
Git is our version control system for the sourcecode ( Every computer in the CA-Pool should have an installed git version. You can use the git bash for your ordinary git workflow. If you feel more comfortable with a GUI, then you might look into Sourcetree. A good basic git tutorial can be found here.

Please read this article about the branching model we use. I recommend using gitflow. Git flow is a set of commands for git, that perform high level repository operations. It is basically an implementation of the branching model, with simpler commands. To use it in your gitbash on windows, might be a little bit troublesome. There is a nice tutorial on how to install gitflow on Windows.

The code is hosted on github and a private stash server for members of Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart. If you can access the stash server clone the repository with:

$ # ssh
$ git clone ssh://git@
$ # http
$ git clone http://dz016@

If you do not have access to the stash server use github:

$ # ssh
$ git clone
$ # https
$ git clone

You can edit code and push it back with:

$ git push origin <branch>

When another developer updates the global repository, you have to pull the changes first:

$ git pull origin <branch>

Git Flow

Initialize your cloned repository for git flow with:

$ git flow init

Choose master for master branches and instead of develop use dev. Version prefix is v. Now you can use:

$ git flow feature start <featurename>

and all other git flow commands. See this useful and BEATIFUL cheatsheet for more information.