Package tdl :: Class _BaseConsole
[frames] | no frames]

Class _BaseConsole

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object --+
Known Subclasses:

Contains methods shared by both the Console and Window classes.

Instance Methods
__contains__(self, position)
Use ((x, y) in console) to check if a position is drawable on this console.
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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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iter((x, y), ...)
Return an iterator with every possible (x, y) value for this console.
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(int, (r, g, b), (r, g, b))
get_char(self, x, y)
Return the character and colors of a tile as (ch, fg, bg)
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(width, height)
Return the size of the console as (width, height)
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iter((x, y), ...)
scroll(self, x, y)
Scroll the contents of the console in the direction of x,y.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

    Drawing Methods
blit(self, source, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None, srcX=0, srcY=0)
Blit another console or Window onto the current console.
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clear(self, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Clears the entire Console/Window.
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draw_char(self, x, y, char, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Draws a single character.
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draw_frame(self, x, y, width, height, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Similar to draw_rect but only draws the outline of the rectangle.
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draw_rect(self, x, y, width, height, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Draws a rectangle starting from x and y and extending to width and height.
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draw_str(self, x, y, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Draws a string starting at x and y.
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    Printing Methods
(x, y)
Return the virtual cursor position.
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move(self, x, y)
Move the virtual cursor.
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print_str(self, string)
Print a string at the virtual cursor.
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set_colors(self, fg=None, bg=None)
Sets the colors to be used with the print_str and draw_* methods.
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set_mode(self, mode)
Configure how this console will react to the cursor writing past the end if the console.
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write(self, string)
This method mimics basic file-like behaviour.
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Instance Variables
The height of this console in tiles.
The width of this console in tiles.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details


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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)


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Return an iterator with every possible (x, y) value for this console.

It goes without saying that working on the console this way is a slow process, especially for Python, and should be minimized.

Returns: iter((x, y), ...)

blit(self, source, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None, srcX=0, srcY=0)

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Blit another console or Window onto the current console.

By default it blits the entire source to the topleft corner.

  • source (Console or Window) - Source window can be a Console or Window instance. It can even blit to itself without any problems.
  • x (int) - X coordinate to blit to.
  • y (int) - Y coordinate to blit to.
  • width (int or None) - Width of the rectangle.

    Can be None to extend as far as possible to the bottom right corner of the blit area or can be a negative number to be sized reltive to the total size of the destination console.

  • height (int or None) - Height of the rectangle. See width.
  • srcX (int) - The source consoles x coordinate to blit from.
  • srcY (int) - The source consoles y coordinate to blit from.

clear(self, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)

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Clears the entire Console/Window.

Unlike other drawing functions, fg and bg can not be None.

  • fg ((r, g, b), int, or Ellipsis) - Can not be None. See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • bg ((r, g, b), int, or Ellipsis) - See fg
  • fg ((r, g, b), int, or Ellipsis) - Foreground color.

    Must be a 3-item list with integers that range 0-255.

    Unlike most other operations you cannot use None here. To clear only the foreground or background use draw_rect.

  • bg ((r, g, b), int, or Ellipsis) - Background color. See fg.

See Also: draw_rect

draw_char(self, x, y, char, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)

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Draws a single character.

  • x (int) - X coordinate to draw at.
  • y (int) - Y coordinate to draw at.
  • char (int, string, or None) - Should be an integer, single character string, or None.

    You can set the char parameter as None if you only want to change the colors of the tile.

  • fg ((r, g, b), int, Ellipsis, or None) - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • bg ((r, g, b), int, Ellipsis, or None) - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • AssertionError - Having x or y values that can't be placed inside of the console will raise an AssertionError. You can use always use ((x, y) in console) to check if a tile is drawable.

See Also: get_char

draw_frame(self, x, y, width, height, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)

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Similar to draw_rect but only draws the outline of the rectangle.

  • x (int) - x coordinate to draw at.
  • y (int) - y coordinate to draw at.
  • width (int or None) - Width of the rectangle.

    Can be None to extend to the bottom right of the console or can be a negative number to be sized reltive to the total size of the console.

  • height (int or None) - Height of the rectangle. See width.
  • string (int, string, or None) - Should be an integer, single character string, or None.

    You can set the char parameter as None if you only want to change the colors of an area.

  • fg ((r, g, b), int, Ellipsis, or None) - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • bg ((r, g, b), int, Ellipsis, or None) - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • AssertionError - Having x or y values that can't be placed inside of the console will raise an AssertionError.

    You can use always use ((x, y) in console) to check if a tile is drawable.

See Also: draw_rect, Window

draw_rect(self, x, y, width, height, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)

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Draws a rectangle starting from x and y and extending to width and height.

If width or height are None then it will extend to the edge of the console.

  • x (int) - x coordinate to draw at.
  • y (int) - y coordinate to draw at.
  • width (int or None) - Width of the rectangle.

    Can be None to extend to the bottom right of the console or can be a negative number to be sized reltive to the total size of the console.

  • height (int or None) - Height of the rectangle. See width.
  • string (int, string, or None) - Should be an integer, single character string, or None.

    You can set the char parameter as None if you only want to change the colors of an area.

  • fg ((r, g, b), int, Ellipsis, or None) - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • bg ((r, g, b), int, Ellipsis, or None) - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • AssertionError - Having x or y values that can't be placed inside of the console will raise an AssertionError.

    You can use always use ((x, y) in console) to check if a tile is drawable.

See Also: clear, draw_frame

draw_str(self, x, y, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)

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Draws a string starting at x and y.

A string that goes past the right side will wrap around. A string wrapping to below the console will raise a TDLError but will still be written out. This means you can safely ignore the errors with a try... except block if you're fine with partially written strings.

\r and \n are drawn on the console as normal character tiles. No special encoding is done and any string will translate to the character table as is.

For a string drawing operation that respects special characters see print_str.

  • x (int) - X coordinate to draw at.
  • y (int) - Y coordinate to draw at.
  • string (string or iterable) - Can be a string or an iterable of numbers.

    Special characters are ignored and rendered as any other character.

  • fg ((r, g, b), int, Ellipsis, or None) - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • bg ((r, g, b), int, Ellipsis, or None) - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • AssertionError - Having x or y values that can't be placed inside of the console will raise an AssertionError.

    You can use always use ((x, y) in console) to check if a tile is drawable.

See Also: print_str

get_char(self, x, y)

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Return the character and colors of a tile as (ch, fg, bg)

This method runs very slowly as is not recommended to be called frequently.

Returns: (int, (r, g, b), (r, g, b))
Returns a 3-item tuple. The first item is an integer of the character at the position (x, y) the second and third are the foreground and background colors respectfully.

See Also: draw_char


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Return the virtual cursor position.

Returns: (x, y)
Returns (x, y), a 2-integer tuple containing where the next print_str call will start at.

This can be changed with the move method.

See Also: move

move(self, x, y)

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Move the virtual cursor.

  • x (int) - X position to place the cursor.
  • y (int) - Y position to place the cursor.

See Also: get_cursor, print_str, write

print_str(self, string)

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Print a string at the virtual cursor.

Handles special characters such as '\n' and '\r'. Printing past the bottom of the console will scroll everything upwards if set_mode is set to 'scroll'.

Colors can be set with set_colors and the virtual cursor can be moved with move.

  • string (string)

scroll(self, x, y)

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Scroll the contents of the console in the direction of x,y.

Uncovered areas will be cleared to the default background color. Does not move the virutal cursor.

  • x (int) - Distance to scroll along x-axis
  • y (int) - Distance to scroll along y-axis
Returns: iter((x, y), ...)
Iterates over the (x, y) of any tile uncovered after scrolling.

See Also: set_colors

set_colors(self, fg=None, bg=None)

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Sets the colors to be used with the print_str and draw_* methods.

Values of None will only leave the current values unchanged.

  • fg ((r, g, b), int, Ellipsis, or None) - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • bg ((r, g, b), int, Ellipsis, or None) - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs

See Also: move, print_str

set_mode(self, mode)

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Configure how this console will react to the cursor writing past the end if the console.

This is for methods that use the virtual cursor, such as print_str.

  • mode (string) - Possible settings are:
    • 'error' - A TDLError will be raised once the cursor reaches the end of the console. Everything up until the error will still be drawn.

      This is the default setting.

    • 'scroll' - The console will scroll up as stuff is written to the end.

      You can restrict the region with tdl.Window when doing this.

See Also: write, print_str

write(self, string)

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This method mimics basic file-like behaviour.

Because of this method you can replace sys.stdout or sys.stderr with a Console or Window instance.

This is a convoluted process and behaviour seen now can be excepted to change on later versions.

  • string (string)

See Also: set_colors, set_mode, Window

Instance Variable Details


The height of this console in tiles. Do not overwrite this.


The width of this console in tiles. Do not overwrite this.