This module holds jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.ItemData subclasses that represent reftrack data, e.g. a jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack object.
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.UPTODATE_RGB = (53, 69, 41)¶
RGB values for the color, when a reftrack is uptodate
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.OUTDATED_RGB = (69, 41, 41)¶
RGB values for the color, when a reftrack is outdated
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_type_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the type (e.g. Asset, Alembic, Camera etc)
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the type
Return type: depending on role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_elementgrp_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the elementgrp (e.g. the Assettype or Sequence)
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the elementgrp
Return type: depending on role
Raises: TypeError
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_element_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the element (e.g. the Asset or Shot)
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the element
Return type: depending on role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_task_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the task that is loaded by the reftrack
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the task
Return type: depending on role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_rtype_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the releasetype that is loaded by the reftrack
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the releasetype
Return type: depending on role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_descriptor_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the descriptor that is loaded by the reftrack
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the descriptor
Return type: depending on role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_version_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the version that is loaded by the reftrack
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the version
Return type: depending on role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_status_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the status
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the status
Return type: depending on role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_uptodate_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the uptodate status
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the uptodate status
Return type: depending on role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_alien_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the alien status
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the alien status
Return type: depending on role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_path_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the path that is loaded by the reftrack
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the path
Return type: depending on role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_restricted_data(rt, role, attr)[source]¶
Return the data for restriction of the given attr of the given reftrack
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the restriction
Return type: depending on role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_id_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the id of the reftrack
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the id
Return type: depending on the role
Raises: None
- jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.reftrack_object_data(rt, role)[source]¶
Return the reftrack for REFTRACK_OBJECT_ROLE
Parameters: - rt (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack holds the data
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – item data role
Returns: data for the id
Return type: depending on the role
Raises: None
- class jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.ReftrackItemData(reftrack)[source]¶
Bases: jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.ItemData
Item Data for jukeboxcore.gui.treemodel.TreeItem that represents a jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack
Constructs a new item data for the reftrack
Parameters: reftrack (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the reftrack to represent Raises: None - columns = [<function reftrack_type_data at 0x0000000005200BA8>, <function reftrack_elementgrp_data at 0x000000000560B278>, <function reftrack_element_data at 0x00000000085BD6D8>, <function reftrack_task_data at 0x000000000842D048>, <function reftrack_rtype_data at 0x000000000842D0B8>, <function reftrack_descriptor_data at 0x00000000094A6BA8>, <function reftrack_version_data at 0x00000000094A6AC8>, <function reftrack_status_data at 0x00000000094A6C18>, <function reftrack_uptodate_data at 0x00000000094A6C88>, <function reftrack_alien_data at 0x00000000094A6CF8>, <function reftrack_path_data at 0x00000000094A6D68>, <functools.partial object at 0x0000000005010A98>, <functools.partial object at 0x0000000005010C78>, <functools.partial object at 0x0000000005010CC8>, <functools.partial object at 0x0000000005010D18>, <functools.partial object at 0x0000000005010D68>, <functools.partial object at 0x0000000005010DB8>, <function reftrack_id_data at 0x00000000094A6E48>, <function reftrack_object_data at 0x00000000094A6EB8>]¶
- column_count()[source]¶
Return the number of columns that can be queried for data
Returns: the number of columns Return type: int Raises: None
- data(column, role)[source]¶
Return the data for the specified column and role
The column addresses one attribute of the data.
Parameters: - column (int) – the data column
- role (QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole) – the data role
Returns: data depending on the role
Return type: Raises: None
- class jukeboxcore.gui.reftrackitemdata.ReftrackSortFilterModel(parent=None)[source]¶
Bases: PySide.QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel
A sort filter proxy model, that can filter rows in a treemodel that uses ReftrackItemDatas.
Initialize a new reftrack sort filter model
Parameters: parent (QtCore.QObject) – the parent object Raises: None - filterAcceptsRow(row, parentindex)[source]¶
Return True, if the filter accepts the given row of the parent
Parameters: - row (int) – the row to filter
- parentindex (QtCore.QModelIndex) – the parent index
Returns: True, if the filter accepts the row
Return type: Raises: None
- filter_accept_reftrack(reftrack)[source]¶
Return True, if the filter accepts the given reftrack
Parameters: reftrack (jukeboxcore.reftrack.Reftrack) – the reftrack to filter Returns: True, if the filter accepts the reftrack Return type: bool Raises: None
- set_forbidden_statuses(statuses)[source]¶
Set all forbidden status values
Parameters: statuses (list) – a list with forbidden status values Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- get_forbidden_statuses()[source]¶
Return all forbidden status values
Returns: a list with forbidden status values Return type: list Raises: None
- set_forbidden_types(types)[source]¶
Set all forbidden type values
Parameters: typees (list) – a list with forbidden type values Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- get_forbidden_types()[source]¶
Return all forbidden type values
Returns: a list with forbidden type values Return type: list Raises: None
- set_forbidden_uptodate(uptodate)[source]¶
Set all forbidden uptodate values
Parameters: uptodatees – a list with forbidden uptodate values Uptodate uptodatees: list Returns: None Ruptodate: None Raises: None
- get_forbidden_uptodates()[source]¶
Return all forbidden uptodate values
Returns: a list with forbidden uptodate values Ruptodate: list Raises: None
- set_forbidden_alien(alien)[source]¶
Set all forbidden alien values
Parameters: alienes – a list with forbidden alien values Alien alienes: list Returns: None Ralien: None Raises: None
- staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x000000000953C148>¶