Package tdl :: Class Console
[frames] | no frames]

Class Console

source code

  object --+    
_BaseConsole --+

Contains character and color data and can be drawn to.

The console created by the tdl.init function is the root console and is the console that is rendered to the screen with flush.

Any console created from the Console class is an off-screen console that can be drawn on before being blit to the root console.

Instance Methods
__contains__(self, position)
Use ((x, y) in console) to check if a position is drawable on this console. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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__copy__(self) source code
If the main console is garbage collected then the window will be closed as well
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__getstate__(self) source code
__init__(self, width, height)
Create a new offscreen console.
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iter((x, y), ...)
Return an iterator with every possible (x, y) value for this console. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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__setstate__(self, state) source code
(int, (r, g, b), (r, g, b))
get_char(self, x, y)
Return the character and colors of a tile as (ch, fg, bg)
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(width, height)
Return the size of the console as (width, height) (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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iter((x, y), ...)
scroll(self, x, y)
Scroll the contents of the console in the direction of x,y. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

    Drawing Methods
blit(self, source, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None, srcX=0, srcY=0)
Blit another console or Window onto the current console. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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clear(self, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Clears the entire Console/Window.
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draw_char(self, x, y, char, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Draws a single character. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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draw_frame(self, x, y, width, height, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Similar to draw_rect but only draws the outline of the rectangle. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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draw_rect(self, x, y, width, height, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Draws a rectangle starting from x and y and extending to width and height. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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draw_str(self, x, y, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Draws a string starting at x and y. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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    Printing Methods
(x, y)
Return the virtual cursor position. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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move(self, x, y)
Move the virtual cursor. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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print_str(self, string)
Print a string at the virtual cursor. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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set_colors(self, fg=None, bg=None)
Sets the colors to be used with the print_str and draw_* methods. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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set_mode(self, mode)
Configure how this console will react to the cursor writing past the end if the console. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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write(self, string)
This method mimics basic file-like behaviour. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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Instance Variables
The height of this console in tiles. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
Public interface to the cffi TCOD_console_t object of this instance.
The width of this console in tiles. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, width, height)

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Create a new offscreen console.

  • width (int) - Width of the console in tiles
  • height (int) - Height of the console in tiles
Overrides: object.__init__

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

clear(self, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)

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Clears the entire Console/Window.

Unlike other drawing functions, fg and bg can not be None.

  • fg - Can not be None. See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • bg - See fg
  • fg - Foreground color.

    Must be a 3-item list with integers that range 0-255.

    Unlike most other operations you cannot use None here. To clear only the foreground or background use draw_rect.

  • bg - Background color. See fg.
Overrides: _BaseConsole.clear
(inherited documentation)

get_char(self, x, y)

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Return the character and colors of a tile as (ch, fg, bg)

This method runs very slowly as is not recommended to be called frequently.

Returns: (int, (r, g, b), (r, g, b))
Returns a 3-item tuple. The first item is an integer of the character at the position (x, y) the second and third are the foreground and background colors respectfully.
Overrides: _BaseConsole.get_char
(inherited documentation)

Instance Variable Details


Public interface to the cffi TCOD_console_t object of this instance.

Feel free to pass this variable to libtcod-cffi calls but keep in mind that as soon as Console instance is garbage collected the tcod_console will be deleted.