Answers to many common questions.

I think I’ve found a security problem! What should I do?

Answer: Email security@baruwa.com

If you think you’ve found a security vulnerability with Baruwa, please send a message to security@baruwa.com. Do NOT post a bug report to our issue tracking system or disclose the issue on our mailing lists.

Can a user have multiple email addresses on a single account ?

Answer: Yes

You can add alias addresses to a users account. Domains using Active Directory authentication will have these auto populated from the groups and addresses in active directory.

Alias domain addresses are also auto created the first time a user logs in.

Can users use their current mail password to login to Baruwa ?

Answer: Yes

Setup external authentication with either POP3, IMAP, SMTP, LDAP and RADIUS / RSA SecurID.

Are there any restrictions on username format ?

Answer: No

However users that authenticate to external systems will have their email address automatically configured as their username locally.

Why do i get RPM’s or DEB packages for Baruwa 2.0

Answer: Baruwa Enterprise Edition

RPM and DEB packages are only available to subscribers of Baruwa Enterprise Edition.

What are the differences between the Community and Enterprise Editions

Answer Enterprise Edition contains advanced features not in the Community Edition

Baruwa Enterprise Edition contains advanced features which include:

  • Clustering support
  • Theming / Customization support
  • Operating system packages