Contributing to Baruwa
There are so many ways to help Baruwa’s development,
- Blog about it.
- Report bugs and request features
- Submit patches for new and fixed behaviour
- Join the mailing lists and share ideas
- Donate to the project
- Documentation
- Translation
All significant source code contributions to Baruwa will require the signing of the Baruwa Contributor License Agreement
Reporting bugs
Please use the Github issue tracking system to report bugs and request new features.
Submitting patches
Baruwa source code is maintained in a git repository at Github
You can either:
- Send me a pull request on Github
- Submit old style patches to the mailing-list
The documentation is part of the source, clone the repo make the changes then either:
- Send me a pull request on Github
- Submit old style patches to the mailing-list
You can also contribute tips and sightings on the baruwa wiki at Github.
Translations for Baruwa are managed using Transifex. To help with the translation effort join one of the language teams on our Transifex project.
Translations sent in via git pull requests are discouraged. Please try and use the Transifex system for all translations.
Donations are appreciated please use the Pledge system which accepts paypal payments