Get Started

Developing the package

If you are a pipeline developer, that wants to improve the jukebox pipeline directly follow this guide:

  1. Clone the repository from either github or stash. See the in-depth description Git for more information.

  2. Read the Python documentation on how to setup virtual environments and read the coding conventions. In short: make sure to have Python 2.7 installed. I recommend 64-bit version.

  3. Install jukecore in development mode:

    $ pip install -e path/to/jukeboxcorerepository
  4. If the psycopg2 dependency fails to install with pip, see Installation for more information.

  5. Follow the Database guide and make sure to have a configured database and userconfig.

  6. Create a new gitbranch, write your code and tests. Read the Unittests for more information on how to test. To simply test everything use:

    $ tox
  7. Commit your code. If tests are successful merge your branch in dev. See ref:git for more information on the branching model we use.


When increasing the version number you might have to reinstall jukeboxcore in development mode in order to make the launcher work again. pkg_resources might raise a pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound error because the launcher was registered to another version.

Developing a addon for jukebox

If you want to create addons for jukebox follow this guide:

  1. Make sure you have Python 2.7 installed. I recoomend the 64-bit version.

  2. Install jukeboxcore as explained here.

  3. Follow the Database guide and make sure to have a configured database and userconfig.

  4. Create folder or package for your addon code.

  5. Edit your pluginpaths in the userconfiguration and append the new folder to the paths. Multiple paths are seperated by either : on linux or ; on windows. See Configuration for more information. Alternatively you can set the environment variable JUKEBOX_PLUGIN_PATHS.

  6. Create a python file in your new folder and start coding the plugin. Create a new subclass from one of the jukeboxcore.plugins.JB_Plugin classes and implement the abstract functions. The jukeboxcore.plugin.PluginManager is used for loading and initializing the plugins. Standalone plugins should subclass from jukeboxcore.plugins.JB_CoreStandalonePlugin or jukeboxcore.plugins.JB_CoreStandaloneGuiPlugin. Standalone plugins can be launched via:

    $ jukebox launch <pluginname>

    Plugin in name is the name of your plugin subclass.