Epydoc Log

Epydoc started at Sat May 28 16:09:34 2016

In C:\Users\Kyle\Documents\GitHub\python-tdl\tdl\__init__.py: Source code parsing failed (but introspection was successful).

Error: Error during parsing: invalid syntax (C:\Users\Kyle\Documents\GitHub\python-tdl\tdl\__init__.py, line 79) -- Attempted relative import in non-package, or beyond toplevel package

File C:\Users\Kyle\Documents\GitHub\python-tdl\tdl\__init__.py, line 748, in tdl._BaseConsole.clear

Docstring Warning: Redefinition of type for fg
Docstring Warning: Redefinition of type for bg

File C:\Users\Kyle\Documents\GitHub\python-tdl\tdl\map.py, line 165, in tdl.map.Map.compute_path

Docstring Warning: @param for unknown parameter "diagnalCost"

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Epydoc finished at Sat May 28 16:09:38 2016

(Elapsed time: 4 seconds)