- class jukeboxcore.addons.configer.configer.ConfigerWin(parent=None)[source]¶
Bases: jukeboxcore.gui.main.JB_MainWindow, jukeboxcore.addons.configer.configer_ui.Ui_configer_mwin
A Configeditor window
The window uses the configer.ui for it’s Layout. It has a main editor treeview to edit the ConfigObjs. Next to it is a listview to select the configs. There are also two buttons. One is for saving, the other for reseting a value to its default.
the get_configs method is used to gather all the config files in the userfolder and finding the corresponding configspec in any of the plugin folders.
Constructs a new ConfigerWin
Parameters: parent (QWidget) – Optional - the parent of the window - default is None Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None This will also load all configs and display the first one.
- reset_current_row(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Reset the selected rows value to its default value
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- get_configs()[source]¶
Load all config files and return the configobjs
Returns: a list of configobjs Raises: None It always loads the coreconfig. Then it looks for all configs inside the PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIR. It will find the corresponding spec of the plugins. If there is a spec, but no ini, it will also be loaded!
- find_inifiles(path)[source]¶
Return all ini-files in the directory of path and below
Parameters: path (str) – a path to a directory Returns: list of configfiles Return type: list of str Raises: None
- set_inifile(current, previous)[source]¶
Set the configobj to the current index of the files_lv
This is a slot for the currentChanged signal
Parameters: - current (QModelIndex) – the modelindex of a inifilesmodel that should be set for the configobj_treev
- previous (QModelIndex) – the previous selected index
Returns: None
Raises: None
- iniedited(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Set the current index of inimodel to modified
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- closeEvent(event)[source]¶
Handles closing of the window. If configs were edited, ask user to continue.
Parameters: event (QCloseEvent) – the close event Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None
- doc_modified_prompt()[source]¶
Create a message box, that asks the user to continue although files have been modified
Returns: value of the standard button of qmessagebox that has been pressed. Either Yes or Cancel. Return type: QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton Raises: None
- invalid_prompt()[source]¶
Create a message box, that asks the user to continue although files are invalid
Returns: value of the standard button of qmessagebox that has been pressed. Either Yes or Cancel. Return type: QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton Raises: None
- save_current_config()[source]¶
Saves the currently displayed config
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None This resets the edited status of the file to False. Also asks the user to continue if config is invalid.
- staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x0000000004F76688>¶
- class jukeboxcore.addons.configer.configer.Configer[source]¶
Bases: jukeboxcore.plugins.JB_CoreStandaloneGuiPlugin
A plugin that can run a ConfigEditor
This can be used as a standalone plugin. Before you call run, make sure that there is a running QApplication running. See jukeboxcore.gui.main for helpful functions.
Constructs a new Plugin
Returns: None Return type: None Raises: None - copyright = '2014'¶
- version = '0.1'¶
- description = 'A tool for editing config files'¶