import os
import fnmatch
from PySide import QtGui
from jukeboxcore.log import get_logger
log = get_logger(__name__)
from jukeboxcore import iniconf
from jukeboxcore.constants import PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIR
from jukeboxcore.errors import ConfigError
from jukeboxcore.plugins import JB_CoreStandaloneGuiPlugin
from jukeboxcore.gui.configeditor import ConfigObjModel, InifilesModel
from jukeboxcore.gui.main import JB_MainWindow
from configer_ui import Ui_configer_mwin
[docs]class ConfigerWin(JB_MainWindow, Ui_configer_mwin):
"""A Configeditor window
The window uses the configer.ui for it's Layout.
It has a main editor treeview to edit the ConfigObjs.
Next to it is a listview to select the configs.
There are also two buttons. One is for saving, the other for reseting a value to its default.
the get_configs method is used to gather all the config files in the userfolder and finding the corresponding configspec
in any of the plugin folders.
def __init__(self, parent=None):
"""Constructs a new ConfigerWin
:param parent: Optional - the parent of the window - default is None
:type parent: QWidget
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
This will also load all configs and display the first one.
super(ConfigerWin, self).__init__(parent)
self.confobjmodel = None
self.inimodel = InifilesModel(self.get_configs())
self.files_lv.setModel(self.inimodel) = self.files_lv.selectionModel() #.currentChanged.connect(self.set_inifile)
[docs] def reset_current_row(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Reset the selected rows value to its default value
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
i = self.configobj_treev.currentIndex()
m = self.configobj_treev.model()
[docs] def get_configs(self):
"""Load all config files and return the configobjs
:returns: a list of configobjs
:raises: None
It always loads the coreconfig.
Then it looks for all configs inside the PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIR.
It will find the corresponding spec of the plugins.
If there is a spec, but no ini, it will also be loaded!
# all loaded configs are stored in confs
confs = []
# always load core config. it is not part of the plugin configs
except ConfigError, e:
log.error("Could not load Core config! Reason was: %s" % e)
# get config specs that lie in the plugin path
# we have to watch the order we gather the specs
# plugins can override each other, so can config specs
# it depends on the order of the JUKEBOX_PLUGIN_PATH
specs = {}
pathenv = os.environ.get('JUKEBOX_PLUGIN_PATH', '')
paths = pathenv.split(';')
for p in reversed(paths):
if p:
files = self.find_inifiles(p)
for ini in files:
base = os.path.basename(ini)
specs[base] = ini
configs = {}
files = self.find_inifiles(PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIR)
for ini in files:
base = os.path.basename(ini)
configs[base] = ini
# find matching pairs of configs and specs
# and load them
for k in configs:
spec = specs.pop(k, None)
conf = configs[k]
confs.append(iniconf.load_config(conf, spec))
except ConfigError, e:
log.error("Could not load config %s, Reason was: %s" % (k ,e))
# the remaining configspecs can be used to create
# empty configs
for k in specs:
spec = specs[k]
conf = os.path.join(PLUGIN_CONFIG_DIR, k)
confs.append(iniconf.load_config(conf, spec))
except ConfigError, e:
log.error("Could not load config %s, Reason was: %s" % (k ,e))
return confs
[docs] def find_inifiles(self, path):
"""Return all ini-files in the directory of path and below
:param path: a path to a directory
:type path: str
:returns: list of configfiles
:rtype: list of str
:raises: None
matches = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.ini'):
matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
return matches
[docs] def set_inifile(self, current, previous):
"""Set the configobj to the current index of the files_lv
This is a slot for the currentChanged signal
:param current: the modelindex of a inifilesmodel that should be set for the configobj_treev
:type current: QModelIndex
:param previous: the previous selected index
:type previous: QModelIndex
:returns: None
:raises: None
c =, self.inimodel.confobjRole)
self.confobjmodel = ConfigObjModel(c)
[docs] def iniedited(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set the current index of inimodel to modified
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
self.inimodel.set_index_edited(self.files_lv.currentIndex(), True)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event):
"""Handles closing of the window. If configs were edited, ask user to continue.
:param event: the close event
:type event: QCloseEvent
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
if self.inimodel.get_edited():
r = self.doc_modified_prompt()
if r == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
[docs] def doc_modified_prompt(self, ):
"""Create a message box, that asks the user to continue although files have been modified
:returns: value of the standard button of qmessagebox that has been pressed. Either Yes or Cancel.
:rtype: QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton
:raises: None
msgbox = QtGui.QMessageBox()
msgbox.setWindowTitle("Discard changes?")
msgbox.setText("Documents have been modified.")
msgbox.setInformativeText("Do you really want to exit? Changes will be lost!")
msgbox.setStandardButtons(msgbox.Yes | msgbox.Cancel)
return msgbox.result()
[docs] def invalid_prompt(self, ):
"""Create a message box, that asks the user to continue although files are invalid
:returns: value of the standard button of qmessagebox that has been pressed. Either Yes or Cancel.
:rtype: QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton
:raises: None
msgbox = QtGui.QMessageBox()
msgbox.setWindowTitle("Invalid Config!")
msgbox.setText("Invalid Configs!")
msgbox.setInformativeText("Do you really want to continue? Invalid values will be replaced by their default!")
msgbox.setStandardButtons(msgbox.Yes | msgbox.Cancel)
return msgbox.result()
[docs] def save_current_config(self, ):
"""Saves the currently displayed config
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
This resets the edited status of the file to False.
Also asks the user to continue if config is invalid.
# check if all configs validate correctly
btn = None
for row in range(self.inimodel.rowCount()):
i = self.inimodel.index(row, 0)
r = self.inimodel.validate(i)
if r is not True:
btn = self.invalid_prompt()
if btn == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel:
current = self.files_lv.currentIndex()
c =, self.inimodel.confobjRole)
self.inimodel.set_index_edited(current, False)
[docs]class Configer(JB_CoreStandaloneGuiPlugin):
"""A plugin that can run a ConfigEditor
This can be used as a standalone plugin.
Before you call run, make sure that there is a running
QApplication running. See :mod:`jukeboxcore.gui.main` for helpful functions.
author = "David Zuber"
copyright = "2014"
version = "0.1"
description = "A tool for editing config files"
[docs] def init(self, ):
"""Do nothing on init! Call run() if you want to start the configeditor
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
[docs] def uninit(self, ):
"""Do nothing on uninit!
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
[docs] def run(self, parent=None):
"""Start the configeditor
:returns: None
:rtype: None
:raises: None
""" = ConfigerWin(parent=parent)