Source code for jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.releasewin

from PySide import QtGui

from jukeboxcore import djadapter
from jukeboxcore.release import Release
from jukeboxcore.action import ActionCollection
from jukeboxcore.filesys import TaskFileInfo
from jukeboxcore.gui.main import JB_MainWindow, get_icon
from jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.filebrowser import FileBrowser
from jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.textedit import JB_PlainTextEdit
from releasewin_ui import Ui_release_mwin

[docs]class ReleaseWin(JB_MainWindow, Ui_release_mwin): """A window with a file browser and controls to create a new release. """ def __init__(self, filetype, parent=None, flags=0): """Constructs a new Release Window with the given parent :param filetype: the filetype the browser should display from :data:`djadapter.FILETYPES` :type filetypes: str :param parent: Optional - the parent of the window - default is None :type parent: QWidget :param flags: the window flags :type flags: QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags :raises: None """ super(ReleaseWin, self).__init__(parent, flags) self.filetype = filetype self.setupUi(self) self.setup_ui() self.setup_signals() self.browser.init_selection() self.release_actions = None
[docs] def setup_ui(self, ): """Create the browsers and all necessary ui elements for the tool :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ w = QtGui.QWidget(self) w.setLayout(self.central_vbox) self.setCentralWidget(w) releasetypes = [djadapter.RELEASETYPES["work"]] self.browser = FileBrowser(self.filetype, releasetypes, None, self) self.central_vbox.insertWidget(0, self.browser) self.comment_pte = self.create_comment_edit() self.central_vbox.addWidget(self.comment_pte) self.option_gb.setVisible(False) self.setup_icons()
[docs] def setup_icons(self, ): """Set all icons on buttons :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ floppy_icon = get_icon('glyphicons_446_floppy_save.png', asicon=True) self.release_pb.setIcon(floppy_icon)
[docs] def setup_signals(self, ): """Connect the signals with the slots to make the ui functional :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ self.release_pb.clicked.connect(self.release_callback)
[docs] def create_comment_edit(self, ): """Create a text edit for comments :returns: the created text edit :rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.textedit.JB_PlainTextEdit` :raises: None """ pte = JB_PlainTextEdit(parent=self) pte.set_placeholder("Enter a comment before saving...") pte.setMaximumHeight(120) return pte
[docs] def release_callback(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new release :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ tf = self.browser.get_current_selection() if not tf: self.statusbar.showMessage("Select a file to release, please!") return tfi = TaskFileInfo.create_from_taskfile(tf) checks = self.get_checks() cleanups = self.get_cleanups() comment = self.get_comment() r = Release(tfi, checks, cleanups, comment) self.statusbar.showMessage("Release in progress...") try: success = r.release() except OSError: self.statusbar.showMessage("Could not copy workfile!") return except Exception as e: self.statusbar.showMessage("%s" % e) return if success: self.statusbar.showMessage("Success!") else: self.statusbar.showMessage("Release failed!")
[docs] def set_release_actions(self, actions): """Set the widget that gives users options about the release, e.g. importing references :param actions: Release actions that define the sanity checks and cleanup actions :type actions: :class:`jukeboxcore.release.ReleaseActions` :returns: None :rtype: None :raises: None """ self.release_actions = actions self.option_widget = self.release_actions.option_widget() if self.option_widget: self.option_vbox.addWidget(self.option_widget) self.option_gb.setVisible(True)
[docs] def get_checks(self, ): """Get the sanity checks for the release from the release option widget :returns: the sanity checks :rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.action.ActionCollection` :raises: None """ if self.release_actions: return self.release_actions.get_checks() else: return ActionCollection([])
[docs] def get_cleanups(self, ): """Get the cleanup actions for the release from the release option widget :returns: the cleanup actions :rtype: :class:`jukeboxcore.action.ActionCollection` :raises: None """ if self.release_actions: return self.release_actions.get_cleanups() else: return ActionCollection([])
[docs] def get_comment(self, ): """Return the comment for the release from the UI :returns: the comment :rtype: str :raises: None """ return self.comment_pte.toPlainText()