- class jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.reftrackwidget.OptionSelector(reftrack, parent=None)[source]¶
Bases: jukeboxcore.gui.main.JB_Dialog, jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.optionselector_ui.Ui_OptionSelector
Widget to select options when importing or referencing
Initialize a new OptionSelector
Parameters: - reftrack (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the reftrack to show options for
- parent (QtGui.QWidget) – the parent widget
Raises: None
- setup_signals()[source]¶
Connect the signals with the slots to make the ui functional
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- select()[source]¶
Store the selected taskfileinfo self.selected and accept the dialog
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x0000000009CDADC8>¶
- class jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.reftrackwidget.ReftrackWidget(parent=None)[source]¶
Bases: jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.reftrackwidget_ui.Ui_ReftrackWidget, PySide.QtGui.QFrame
Widget to display Reftracks in a Widgetdelegate
Initialize a new ReftrackWidget
Parameters: parent (QtGui.QWidget) – widget parent Raises: None - setup_signals()[source]¶
Connect the signals with the slots to make the ui functional
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- set_index(index)[source]¶
Display the data of the given index
Parameters: index (QtCore.QModelIndex) – the index to paint Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- set_maintext(index)[source]¶
Set the maintext_lb to display text information about the given reftrack
Parameters: index (QtGui.QModelIndex) – the index Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- set_identifiertext(index)[source]¶
Set the identifier text on the identifier_lb
Parameters: index (QtGui.QModelIndex) – the index Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- set_type_icon(index)[source]¶
Set the type icon on type_icon_lb
Parameters: index (QtGui.QModelIndex) – the index Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- disable_restricted()[source]¶
Disable the restricted buttons
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- set_top_bar_color(index)[source]¶
Set the color of the upper frame to the background color of the reftrack status
Parameters: index (QtGui.QModelIndex) – the index Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
Depending on the status of the reftrack, enable or disable the status buttons, for imported/alien status buttons
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- toggle_tbstyle(button)[source]¶
Toogle the ToolButtonStyle of the given button between ToolButtonIconOnly and ToolButtonTextBesideIcon
Parameters: button (QtGui.QToolButton) – a tool button Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
Setup the menu that the menu_tb button uses
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- get_taskfileinfo_selection()[source]¶
Return a taskfileinfo that the user chose from the available options
Returns: the chosen taskfileinfo Return type: jukeboxcore.filesys.TaskFileInfo Raises: None
- import_reference()[source]¶
Import the referenec of the current reftrack
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x00000000086E9808>¶
- class jukeboxcore.gui.widgets.reftrackwidget.ReftrackDelegate(parent=None)[source]¶
Bases: jukeboxcore.gui.widgetdelegate.WidgetDelegate
A delegate for drawing a jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.ReftrackItemData
Initialize a new ReftrackDelegate
Parameters: parent – Raises: None - create_widget(parent=None)[source]¶
Return a widget that should get painted by the delegate
You might want to use this in WidgetDelegate.createEditor()
Returns: The created widget | None Return type: QtGui.QWidget | None Raises: None
- set_widget_index(index)[source]¶
Set the index for the widget. The widget should retrieve data from the index and display it.
You might want use the same function as for WidgetDelegate.setEditorData().
Parameters: index (QtCore.QModelIndex) – the index to paint Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- create_editor_widget(parent, option, index)[source]¶
Return the editor to be used for editing the data item with the given index.
Note that the index contains information about the model being used. The editor’s parent widget is specified by parent, and the item options by option.
Parameters: - parent (QtGui.QWidget) – the parent widget
- option (QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem) – the options for painting
- index (QtCore.QModelIndex) – the index to paint
Returns: None
Return type: None
Raises: None
- setEditorData(editor, index)[source]¶
Sets the contents of the given editor to the data for the item at the given index.
Note that the index contains information about the model being used.Parameters: - editor (QtGui.QWidget) – the editor widget
- index (QtCore.QModelIndex) – the index to paint
Returns: None
Return type: None
Raises: None
- staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x00000000086E9F08>¶