
All PyFunge modules are contained in funge package. With an exception of front-end modules, all modules are orthogonal to other methods and can be used independently.

funge.main – PyFunge front-end

This front-end is used by the driver script, pyfunge(1).

Parses given arguments (normally from sys.argv) and does an appropriate action.

funge.program – Entry point

This module combines all other modules into the execution environment. If you have to run Funge code you may want to use Program class.

class funge.program.Program(semantics, platform=None, args=None, environ=None, warnings=False)

The Funge environment class.

The list of IP objects. Every tick IPs are executed in the order listed in the list.
Adds given IP to the current IP list. If this method is called while execute_step() is called, given IP gets executed at first of next call.
Removes given IP from the current IP list if any, without any finalization process. This method is useful for hibernating IP, for example. Returns given IP, or None if none.
Creates new IP and adds it to current IP list. Returns the new IP.
Clones given IP with opposite delta and adds it to current IP list. Returns the new IP.
Puts given Funge code string to Funge space.
Executes instructions at all IPs in the ips. It takes one tick. One can override this method to provide debugger functionality, like DebuggingProgram.

Calls execute_step() forever, until IPQuitted exception is raised. Returns the exit code from that exception.

This call is far more efficient than individual execute_step() calls, since it optimizes the IP list with length 1 — very common case. But it will call execute_step() anyway if it is overridden.

class funge.program.DebuggingProgram(semantics, args, stoppos=None, warnings=None)

Same to Program, but shows the status of IPs each tick. This is intended to provide the minimum debugger functionality.

The trace will start when any IP hits the cell at stoppos in Funge space. If any fatal exception (mainly because of bugs in PyFunge) is raised it will dump current status as well.

Dumps the status of IPs.

funge.vector – Vector classes

This module implements an efficient vector class(es).

class funge.vector.Vector(iterable)

The vector class, which is a subclass of tuple and supports the following operations:

Operation Meaning
x + y Pairwise addition
x - y Pairwise subtraction
x * y Pairwise multiplication by scalar
x / y Pairwise integer division by scalar
x // y Pairwise integer division by scalar
x % y Pairwise remainder by scalar
+x x unchanged
-x x negated
x.between(min, max) True if every element is between corresponding element of min and max
x.pairwise_min(y) Pairwise minimum element
x.pairwise_max(y) Pairwise maximum element
x.replace(_0=a, ...) Changes particular element

The vector class uses different class for different number of dimensions internally, so these operations are more efficient than generic class.

static zero(dimension)
Returns dimension-tuple with all zeroes.
between(min, max)
Returns True only if every element is between corresponding element of min and max. In the other words, it returns True if a point which coordinate is self is within a hypercube defined by min and max, or lies on it.
Returns a vector whose elements greater than corresponding element of vec are replaced to it.
Returns a vector whose elements less than corresponding element of vec are replaced to it.
replace(_0=None, _1=None, _2=None, ...)
Returns a vector whose elements are replaced by _0 (for X coordinate), _1 (for Y coordinate) and so on. Only non-None elements will be replaced.

funge.stack – Stack stack

This module implements Funge stack and Funge-98 stack stack.

class funge.stack.Stack

One stack. This class is inherited from Python list so all methods and operations of list can be applied.

The following stack operations are unique to this class. Every push* and pop* methods has its counterpart, rpush* and rpop* methods, only differ that r-prefixed methods treat the stack reversed. For example, push() pushes to the top but rpush() pushes to the bottom. These counterparts are needed mainly for MODE fingerprint.

Pushes a value to the top or the bottom of the stack.
Pushes values to the top or the bottom of the stack. Values will be pushed in the reverse order, so they will be in the given order when popped.
Pushes given string to the top or the bottom of the stack. The string will be pushed as null-terminated one (“0gnirts”).
Pushes a vector or any iterable to the top or the bottom of the stack. It is mainly used for pushing position or delta (hence the name).
Pops n items from the top or the bottom of the stack and discards them. n can be larger than the size of the stack.

Pops a value from the top or the bottom of the stack and returns it.

If the stack is empty, it will pop zero.


Pops n values from the top or the bottom of the stack and returns them. Values will be returned in the popped order.

If the stack is empty, it will pop zeroes.


Pops a null-terminated string (“0gnirts”) from the top or the bottom of the stack and returns it.

If the stack is empty, the string ends at the bottom of the stack and it won’t raise any exception.


Pops a list of size n from the top or the bottom of the stack and return it. A vector will be popped in the pushed order (i.e. the reverse popped order), so it is mainly used for pushing position or delta (hence the name).

If the stack is empty, one or more first elements will be zero.

Empties the stack in place.

Refers to the top of stack stack and the second-to-top of stack stack. They can be used for stack stack indices or stack argument to every stack stack operations.

They are equal to -1 and -2, respectively. It is recommended that use these symbolic constants than numerical indices.

class funge.stack.StackStack

Funge-98 stack stack. It mainly provides convenience methods for accessing the top of stack stack.

A stack stack itself is organized by Python list, and can be indexed to access individual stack object. For example sstack[TOSS] returns the top of stack stack, and sstack[3] returns the 4th stack from the bottom of stack stack. Also len(sstack) gives the size of stack stack.

Gets or sets invertmode. If invertmode is enabled push operations push to the bottom, not the top. It is disabled by default, and can be copied by copy().
Gets or sets queuemode. If queuemode is enabled pop operations pop from the bottom, not the top. It is disabled by default, and can be copied by copy().
Pushes new empty stack to the top of stack stack.
Pops the top of stack stack and discards it.
push(item, stack=TOSS)
pushmany(items, stack=TOSS)
push_string(s, stack=TOSS)
push_vector(v, stack=TOSS)
discard(n=1, stack=TOSS)
popmany(n, stack=TOSS)
pop_vector(n, stack=TOSS)

Does given operation on the given stack, with current invertmode and queuemode.

For example sstack.push(42, TOSS) is equal to the following code:

if sstack.invertmode:
Creates a deep copy of the stack stack. – Funge space

This module implements Funge spaces.

class, default=32)

Infinite Funge-98 space. Dimension can be larger than 3 (though getspace() and putspace() won’t work then).

Returns the least and greatest point of rectangle covers every non-space cells in the space. Note that this rectangle can be larger than needed, since calculating the exact bounds is quite expensive. See getrect() for the exact bounds.
Returns the cell at given position, or default value if none. The position can be Vector or tuple.
put(pos, value, update_bounds=True)

Writes the value to given position. If value is equal to default value, the cell will be removed from the space.

If update_bounds is False, it doesn’t update boundmin and boundmax. It is useful for putting many cells once, but then you have to notify the change of Funge space using notifyrect().

getspace(pos, size, rtrim=True)
Captures Funge space given by lowest point and size, and returns the string. If rtrim is True, it strips every spaces before newline and every newline before form-feed. This is mainly used for o command.
putspace(pos, str)
Writes the string to the space starting at given position. Newline or form-feed is recognized or stripped according to the number of dimension. After writing it, returns the size of written area as a Vector.
Returns the smallest rectangle covers every non-space cells in the Funge space. This is an expensive operation, and mainly exists for y command.
notifyrect(minpos, maxpos)
Notifies the given area in the Funge space is updated, and bounds should be recalculated accordingly. minpos and maxpos is all inclusive, and do not need to be exact rectangle. This method is only useful if you put cells without updating bounds (update_bounds argument).
normalize(position, delta)
Normalizes given position so it is in the bounds and the difference between original and normalized position is a multiple of delta.
scanuntil(position, delta, value)
scanwhile(position, delta, value)
Finds the next cell in the path starting at position towards delta, which is equal (for scanuntil()) or not equal (for scanwhile()) to given value. Returns the coordinate of that cell.
class, rectmin, rectmax, default=32)
The space with explicit bounds. This is a base class of Befunge93Space.
class, height=25)
The Befunge-93 space, which is two-dimensional, 80 columns wide and 25 rows high by default. It differs from BoundedSpace that it treats every cell as 8-bit unsigned integer, as the reference implementation does.

funge.ip – Instruction pointer

This module implements Funge instruction pointer, which has independent position, direction and stack stack.

class funge.ip.IP(program, id, parent=None)

An instruction pointer (IP). If parent is given it is used for initializing default environment (namely parentid, position, delta, offset and stack) of IP.

Returns the team identifier of IP. PyFunge does not make use of this, and always sets it to 1.
Returns the identifier of IP.
Returns the identifier of parent IP, or None if none.
Returns the number of dimensions in Funge space.
Returns the attached Funge space.
Returns or sets the position of IP.
Returns or set the direction (delta) of IP.
Returns or set the storage offset of IP. It defaults to the origin.
Returns the attached stack stack.
Returns True if stringmode is set to the IP, or False otherwise.

Returns True if invertmode or queuemode is set to the stack stack, or False otherwise.

Setting them affects stack stack methods of current IP. Indeed, these attributes are connected to the stack stack attributes.

The commands available to the IP. This is a dictionary that maps the cell value to callbacks: one can execute an arbitrary command by ip.commands[instr](ip). It should be altered by add_commands() and remove_commands().
add_command(command, callback)
Adds one command with given callback. If callback is None, it removes the current command. (But it can be restored with remove_command().)

Adds commands from the given semantics overlay, e.g. fingerprint object. See add_command() for precise behavior.

It pushes new command to the internal stack for each cell value. This is required by Funge-98 specification: as a consequence, if add_commands() and remove_commands() are not called in the correct order it can execute a command from unloaded fingerprint.

Removes one command and restores to the original callback.
Removes commands of the given semantics overlay, e.g. fingerprint object. See add_commands() for precise behavior.
Loads a fingerprint of given identifier and initializes it. Returns True unless the fingerprint is non-existent, or the fingerprint initialization is failed.
Unloads a fingerprint of given identifier and finalizes it. Returns True unless the fingerprint is not yet loaded, or the fingerprint finalization is failed.
Pushes to the top of the stack stack. They are same to StackStack‘s corresponding methods, but affected by invertmode flag.

Pops from the top of the stack stack. They are same to StackStack‘s corresponding methods, but affected by queuemode flag.

pop_vector() is a special case, since it always pops and returns a Vector whose size is same to the number of dimensions in Funge space.

funge.exception – Exceptions

This module defines some package-wide exceptions.

exception funge.exception.IPStopped
Raised when the IP hits @ instruction in Funge-98 mode. The caller should remove the IP from the queue.
exception funge.exception.IPQuitted(exitcode)
Raised when the IP hits @ instruction in Befunge-93 mode, or q instruction in Funge-98 mode. The caller should terminate all IPs.

funge.semantics – Command semantics

This module provides a base class for core semantics (Semantics) and overlay (SemanticsOverlay).

class funge.semantics.SemanticsBase

The base of semantics implementation.

Returns the dictionary maps the cell value to corresponding callback. The callback should have one argument, IP object. This class attribute is automatically generated via register() decorator.
static register(commands, **kwargs)

This is a decorator for commands. Typical example of semantics classes is like this:

class SomeSemantics(SemanticsBase):
    def squiggle(self, ip):
        self.platform.warn('IP hit a squiggle! Awwwww!!!')
        raise IPStopped()

    def numbers(self, ip):
        self.platform.warn('You should not use numbers. Pushes the answer instead.')

commands can be a string or a list of character values. kwargs are stored in the method directory: they can be used as a hint of the instruction. (Note that PyFunge 0.5.0 doesn’t use this hint yet.)

Commands can be inherited and overridden from other classes. If two different methods implement same command the result is undefined.

class funge.semantics.Semantics(platform)

Implements a core semantics, usable for an argument to Program. It has to implement several methods besides from commands.

static create_space()
Creates and returns the space appropriate for current semantics.
static init_ip(ip)
Initializes the given IP at the start of the program. For example, most semantics will initialize IP to travel towards right.
Finds the next executable instruction and changes IP’s position. By default it moves towards delta and normalizes the position. It should skip spaces or markers in Funge-98 mode.
Executes one command at current position of IP. Every tick this method and walk() have to be called, since this method alone doesn’t seek to next instruction.
Called when IP hits an undefined command.
Called when string mode is enabled.
class funge.semantics.SemanticsOverlay(semantics)
Implements semantics overlay, which can attach to IP and detach from IP in the runtime. Fingerprint object is a kind of semantics overlay. Its argument is a core semantics and can be called as overlays’ method.

funge.languages – Language implementations

This package provides language semantics for Befunge-93 and Funge-98 languages.

funge.languages.befunge93 – Befunge-93 implementation

This module implements Befunge-93 commands.

class funge.languages.befunge93.Unefunge93(platform)

Implements an one-dimensional subset of Befunge-93 commands. Such language doesn’t exist but it is used for the base class of Unefunge98.

Equal to Vector(self.dimension).replace(_0=-1) and Vector(self.dimension).replace(_0=1), respectively.
class funge.languages.befunge93.Befunge93(platform)

Implements full Befunge-93 commands.

Equal to Vector(self.dimension).replace(_1=-1) and Vector(self.dimension).replace(_1=1), respectively.
class funge.languages.befunge93.Befunge93_divbyzero_stop(platform)
Same to Befunge93 class, but IP terminates with exit code if division by zero occurs.
class funge.languages.befunge93.Befunge93_divbyzero_value(platform, divbyzero)
Same to Befunge93 class, but pushes given value if division by zero occurs.

funge.languages.funge98 – Core Funge-98 implementation

This module implements core Funge-98 commands. “Core” means no filesystem Funge and no concurrent Funge: see funge.languages.funge98opt module for those.

class funge.languages.funge98.Unefunge98(platform)
Implements core Unefunge-98 commands.
class funge.languages.funge98.Befunge98(platform)
Implements core Befunge-98 commands.
class funge.languages.funge98.Trefunge98(platform)

Implements core Trefunge-98 commands.

Equal to Vector(self.dimension).replace(_2=-1) and Vector(self.dimension).replace(_2=1), respectively.

funge.languages.funge98opt – Concurrent and filesystem Funges

This module implements additional concurrent and filesystem Funge commands.

class funge.languages.funge98opt.FilesystemFunge(platform)
Implements filesystem Funge commands (=, i, o). This is a base class for real languages.
class funge.languages.funge98opt.ConcurrentFunge(platform)
Implements concurrent Funge commands (t, @). This is a base class for real languages.
class funge.languages.funge98opt.FilesystemUnefunge98(platform)
class funge.languages.funge98opt.FilesystemBefunge98(platform)
class funge.languages.funge98opt.FilesystemTrefunge98(platform)
class funge.languages.funge98opt.ConcurrentUnefunge98(platform)
class funge.languages.funge98opt.ConcurrentBefunge98(platform)
class funge.languages.funge98opt.ConcurrentTrefunge98(platform)
class funge.languages.funge98opt.ConcurrentFilesystemUnefunge98(platform)
class funge.languages.funge98opt.ConcurrentFilesystemBefunge98(platform)
class funge.languages.funge98opt.ConcurrentFilesystemTrefunge98(platform)
Implements filesystem or concurrent Funge commands along with core Funge-98 commands. There are nine such combinations provided.

funge.platform – Platform abstraction

This module defines a class for interfacing with external system.

class funge.platform.Platform(args, environ, warnings=False)

Base class for platform abstraction. The classes should override I/O functions, and optionally file-related functions or system().

Returns the list of command-line arguments.
Returns the dictionary of environment variables.
Optionally displays the warning.
prompt(message, process=...)
Displays given message and prompts for input. When the user inputs, it is processed with process callback and returned. If the callback raises the exception it prompts again. By default process returns given line unchanged.
Flushes the output. It is only explicitly called before the user inputs.
Reads one character from the input and returns its code.
Pushes given character code back to input buffer. Next getchar() should return that character.
Writes one character whose code is ch to the output.
Reads one integer from the input. It follows Funge-98 specification so discards every non-digits. If you have to input an interpreter-specific thing use prompt() instead.
Writes the integer and one space character to the output.
Prints the given string to the output.
Returns the contents of given file, or raises the exception on failure.
writefile(filename, data)
Writes given contents to the file, or raises the exception on failure.
Executes given command and returns the exit code.
class funge.platform.BufferedPlatform(args, environ, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout, warnings=False)
A platform with buffered input; it only reads whole line when the buffer is empty. It also automatically flushes when printing newline.

funge.fingerprint – Fingerprint management

This module provides a lookup and base class for Funge-98 fingerprints.

class funge.fingerprint.FingerprintLookup

This class manages a list of available fingerprints.

Returns a module object from given name, like funge.fp.fp_NULL.
Searches fingerprint classes from the given module, and returns a list of them. See Fingerprint for criteria.
Adds all fingerprint classes available from a module of the given name to the lookup.
Adds a fingerprint class to the lookup.
class funge.fingerprint.Fingerprint(semantics)

A fingerprint object. It is a SemanticsOverlay with additional methods below.

Fingerprint class, to be added by FingerprintLookup, should have two attributes: API and ID. The former identifies the incompatible revisions of fingerprint API, where current revision is "PyFunge v2". (This is only supported revision for now.) The latter is a fingerprint identifier, like 0x4e554c4c for NULL fingerprint.

This method is executed when IP loads the fingerprint object. By default it registers itself to IP via IP.add_commands() method.
This method is executed when IP unloads the fingerprint object. By default it unregisters itself from IP via IP.remove_commands() method.

funge.fp – Fingerprints

This package contains implementations of default fingerprints. The complete list of modules is: