Baruwa 2.0 is built on best of breed open source packages.
Baruwa Requirements
- Python >= 2.6 < 3.0
- Pylons
- Celery
- Psycopg
- PostgreSQL
- GeoIP-Python
- iPy
- A web server that supports WGSI
- Reportlab
- Lxml
- SQLAlchemy
- Memcached
- Sphinx
- M2Crypto
- repoze.what
- repoze.who
- marrow.mailer
- pyrad
- python-ldap
MailScanner Requirements
- MailScanner >= 4.80.10-1
- DBD-Pg
- DBD-SQLite
System Requirements
- Intel/AMD 2.0 GHZ+ 64-bit CPU
- Minimum - 2 GB RAM
- 10 GB free disk space for software and logs (SATA or SCSI for performance, and RAID/Mirroring for redundancy)
- Additional disk space for mail storage