
Bundles common gui functions and classes

When creating a standalone app, you can use jukeboxcore.gui.main.init_gui() to make sure there is a running QApplication. Usually the launcher will do that for you. Then use set_main_style to apply the main_stylesheet to your app. That way all the plugins have a consistent look. = None

The QApplication app instance when using jukebox.core.gui.main.get_qapp()


Return an instance of QApplication. Creates one if neccessary.

Returns:a QApplication instance
Return type:QApplication

Load all resources inside this package

When compiling qt resources, the compiled python file will register the resource on import.


This will simply import all modules inside this package


Load the main.qss and apply it to the application

Parameters:widget (QtGui.QWidget) – The widget to apply the stylesheet to. Can also be a QApplication. setStylesheet is called on the widget.
Return type:None

Initialize a QApplication and apply the main style to it

Return type:None
jukeboxcore.gui.main.wrap(ptr, base=None)[source]

Wrap the given pointer with shiboken and return the appropriate QObject

Returns:if ptr is not None returns a QObject that is cast to the appropriate class
Return type:QObject | None

Convert a python datetime.datetime object to QDateTime

Parameters:dt (datetime.datetime) – the datetime object
Returns:the QDateTime conversion
Return type:QtCore.QDateTime
jukeboxcore.gui.main.get_icon(name, aspix=False, asicon=False)[source]

Return the real file path to the given icon name If aspix is True return as QtGui.QPixmap, if asicon is True return as QtGui.QIcon.

  • name (str) – the name of the icon
  • aspix (bool) – If True, return a QtGui.QPixmap.
  • asicon (bool) – If True, return a QtGui.QIcon.

The real file path to the given icon name. If aspix is True return as QtGui.QPixmap, if asicon is True return as QtGui.QIcon. If both are True, a QtGui.QIcon is returned.

Return type:




class jukeboxcore.gui.main.JB_Gui(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A mixin class for top-level widgets liek main windows, widgets, dialogs etc

This class tracks its instances. So all classes that use this mixedin are tracked. Additionally each class that uses this mixin keeps track of its own instances and instances of its own class+subclasses

Constructs a new JB_Gui that will be tracked

classmethod allinstances()[source]

Return all instances that inherit from JB_Gui

Returns:all instances that inherit from JB_Gui
Return type:list
classmethod classinstances()[source]

Return all instances of the current class

JB_Gui will not return the instances of subclasses A subclass will only return the instances that have the same type as the subclass. So it won’t return instances of further subclasses.

Returns:all instnaces of the current class
Return type:list
classmethod instances()[source]

Return all instances of this class and subclasses

Returns:all instances of the current class and subclasses
Return type:list
class jukeboxcore.gui.main.JB_MainWindow(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: jukeboxcore.gui.main.JB_Gui, PySide.QtGui.QMainWindow

A main window class that should be used for all main windows

It is useful for tracking all main windows and we can already set common attributes.

Constructs a new JB_MainWindow. Arguments are passed on to QMainWindow

staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x0000000004F76748>
class jukeboxcore.gui.main.JB_Dialog(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: jukeboxcore.gui.main.JB_Gui, PySide.QtGui.QDialog

A dialog class that should be used for all generic dialogs

It is useful for tracking all dialogs and we can already set common attributes.

Constructs a new JB_MainWindow. Arguments are passed on to QMainWindow

staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x0000000004F76788>