
class pymodelfit.core.InputCoordinateTransformer[source]

Bases: object

This mixin class (i.e. a class intended to be subclassed to provide extra functionality) converts FunctionModel input values from one coordinate system to another.


In subclasses, the following class attributes should be defined:

  • _inputtransforms : a dictionary of dictionaries where the values are functions that define the transforms as _intransforms[incoordsys][funccoordsys] = func
  • incoordsys : the default input coordinate system
  • fcoordsys : the coordinate system in which the function is defined

To implement the transform, just call tranformCoordinates() and feed the return value into the f() function.


x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


addTransform(input, output, func) Register a function as a transform from one coordinate system to another.
transformCoordinates(x[, incoordsys, ...]) Transform from the input coordinate system into that defined for the model function.


addTransform(input, output, func)[source]

Register a function as a transform from one coordinate system to another.

  • input (string) – The name for the input system of this function.
  • output (string) – The name for the output system of this function.
  • func (callable) – The function to perform the transform. It should take one argument, an array with at least 2 dimensions where the first dimension is defined by the coordinate system.
transformCoordinates(x, incoordsys=None, outcoordsys=None)[source]

Transform from the input coordinate system into that defined for the model function.

  • incoordsys (string or None) – The input coordinate system name to use for this model. If None, incoordsys will be used.
  • outcoordsys (string) – The output coordinate system name to use for this model. If None, the standard for this model will be used.

if incoordsys is None, self.`incoordsys will be used

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