Package tdl :: Class Window
[frames] | no frames]

Class Window

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  object --+    
_BaseConsole --+

A Window contains a small isolated part of a Console.

Drawing on the Window draws on the Console.

Making a Window and setting its width or height to None will extend it to the edge of the console.

Instance Methods
__contains__(self, position)
Use ((x, y) in console) to check if a position is drawable on this console. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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__init__(self, console, x, y, width, height)
Isolate part of a Console or Window instance.
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iter((x, y), ...)
Return an iterator with every possible (x, y) value for this console. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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drawChar(*args, **kargs)
Deprecated version of the function draw_char, you should prefer calling that function instead of this one.
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drawFrame(*args, **kargs)
Deprecated version of the function draw_frame, you should prefer calling that function instead of this one.
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drawRect(*args, **kargs)
Deprecated version of the function draw_rect, you should prefer calling that function instead of this one.
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(int, (r, g, b), (r, g, b))
get_char(self, x, y)
Return the character and colors of a tile as (ch, fg, bg)
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(width, height)
Return the size of the console as (width, height) (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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iter((x, y), ...)
scroll(self, x, y)
Scroll the contents of the console in the direction of x,y. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

    Drawing Methods
blit(self, source, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None, srcX=0, srcY=0)
Blit another console or Window onto the current console. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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clear(self, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Clears the entire Console/Window.
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draw_char(self, x, y, char, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Draws a single character.
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draw_frame(self, x, y, width, height, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Similar to draw_rect but only draws the outline of the rectangle.
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draw_rect(self, x, y, width, height, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Draws a rectangle starting from x and y and extending to width and height.
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draw_str(self, x, y, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)
Draws a string starting at x and y. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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    Printing Methods
(x, y)
Return the virtual cursor position. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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move(self, x, y)
Move the virtual cursor. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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print_str(self, string)
Print a string at the virtual cursor. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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set_colors(self, fg=None, bg=None)
Sets the colors to be used with the print_str and draw_* methods. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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set_mode(self, mode)
Configure how this console will react to the cursor writing past the end if the console. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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write(self, string)
This method mimics basic file-like behaviour. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
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Instance Variables
The height of this console in tiles. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)
The width of this console in tiles. (Inherited from tdl._BaseConsole)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, console, x, y, width, height)

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Isolate part of a Console or Window instance.

  • console (Console or Window) - The parent object which can be a Console or another Window instance.
  • x (int) - X coordinate to place the Window.

    This follows the normal rules for indexing so you can use a negative integer to place the Window relative to the bottom right of the parent Console instance.

  • y (int) - Y coordinate to place the Window.

    See x.

  • width (int or None) - Width of the Window.

    Can be None to extend as far as possible to the bottom right corner of the parent Console or can be a negative number to be sized reltive to the Consoles total size.

  • height (int or None) - Height of the Window.

    See width.

Overrides: object.__init__

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

clear(self, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)

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Clears the entire Console/Window.

Unlike other drawing functions, fg and bg can not be None.

  • fg - Can not be None. See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • bg - See fg
  • fg - Foreground color.

    Must be a 3-item list with integers that range 0-255.

    Unlike most other operations you cannot use None here. To clear only the foreground or background use draw_rect.

  • bg - Background color. See fg.
Overrides: _BaseConsole.clear
(inherited documentation)

drawChar(*args, **kargs)

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Deprecated version of the function draw_char, you should prefer calling that function instead of this one.

Overrides: _BaseConsole.drawChar

drawFrame(*args, **kargs)

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Deprecated version of the function draw_frame, you should prefer calling that function instead of this one.

Overrides: _BaseConsole.drawFrame

drawRect(*args, **kargs)

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Deprecated version of the function draw_rect, you should prefer calling that function instead of this one.

Overrides: _BaseConsole.drawRect

draw_char(self, x, y, char, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)

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Draws a single character.

  • x - X coordinate to draw at.
  • y - Y coordinate to draw at.
  • char - Should be an integer, single character string, or None.

    You can set the char parameter as None if you only want to change the colors of the tile.

  • fg - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • bg - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • AssertionError - Having x or y values that can't be placed inside of the console will raise an AssertionError. You can use always use ((x, y) in console) to check if a tile is drawable.
Overrides: _BaseConsole.draw_char
(inherited documentation)

draw_frame(self, x, y, width, height, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)

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Similar to draw_rect but only draws the outline of the rectangle.

  • x - x coordinate to draw at.
  • y - y coordinate to draw at.
  • width - Width of the rectangle.

    Can be None to extend to the bottom right of the console or can be a negative number to be sized reltive to the total size of the console.

  • height - Height of the rectangle. See width.
  • string - Should be an integer, single character string, or None.

    You can set the char parameter as None if you only want to change the colors of an area.

  • fg - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • bg - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • AssertionError - Having x or y values that can't be placed inside of the console will raise an AssertionError.

    You can use always use ((x, y) in console) to check if a tile is drawable.

Overrides: _BaseConsole.draw_frame
(inherited documentation)

draw_rect(self, x, y, width, height, string, fg=Ellipsis, bg=Ellipsis)

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Draws a rectangle starting from x and y and extending to width and height.

If width or height are None then it will extend to the edge of the console.

  • x - x coordinate to draw at.
  • y - y coordinate to draw at.
  • width - Width of the rectangle.

    Can be None to extend to the bottom right of the console or can be a negative number to be sized reltive to the total size of the console.

  • height - Height of the rectangle. See width.
  • string - Should be an integer, single character string, or None.

    You can set the char parameter as None if you only want to change the colors of an area.

  • fg - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • bg - See Drawing and Colors at the module level docs
  • AssertionError - Having x or y values that can't be placed inside of the console will raise an AssertionError.

    You can use always use ((x, y) in console) to check if a tile is drawable.

Overrides: _BaseConsole.draw_rect
(inherited documentation)

get_char(self, x, y)

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Return the character and colors of a tile as (ch, fg, bg)

This method runs very slowly as is not recommended to be called frequently.

Returns: (int, (r, g, b), (r, g, b))
Returns a 3-item tuple. The first item is an integer of the character at the position (x, y) the second and third are the foreground and background colors respectfully.
Overrides: _BaseConsole.get_char
(inherited documentation)