- class jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.releasewin.ReleaseWin(filetype, parent=None, flags=0)[source]¶
Bases: jukeboxcore.gui.main.JB_MainWindow, jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.releasewin_ui.Ui_release_mwin
A window with a file browser and controls to create a new release.
Constructs a new Release Window with the given parent
Parameters: - filetype – the filetype the browser should display from djadapter.FILETYPES
- parent (QWidget) – Optional - the parent of the window - default is None
- flags (QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags) – the window flags
Raises: None
- setup_ui()[source]¶
Create the browsers and all necessary ui elements for the tool
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- setup_signals()[source]¶
Connect the signals with the slots to make the ui functional
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- create_comment_edit()[source]¶
Create a text edit for comments
Returns: the created text edit Return type: jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.textedit.JB_PlainTextEdit Raises: None
- release_callback(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create a new release
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- set_release_actions(actions)[source]¶
Set the widget that gives users options about the release, e.g. importing references
Parameters: actions (jukeboxcore.release.ReleaseActions) – Release actions that define the sanity checks and cleanup actions Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- get_checks()[source]¶
Get the sanity checks for the release from the release option widget
Returns: the sanity checks Return type: jukeboxcore.action.ActionCollection Raises: None
- get_cleanups()[source]¶
Get the cleanup actions for the release from the release option widget
Returns: the cleanup actions Return type: jukeboxcore.action.ActionCollection Raises: None
- get_comment()[source]¶
Return the comment for the release from the UI
Returns: the comment Return type: str Raises: None
- staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x000000000A31E708>¶