  1. Make sure your have followed the steps in Generate DKIM Keys
  2. Click Domains
  3. Select the domain > Click the actions settings icon
  4. Click DKIM > Enable/Disable DKIM signing
  5. Ensure the Enabled checkbox is checked
  6. Click the Submit button

Regenerate DKIM keys

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the actions settings icon
  3. Click DKIM > Regenerate DKIM keys
  4. Select DNS record and update your DNS zone


Baruwa can manage email signatures / disclaimers that are added to messages that are sent outbound through it. Both HTML and Text signatures are supported. HTML signatures can contain a single embedded image.

Adding Signatures/Disclaimers

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the actions settings icon
  3. Click Signatures > Add signature
  4. Select Signature type from the drop down
  5. Enter signature content
  6. Ensure the Enabled checkbox is checked
  7. Click the Add signature button

Importing Accounts

Accounts can be imported into a domain using a CSV file.

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the actions settings icon
  3. Click Import accounts
  4. Browse for the CSV file by clicking Browse next to the CSV file field
  5. Check Skip first line if your first line contains descriptions.
  6. Click the Import Button

Exporting Accounts

Accounts can be exported from a domain to a CSV file.

  1. Click Domains
  2. Select the domain > Click the actions settings icon
  3. Click Export accounts
  4. Click Download the csv file
  5. Save the file to your computer



Domain specific rule sets are not implemented yet.

Searching for Domains

If you have a large number of domains you can search for a domain by name.

  1. Click Domains
  2. Enter the Domains name in the search box
  3. Click the Search Button

Bulk domain management

To enable, disable or delete multiple domains:

  1. Click Domains
  2. Use the checkbox to select the domains
  3. Select enable or disable or delete at the top
  4. Click the Submit button