"TOYS" Funge-98 Standard ToysΒΆ

Fingerprint ID:0x544f5953

This fingerprint, from Cat’s Eye Technologies, implements a lot of “toy” commands, sometimes useful for Funge programming. It provides the following commands:

A : value nvalue ... value
Pushes n copies of value. If n is not positive it does nothing.
B : b a(a+b) (a-b)
Performs “butterfly” operation, originated from fast Fourier transform algorithms.
D : a(a-1)
Decrements the top of stack.
E : ... — sum
Pops all cells from the stack and pushes their sum.
H : a b(a shift b)
Pushes a shifted by b bits. If b is positive it shifts left, or it shifts right. In PyFunge left shift doesn’t overflow since the integer is arbitrary precision.
I : a(a+1)
Increments the top of stack.
J : offset
Moves the current column (cells with same X coordinate) up (negative offset) or down (positive offset).
L : a
Pushes the value of cell at the left of IP. Here “left” means the next command to be executed if current command is [.
N : a-a
Negates the top of stack.
O : offset
Moves the current row (cells with same Y coordinate) left (negative offset) or right (positive offset).
P : ... — product
Pops all cells from the stack and pushes their product. Note that this ignores the implicit zeroes under the bottom of stack.
Q : a
Sets the cell behind current IP to a.
R : a
Pushes the value of cell at the right of IP. Here “right” means the next command to be executed if current command is ].
T : a dimension
Changes delta to unit vector of given dimension if a is non-zero, or negate of unit vector if a is zero. In the other words 0T acts like _, 1T acts like | and 2T acts like m. Reflects if the invalid dimension is given.
U :
Acts like ? and transmutes itself to the command which sets delta to changed value.
W : value targetv
Pops the target vector and value. Then executes itself indefinitely (i.e. consuming ticks), until the target cell at target is not less than given value. Reflects if the cell is greater than given value. This command is useful for synchronization in Concurrent Funges.
X :
Increments X coordinate of IP. Does not change the direction.
Y :
Increments Y coordinate of IP. Does not change the direction.
Z :
Increments Z coordinate of IP. Does not change the direction.

The following commands reflect in Unefunge and Trefunge mode. (These commands cannot be trivially extended to other dimensions.)

C : srcv sizev destv
Pops three vectors and copies Funge space starting at src and which size is size into dest, in the coordinate-ascending order.
F : anm ... a11 n m destv
Pops one vector and two scalars. Then pops n by m cells and populates Funge space starting at dest with n rows and m columns, in the coordinate-ascending order.
G : n m srcvanm ... a11
Pops one vector and two scalars. Then pushes n by m cells from Funge space starting at dest with n rows and m columns, in the coordinate-ascending order.
K : srcv sizev destv
Pops three vectors and copies Funge space starting at src and which size is size into dest, in the coordinate-descending order.
M : srcv sizev destv
Pops three vectors and moves (i.e. copies and sets the original to whitespace) Funge space starting at src and which size is size into dest, in the coordinate-ascending order.
S : value sizev destv
Pops two vectors and value, fills Funge space starting at dest and which size is size to value.
V : srcv sizev destv
Pops three vectors and moves (i.e. copies and sets the original to whitespace) Funge space starting at src and which size is size into dest, in the coordinate-descending order.

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