"NCRS" Ncurses extensionΒΆ

Fingerprint ID:0x4e435253

New in version 0.5-rc2.

This fingerprint, from Jesse van Herk’s version of RC/Funge-98, implements an interface to curses library. Contradictory to the name, this fingerprint doesn’t necessilarly require the GNU ncurses library. It provides the following commands:

B :
Emits a short attention sound, if supported.
C : mode

Clears the part of window according to mode:

  • Clears the entire window if mode is 0.
  • Clears from cursor to the end of the line if mode is 1.
  • Clears from cursor to the end of the window if mode is 2.
  • Reflects otherwise.

It requires the current window, initialized by 1I.

E : echo
Turns on or off echo mode according to echo. In echo mode, each character input is printed to the screen back.
G : ch
Gets a character, including function keys and keypad. It requires the current window, initialized by 1I.
I : init
Initializes the current window if init is non-zero, or finalizes it otherwise.
K : keypad
Turn on or off the automatic parsing of special key sequences according to keypad. If this mode is turned off, you can get the funky escape sequence via G. It requires the current window, initialized by 1I.
M : c r
Moves the cursor to (c, r). It requires the current window, initialized by 1I.
N : nocbreak
Turns off or on cbreak mode according to echo. (Unlike E and K, it turns off if echo is non-zero.) In cbreak mode, the line buffering is disabled and characters are read one by one.
P : ch
Puts a character to current cursor position. It requires the current window, initialized by 1I.
R :
Updates the display immediately. It requires the current window, initialized by 1I.
S : strs
Puts a string to current cursor position. It requires the current window, initialized by 1I.
U : ch
Puts a character to the input buffer back, so next G command gets it. Only one U can be executed before next G command. It requires the current window, initialized by 1I.

All commands reflect on failure, or when the current window is not initialized if needed.

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