Source code for pymodelfit.core

#Copyright 2008 Erik Tollerud
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

#TODO: refactor so that FunctionModels that interpolate over data have a common superclass, then add linear interpolator, polynomial interpolator
#TODO: refine ModelGrid, tying into util grid inverter

This module holds the base level classes for the pymodelfit data
fitting/modeling framework. This is seperated from the implementations of
specific models, which can be found in the :mod:`builtins` module.

from __future__ import division,with_statement
from math import pi
import numpy as np
    #requires Python 2.6
    from abc import ABCMeta
    from abc import abstractmethod
    from abc import abstractproperty
except ImportError: #support for earlier versions
    abstractmethod = lambda x:x
    abstractproperty = property
    ABCMeta = type

[docs]class ModelTypeError(Exception): """ This exception indicates a problem with the value of the input or output of a model. """ def __init__(self,message): super(ModelTypeError,self).__init__(message)
[docs]class ParametricModel(object): """ The superclass of all models with parameters. *Subclassing* Subclasses should implement the following abstract properties and methods: * :meth:`__call__` Takes a single argument as the model input, returns the model output * :meth:`params` a sequence of names for the parameters of the model * :meth:`parvals` a sequence of values for the parameters of the model Optional overrides: * :meth:`pardict` a dictionary with keys as parameter names and values as the value for that parameter * :meth:`inv` compute the inverse of the model """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta _data = None _weightstype = 'ierror' @abstractmethod def __call__(self,x): raise NotImplementedError params = abstractproperty(doc='A sequence of the parameter names (not editable in instances)') """ A sequence of the parameter names (not editable for instances). """ parvals = abstractproperty(doc='The sequence of parameters values in the same order as :attr:`params`') """ The sequence of parameters values in the same order as :attr:`params`. """ def _getPardict(self): return dict([t for t in zip(self.params,self.parvals)]) def _setPardict(self,val): self.parvals = [val[p] for p in self.params] pardict = property(_getPardict,_setPardict,doc=""" A dictionary of the parameter names and values. """) def _getData(self): return self._data def _setData(self,val): if val is None: self._data = None else: try: if not (2 <= len(val) <= 3): raise ValueError('input model data in invalid form - must be 2 or 3-sequence') else: ind = np.array(val[0],copy=False) outd = np.array(val[1],copy=False) if len(val) < 3 or val[2] is None: ws = None else: ws = np.array(val[2],copy=False) self._data = (ind,outd,ws) except TypeError,e: e.args = ('invalid type for model data',) raise data = property(_getData,_setData,doc=""" The fitting data for this model. Should be either None, or a tuple(datain,dataout,weights). Note that the weights are interpreted statistically as errors based on the `weightstype` attribute. """) def _getWeightstype(self): return self._weightstype def _setWeightstype(self,val): if val not in ('ierror','ivar','error','var'): raise ValueError('invalid weightstype '+str(val)) self._weightstype = val weightstype = property(_getWeightstype,_setWeightstype,doc=""" Determines the statistical interpretation of the weights in `data`. Can be: * 'ierror' Weights act as inverse errors (default) * 'ivar' Weights act as inverse variance * 'error' Weights act as errors (non-standard - this makes points with larger error bars count *more* towards the fit). * 'var' Weights act as variance (non-standard - this makes points with larger error bars count *more* towards the fit). """) def _weights_to_err(self,weights): if weights is None: return None elif self._weightstype == 'ierror': return 1.0/weights elif self._weightstype == 'ivar': return 1.0/(np.abs(weights)**0.5) elif self._weightstype == 'error': return weights elif self._weightstype == 'var': return np.abs(weights)**0.5 assert False,'should be unreachable' def _err_to_weights(self,errs): if self._weightstype == 'ierror': return 1/errs elif self._weightstype == 'ivar': return errs**-2 elif self._weightstype == 'error': return errs.copy() elif self._weightstype == 'var': return errs**2 assert False,'should be unreachable' def _getErrors(self): return 1/self._weights_to_err([2]) def _setErrors(self,val): if np.isscalar(val): val = val * np.ones_like(data[0]) else: val = np.array(val,copy=False) if val.shape != data[0].shape: raise ValueError('Errors do not match data shape')[2] = _err_to_weights(val) errors = property(_getErrors,_setErrors,doc=""" Error on the data. Sets the weights on `data` assuming the interpretation for errors given by `weightstype`. If `data` is None/missing, a TypeError will be raised. """)
[docs] def inv(self,output,*args,**kwargs): """ Compute the inverse of this model for the requested output. :param output: The output value of the model at which to compute the inverse. :returns: The input value at which the model produces `output` :except ModelTypeError: If the model is not invertable for the provided data set. """ raise ModelTypeError('Model is not invertible')
class _AutoParameter(object): """ Parameter representation used for objects instantiated with the AutoParamsMeta magic. """ def __init__(self,name,defaultvalue): = name self.defaultvalue = defaultvalue def __get__(self,obj,owner): try: return getattr(obj,'_AutoParameter__' except AttributeError: #if data doesn't exist, initialize to default and return it if obj is not None: setattr(obj,'_AutoParameter__',self.defaultvalue) return self.defaultvalue def __set__(self,obj,value): if isinstance(value,np.ndarray) and value.shape == (): pass elif not np.isscalar(value): raise ValueError('Parameters must be scalar values - type '+str(type(value))+' provided') setattr(obj,'_AutoParameter__',value) def __delete__(self,obj): raise AttributeError("can't delete a parameter")
[docs]class AutoParamsMeta(ABCMeta): """ Metaclass used to auto-generate parameters from the :meth:`FunctionModel.f` method of :class:`FunctionModel` subclasses. This generates attributes for each of the inputs of the method :meth:`FunctionModel.f` (except 'self' and 'x') When a model is instantiated, the arguments specify initial values for the parameters, and any non-parameter kwargs will be passed into the :meth:`__init__` method of the model class. If f is of the form f(self,x,*args), the first argument of the constructor is taken to be the number of arguments that particular instance should have, and the :attr:`paramnames` class attribute can be used to specify the prefix for the name of the parameters (and can be an iterator, in which case one of each name will be made for each var arg, in sequence order). Default values can be given by adding class variables of the form :attr:`_param0_default` where `param0` is replaced by the appropriate parameter name. """
[docs] def __init__(cls,name,bases,dct): #called on import of astro.models from inspect import getargspec super(AutoParamsMeta,cls).__init__(name,bases,dct) for c in cls.mro(): if 'f' in c.__dict__: ffunc = c.__dict__['f'] if callable(ffunc): break else: raise KeyError('missing f function') args,varargs,varkw,defaults=getargspec(ffunc) if varkw is not None: raise SyntaxError("can't have kwargs in model function") #remove self if present, and the first argument, which is the data vector try: args.remove('self') except ValueError: # means the function is static or class method try: args.remove('cls') except ValueError: # means the function is static, which is still ok pass del args[0] #remove data vector if defaults is None: defaults=[] if len(args)!=len(defaults): defaults=list(defaults) for i in range(len(args)-len(defaults)): defaults.insert(0,1) for arg,d in zip(args,defaults): setattr(cls,arg,_AutoParameter(arg,d)) if varargs is not None: cls._pars = None cls._statargs = list(args) else: cls._pars = tuple(args)
[docs] def __call__(cls,*args,**kwargs): if cls._pars is None: #this is the case for *args in the function if len(args)>1: raise ValueError('must pass parameters with keywords at initializer if variable argument numbers are used') if hasattr(cls,'paramnames'): paramsnames = getattr(cls,'paramnames') else: paramsnames = ('p',) if isinstance(paramsnames,basestring): paramsnames = (paramsnames,) if hasattr(cls,'paramoffsets'): paramsoffsets = getattr(cls,'paramoffsets') else: paramsoffsets = 0 try: if 'nparams' in kwargs: nparams = kwargs.pop('nparams') else: args = list(args) nparams = args.pop(0) except IndexError: raise IndexError('No # of parameters found for variable-size function') objkwargs = dict([(k,kwargs.pop(k)) for k in kwargs.keys() if k not in cls._statargs if not any([k.startswith(paramsname) for paramsname in paramsnames])]) cls._currnparams = nparams #this is set in case the constructor needs to know for some reason obj = super(AutoParamsMeta,AutoParamsMeta).__call__(cls,**objkwargs) #object __init__ is called here del cls._currnparams pars = list(cls._statargs) for i in range(nparams): for paramsname in paramsnames: p = paramsname+str(i+paramsoffsets) pars.append(p) if hasattr(cls,'_'+p+'_default'): #let class variables of the form "_param_default" specify defaults for varargs setattr(obj,p,getattr(cls,'_'+p+'_default')) else: setattr(obj,p,1) #default varargs to 1 obj._pars = tuple(pars) else: #this is the case for fixed functions objkwargs=dict([(k,kwargs.pop(k)) for k in kwargs.keys() if k not in cls._pars]) try: obj = super(AutoParamsMeta,AutoParamsMeta).__call__(cls,**objkwargs) #object __init__ is called here except TypeError,e: if len(e.args)>0 and 'object.__new__() takes no parameters' == e.args[0]: raise TypeError('invalid parameter in model constructor:'+str(objkwargs.keys())) else: raise #set initial values if len(args)+len(kwargs) > len(obj.params): raise TypeError('Too many args and kwargs for the parameters') pars=list(obj.params) for k,v in kwargs.iteritems(): del pars[pars.index(k)] setattr(obj,k,v) for p,v in zip(pars,args): setattr(obj,p,v) return obj
[docs]class FunctionModel(ParametricModel): """ A base class for models that use a single function to map a numpy array input to an output (the function must be specified as the "f" method) The following attributes *must* be defined: * :meth:`f` A method that takes an array as the first argument and returns another array. * :attr:`_pars` A sequence of strings that define the names of attributes that are to be treated as the parameters for the model. If these are not defined, they will be initialized to the :attr:`defaultparval` value * :meth:`_filterfunc` A function that performs any processing of inputs and outputs. Should call :meth:`f` and have the same type of return value. If type-checking is to be performed on the input, it should be performed in :meth:`__call__` (see docstring for :meth:`__call__` for syntax), but any mandatory input *conversion* should be done in :meth:`_filterfunc`. """ defaultparval = 1 """ The base default value if a parameter cannot get a default any other way. """ fixedpars = tuple() """ A sequence of the parameter names that by default should be kept fixed. """ rangehint = None """ A hint for the relevant range for this model. Should take the form (dim0lower,dim0upper,dim1lower,dim1upper,...) or None for no hint. """ @abstractmethod
[docs] def f(self,x,*params): """ This abstract method *must* be overriden in subclasses. It is interpreted as the function that takes an array (or array-like) as the first argument and returns an array of output values appropriate for the model. model parameters are passed in as the rest of the arguments, in the order they are given in the _pars sequence. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def isVarnumModel(cls): """ Determines if the model represented by this class accepts a variable number of parameters (i.e. number of parameters is set when the object is created). :returns: True if this model has a variable number of parameters. """ from inspect import getargspec return bool(getargspec(cls.f)[1])
def _filterfunc(self,*args,**kwargs): """ This single-use function is present to avoid need for setting the filter function in an initializer. """ self._filterfunc = self.f return self.f(*args,**kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self,x): """ Call the model function on the input x with the current parameters and return the result. :except ModelTypeError: If the input or output are incorrect type or dimensionality for this model. .. note :: If a subclass overrides this method to do type-checking, it should either call this method or call :meth:`_filterfunc` with an array input and raise a ModelTypeError if there is a type problem """ arr = np.array(x,copy=False,dtype=float) return self._filterfunc(arr,*self.parvals)
_pars=tuple() #default empty parameter sequence @property
[docs] def params(self): """ A tuple of the parameter names. (read-only) """ return self._pars
def _getParvals(self): try: return tuple([getattr(self,a) for a in self._pars]) except AttributeError: self._autoInitPars() return self._getParvals() def _setParvals(self,newpars): if len(newpars)>len(self._pars): raise ValueError('too many new parameters') for a,v in zip(self._pars,newpars): setattr(self,a,v) parvals = property(_getParvals,_setParvals,doc=""" The values of the parameters in the same order as :attr:`params` """) def _getPardict(self): try: return dict([(a,getattr(self,a)) for a in self._pars]) except AttributeError: self._autoInitPars() return self._getPardict() def _setPardict(self,newpardict): for k in newpardict.keys(): if k not in self._pars: raise KeyError('No parameter %s found'%k) for k,v in newpardict.iteritems(): setattr(self,k,v) pardict = property(_getPardict,_setPardict,doc=""" A dictionary mapping parameter names to the associated values. """) def _autoInitPars(self): """ Called to generate parameters if they are missing. """ for p in self._pars: setattr(self,p,self.defaultparval) fittype ='leastsq' """ The currently selected fitting technique. """ _optfittypes = ('leastsq','fmin','fmin_powell','fmin_cg','fmin_bfgs', 'anneal','global','fmin_l_bfgs_b','fmin_tnc','fmin_cobyla', 'fmin_slsqp') @property
[docs] def fittypes(self): """ A Sequence of the available valid values for the :attr:`fittype` attribute. (Read-only) """ ls = list() for cls in self.__class__.__mro__: if hasattr(cls,'_fittypes'): ls.extend(cls._fittypes) ls.extend(self._optfittypes) return tuple(ls)
[docs] def fitData(self,x=None,y=None,fixedpars='auto',weights=None,savedata=True, updatepars=True,fitf=False,contraction='sumsq',**kwargs): """ Fit the provided data using algorithms from scipy.optimize, and adjust the model parameters to match. The fitting technique is sepcified by the :attr:`fittype` attribute of the object, which by default can be any of the optimization types in the :mod:`scipy.optimize` module (except for scalar minimizers) The full fitting output is available in :attr:`lastfit` attribute after this method completes. :param x: The input values at which to evaluate the model. Valid shapes are those that this model will accept. :type x: array-like :param y: The expected output values for the model at the given `x` values. Valid shapes are those that this model will output. :type y: array-like :param fixedpars: Parameter names to leave fixed. If 'auto' the fixed parameters are inferred from self.fixedpars (or all will be free parameters if self.fixedpars is absent). If None, all parameters will be free. :type fixedpars: sequence of strings, 'auto' or None :param weights: Weights to use for fitting, statistically interpreted as inverse errors (*not* inverse variance). May be one of the following forms: * None for equal weights * an array of points that must match the output * a 2-sequence of arrays (xierr,yierr) such that xierr matches the x-data and yierr matches the y-data * a function called as f(params) that returns an array of weights that match one of the above two conditions :param savedata: If True, `x`,`y`,and `weights` will be saved to |attrdata|. Otherwise, data will be discarded after fitting. :type savedata: bool :param updatepars: If True, sets the parameters on the object to the best-fit values. :type updatepars: bool :param fitf: If True, the fit is performed directly against the :meth:`f` method instead of against the model as evaluated if called (as altered using :meth:`setCall`). :type fitf: bool :param contraction: Only applies for optimize-based methods and is the technique used to convert vectors to figures of merit. this is composed of multiple string segments: #. these will be applied to each element of the vector first: - 'sq': square - 'abs':absolute value - '':raw value #. the contraction is performed after: - 'sum': sum of all the elements - 'median': median of all the elements - 'mean': mean of all the elements - 'prod': product of all the elements * optionally,the string can include 'frac' to use the fractional version of the differnce vector instead of raw values. For the leastsq method, this is the only applicable value `kwargs` are passed into the fitting function. :returns: array of the best fit parameters :except ModelTypeError: If the output of the model does not match the shape of `y`. .. seealso:: :meth:`getMCMC` """ from scipy import optimize as opt from operator import isMappingType from functools import partial self._fitchi2 = None #clear saved chi-squared if it exists if x is None: if hasattr(self,'data') and is not None: x =[0] else: raise ValueError('No x data provided and no fitted data already present') else: x = np.array(x,copy=False) if x.dtype.kind == 'f': #for unclear reasons, fitting sometimes misbehaves if a float32 #is used instead of the python system float (usually float64/double) #TODO:understand why this is necessary x = x.astype(float) if y is None: if hasattr(self,'data') and is not None: y =[1] else: raise ValueError('No y data provided and no fitted data already present') else: y = np.array(y,copy=False) if fitf: fitfunc = self.f else: fitfunc = self._filterfunc if fitfunc(x,*self.parvals).shape != y.shape: raise ModelTypeError('y array does not match output of model for input x') y = y.ravel() if self.fittype is None: method = self.fittypes[0] else: method = self.fittype if fixedpars is 'auto': fixedpars = self.fixedpars if hasattr(self,'fixedpars') else () if fixedpars is None: fixedpars = tuple() ps=list(self.params) v=list(self.parvals) #initial guess if method not in self._optfittypes: for cls in self.__class__.__mro__: if hasattr(cls,'_fittypes') and isMappingType(cls._fittypes): if method in cls._fittypes: fitter = partial(cls._fittypes[method],self) break else: fitter = 'fit'+method[0].upper()+method[1:] if hasattr(self,fitter): fitter = getattr(self,fitter) else: raise ValueError('could not locate fitting function for fitting method '+method) res = fitter(x,y,fixedpars=fixedpars,weights=weights,**kwargs) #ensure that res is at least a tuple with parameters in elem 0 from operator import isSequenceType if len(res)==0 or not isSequenceType(res[0]): res = (res,) if fixedpars: for p in fixedpars: i=ps.index(p) del ps[i] del v[i] else: if weights is None: wf = lambda v:1 elif callable(weights): wf = weights else: w = np.array(weights,copy=False) if w.shape == y.shape: w = w.ravel() elif w.shape[1:] == y.shape and w.shape[0]==2: w = (w[0]**2+w[1]**2)**0.5 else: raise ModelTypeError('weights shape does not match y') wf = lambda v:w kwargs['full_output'] = 1 if fixedpars: for p in fixedpars: i=ps.index(p) del ps[i] del v[i] #make a function of signature f(x,v) where v are the parameters to be fit pdict=dict([(p,getattr(self,p)) for p in fixedpars]) def f(x,v): pdict.update(dict(zip(ps,v))) #return fitfunc(x,**pdict) params = [pdict[a] for a in self._pars] return fitfunc(x,*params).ravel() else: f=lambda x,v:fitfunc(x,*v).ravel() if method == 'leastsq': if 'frac' in contraction: g=lambda v,x,y:wf(v)*(1-f(x,v)/y) else: g=lambda v,x,y:wf(v)*(y-f(x,v)) res=opt.leastsq(g,v,(x,y),**kwargs) else: if 'frac' in contraction: if 'sq' in contraction: def g1(v,x,y): diff=1-f(x,v)/y return diff*diff elif 'abs' in contraction: def g1(v,x,y): diff=1-f(x,v)/y return np.abs(diff) else: def g1(v,x,y): diff=1-f(x,v)/y return diff else: if 'sq' in contraction: def g1(v,x,y): diff=y-f(x,v) return diff*diff elif 'abs' in contraction: def g1(v,x,y): diff=y-f(x,v) return np.abs(diff) else: def g1(v,x,y): diff=y-f(x,v) return np.diff if 'sum' in contraction: g=lambda v,x,y:np.sum(wf(v)*g1(v,x,y),axis=None) elif 'mean' in contraction: g=lambda v,x,y:np.mean(wf(v)*g1(v,x,y),axis=None) elif 'median' in contraction: g=lambda v,x,y:np.median(wf(v)*g1(v,x,y),axis=None) elif 'prod' in contraction: g=lambda v,x,*g1(v,x,y),axis=None) else: raise ValueError('no valid contraction method provided') if method == 'fmin': res=opt.fmin(g,v,(x,y),**kwargs) elif method == 'fmin_powell': res=opt.fmin_powell(g,v,(x,y),**kwargs) elif method == 'fmin_cg': #TODO:smartly include derivative res=opt.fmin_cg(g,v,args=(x,y),**kwargs) elif method == 'fmin_bfgs': #TODO:smartly include derivative res=opt.fmin_bfgs(g,v,args=(x,y),**kwargs) elif method == 'fmin_l_bfgs_b': #TODO:smartly include derivative del kwargs['full_output'] kwargs['approx_grad'] = True res=opt.fmin_l_bfgs_b(g,v,args=(x,y),**kwargs) elif method == 'fmin_tnc': #TODO:smartly include derivative del kwargs['full_output'] kwargs['approx_grad'] = 1 res=opt.fmin_tnc(g,v,args=(x,y),**kwargs) elif method == 'fmin_cobyla': #TODO:smartly include derivative del kwargs['full_output'] res=opt.fmin_cobyla(g,v,args=(x,y),**kwargs) res = [res] elif method == 'fmin_slsqp': #TODO:smartly include derivative res=opt.fmin_slsqp(g,v,args=(x,y),**kwargs) elif method == 'anneal' or method == 'global': res=opt.anneal(g,v,args=(x,y),**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognzied method %s'%method) self.lastfit = res v=res[0] #assumes output is at least a tuple - needs "full_output=1 !" try: v[0] except IndexError: #only one parameter v=np.array([v]) if updatepars: for par,newv in zip(ps,v): setattr(self,par,newv) if savedata: = (x,y,weights) return v
[docs] def stdData(self,x=None,y=None): """ Determines the standard deviation of the model from data. Data can either be provided or (by default) will be taken from the stored |attrdata|. :param x: Input data value or None to use stored |attrdata|. :type x: array-like or None :param y: Output data value or None to use stored |attrdata|. :type y: array-like or None :returns: standard deviation of model from `y` """ if x is None or y is None: if is None: raise ValueError('must either specify data or save fitted data') x,y,weights = if self(x).shape != y.shape: raise ModelTypeError('y array does not match output of model for input x') return np.std(y-self(x),ddof=len(self.params))
[docs] def residuals(self,x=None,y=None,retdata=False): """ Compute residuals of the provided data against the model. E.g. :math:`y-{\\rm model}(x)`. :param x: Input data value or None to use stored |attrdata| :type x: array-like or None :param y: Output data value or None to use stored |attrdata| :type y: array-like or None :param retdata: If True, returns the data along with the model. :type retdata: bool :returns: Residuals of model from `y` or if `retdata` is True, a tuple (x,y,residuals). :rtype: array-like """ if x is None or y is None: if is None: raise ValueError('must either specify data or save fitted data') x,y,weights = if self(x).shape != y.shape: raise ModelTypeError('y array does not match output of model for input x') if retdata: return x,y,y-self(x) else: return y-self(x)
_fitchi2 = None #option to save so that fitData can store a chi2 if desired
[docs] def chi2Data(self,x=None,y=None,weights=None,ddof=1): """ Computes the chi-squared statistic for the data assuming this model. :param x: Input data value or None to use stored |attrdata| :type x: array-like or None :param y: Output data value or None to use stored |attrdata| :type y: array-like or None :param weights: Weights to adjust chi-squared, typically for error bars. Statistically interpreted based on the `weightstype` attribute. If None, any stored |attrdata| will be used. :param int ddof: Delta Degrees of Freedom. The divisor used for the reduced chi-squared is ``n-m-ddof``, where N is the number of points and m is the number of parameters in the model. :type weights: array-like or None :returns: tuple of floats (chi2,reducedchi2,p-value) """ from scipy.stats import chisqprob chi2 = None if x is None or y is None: if is None: raise ValueError('must either specify data or save fitted data') if weights is None: x,y,weights = else: x,y =[:2] weights = np.array(weights) if self._fitchi2 is not None: chi2 = self._fitchi2 if self(x).shape != y.shape: raise ModelTypeError('y array does not match output of model for input x') n=len(y) m=len(self.params) dof=n-m-ddof #extra 1 because the distribution must sum to n if chi2 is None: if weights is None: mody=self(x) chi2 = np.sum((y-mody)**2/mody) else: while len(weights.shape)>1: weights = np.sum(weights*weights,axis=0)**0.5 mody=self(x) err = self._weights_to_err(weights) chi2 = np.sum(((y-mody)/err)**2) return chi2,chi2/dof,chisqprob(chi2,dof)
[docs] def getCov(self): """ Computes the covariance matrix for the last :func:`fitData` call. :returns: The covariance matrix with variables in the same order as :attr:`params`. Diagonal entries give the variance in each parameter. .. warning:: This is not guaranteed to work for custom fit-types, but will always work with the default (leastsq) fit. """ try: cov = self.lastfit[1] except: raise ValueError('No fit has been performed or the fitting type does not support covariance matricies.') rchi2 = self.chi2Data(weights=1,ddof=0)[1] return cov*rchi2
[docs] def resampleFit(self,x=None,y=None,xerr=None,yerr=None,bootstrap=False, modely=False,n=250,prefit=True, medianpars=False, plothist=False,**kwargs): """ Estimates errors via resampling. Uses the fitData function to fit the function many times while either using the "bootstrap" technique (resampling w/replacement), monte carlo estimates for the error, or both to estimate the error in the fit. :param x: The input data - if None, will be taken from the |attrdata| attribute. :type x: array-like or None :param y: The output data - if None, will be taken from the |attrdata| attribute. :type y: array-like or None :param xerr: Errors for the input data (assumed to be normally distributed), or if None, will be taken from the |attrdata|. Alternatively, it can be a function that accepts the input data as the first argument and returns corresponding monte carlo sampled values. :type xerr: array-like, callable, or None :param yerr: Errors for the output data (assumed to be normally distributed), or if None, will be taken from the |attrdata|. Alternatively, it can be a function that accepts the output data as the first argument and returns corresponding monte carlo sampled values. :type yerr: array-like, callable, or None :param bootstrap: If True, the data is also resampled (with replacement). :type bootstrap: bool :param modely: If True, the fitting data will be generated by offseting from model values (evaluated at the `x`-values) instead of `y`-values. :param n: The number of times to draw samples. :type n: int :param prefit: If True, the data will be fit without resampling once before the samples are recorded. :type prefit: bool :param medianpars: If True, the median from the histogram will be set as the value for the parameter. :type medianpars: bool :param plothist: If True, histograms will be plotted using :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.hist` for each of the parameters, or if it is a string, only the histogram for the requested parameter will be shown. :type plothist: bool or string kwargs are passed into fitData :returns: (histd,cov) where histd is a dictionary mapping parameters to their histograms and cov is the covariance matrix of the parameters in parameter order. .. note:: If `x`, `y`, `xerr`, or `yerr` are provided, they do *not* overwrite the stored |attrdata|, unlike most other methods for this class. """ if x is None: if is None: raise ValueError('must either specify data or use saved data') x =[0] if y is None: if is None: raise ValueError('must either specify data or use saved data') y =[1] if xerr is None and is not None and[2] is not None: xerr =[2][0] if yerr is None and is not None and[2] is not None: yerr =[2][1] kwargs.setdefault('updatepars',False) if prefit: preupdate = kwargs['updatepars'] kwargs['updatepars'] = True self.fitData(x,y,**kwargs) kwargs['updatepars'] = preupdate if xerr is None: xerr = lambda cen:cen elif callable(xerr): pass else: xsig = xerr xerr = lambda cen:np.random.normal(cen,xsig) if yerr is None: yerr = lambda cen:cen elif callable(yerr): pass else: ysig = yerr yerr = lambda cen:np.random.normal(cen,ysig) N=len(x) weights = kwargs.pop('weights',None) if weights is not None: weights = np.array(weights,copy=False) vs = [] for i in range(n): xnew = xerr(x) ynew = yerr(self(x)) if modely else yerr(y) if bootstrap: sampi = (np.random.rand(N)*N).astype(int) xnew,ynew = xnew[sampi],ynew[sampi] if weights is not None: #only flip last axis kwargs['weights'] = weights.T[sampi].T vs.append(self.fitData(xnew,ynew,**kwargs)) d=dict([(p,v) for p,v in zip(self.params,np.array(vs).T)]) if plothist: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt params = (plothist,) if isinstance(plothist,basestring) else self.params #want to generate as square as possible nr=nc=int(len(params)**0.5) if nr*nc < len(params): nr+=1 if nr*nc < len(params): nc+=1 plt.clf() for i,p in enumerate(self.params): plt.subplot(nr,nc,i+1) plt.hist(d[p],bins=n//20,histtype='stepfilled') med = np.median(d[p]) std = np.std(d[p]) plt.axvline(self.pardict[p],c='r',ls='-') plt.axvline(med,c='k',ls='--') plt.axvline(med+std,c='k',ls=':') plt.axvline(med-std,c='k',ls=':') plt.xlabel(p) plt.ylabel('N') plt.title('Median$=%3.3f$ $\\sigma=%3.3f$ Fit$=%3.3f$'%(med,std,self.pardict[p])) = (x,y,(xerr,yerr)) if medianpars: for p,v in d.iteritems(): setattr(self,p,np.median(v)) return d,np.cov([d[p] for p in self.params])
[docs] def getMCMC(self,x,y,priors={},datamodel=None): """ Generate an Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler for the data and model. This function requires the `PyMC <>`_ package for the MCMC internals and sampling. :param x: Input data value :type x: array-like :param y: Output data value :type y: array-like :param priors: Maps parameter names to the priors to assume for that parameter. There *must* be an entry for every parameter in the model. The prior specification can be in any of the following forms: * A :class:`pymc.Stochastric` object * A 2-tuple (lower,upper) for a uniform prior * A scalar > 0 to use a gaussian prior of the provided width centered at the current value of the parameter * 0 for a Poisson prior with k set by the current value of the parameter :type priors: dictionary :param datamodel: Specifies the model to assume for the fitting data points. May be any of the following: * None A normal distribution with sigma given by the data's standard deviation. * A tuple (dist,dataname,kwargs) The first element is the pymc.distribution to be used as the distribution representing the data and the second is the name of the argument to be associated with the FunctionModel1D's output, and the third is kwargs for the distribution ("observed" and "data" will be ignored, as will the data argument) * A sequence A normal distribution is used with sigma for each data point specified by the sequence. The length must match the model. * A scalar A normal distribution with the given standard deviation. :except ValueError: If a prior is not provided for any parameter. :returns: A :class:`pymc.MCMC` object ready to sample for this model. """ import pymc from operator import isSequenceType from inspect import getargspec from types import MethodType if set(priors.keys()) != set(self.params): raise ValueError("input priors don't match function params") d={} for k,v in priors.iteritems(): if isinstance(v,pymc.StochasticBase): d[k]=v elif isSequenceType(v): if len(v) == 2: d[k]=pymc.distributions.Uniform(k,v[0],v[1]) else: raise ValueError("couldn't understand sequence "+str(v) ) elif v > 0: d[k] = pymc.distributions.Normal(k,self.pardict[k],1.0/v/v) elif v == 0: d[k] = pymc.distributions.Poisson(k,self.pardict[k]) else: raise ValueError("couldn't interpret prior "+str(v)) funcdict=dict(d) if type(self.f) is MethodType: xstr = getargspec(self.f)[0][1] else: assert callable(self.f),'object function is not a callable' xstr = getargspec(self.f)[0][0] funcdict[xstr]=x funcdet=pymc.Deterministic(name='f',eval=self.f,parents=funcdict,doc="FunctionModel1D function") d['f'] = funcdet if type(datamodel) is tuple: distobj,dataarg,kwargs=datamodel if 'name' not in kwargs: kwargs['name'] = 'data' kwargs[dataarg] = funcdet kwargs['observed'] = True kwargs['value'] = y datamodel = distobj(**kwargs) d[datamodel.__name__] = datamodel #now if any stochastics are in the kwargs, assume they are part of the model for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, pymc.StochasticBase): d[k] = v else: if datamodel is None: sig = np.std(y) else: sig = np.array(datamodel) d['data'] = pymc.distributions.Normal('data',mu=funcdet,tau=1/sig/sig,observed=True,value=y) return pymc.MCMC(d)
[docs]class CompositeModel(FunctionModel): """ This model contains a group of :class:`FunctionModel` objects joined by standard arithmetic operations, and evaluates them as a single model. The models themselves are called, rather than the :meth:`f` function (and hence will be influenced by anything like :meth:`FunctionModel1D.setCall` calls). Generated parameter names are of the form 'A0' and 'A1' where A is the parameter name and the number is the sequential number of the model with that parameter. If `autoshorten` is True, the suffix will be removed if there is only one of that parameter. Note that no checking is performed here to ensure the model outputs are compatible - this can be done in subclasses for specific types of :class:`FunctionModels <FunctionModel>`. """ #TODO:initial vals
[docs] def __init__(self,models=[],operation='+',parnames={},autoshorten=True, **parvals): """ :param models: The models objects to combine, or model types (in which case new models will be created) :type models: sequence of :class:`FunctionModel` objects, :class:`FunctionModel` classes, or strings. :param operation: The arithmetic operation(s) to join the models. (e.g. ['+','*','+'] will do mod1+mod2*mod3+mod4). A single operator string will join all models with the same operator. Alternatively, a string of the form 'm + m * m + m ...' may be used, where the 'm' will be filled in with the models in order. :type operation: String or a sequence of strings :param parnames: Assigns new names for parameters based on their default names. The default parameter names are of the form 'A0' and 'A1' where A is the parameter name and the number is the sequential number of the model with that parameter. :type parnames: Dictionary map of default parameter name string to new name string :param autoshorten: If True, the numerical suffix for paraemeter names will be removed if there is only one of that parameter (parnames overrides this) :type autoshorten: bool Any additional arguments should be "parname=parval" form, setting the initial values for the parameters. """ from inspect import isclass from collections import defaultdict self.__dict__['_pars'] = tuple() #necessary for later when getattr is invoked mods = [get_model_instance(m) for m in models] self._models = tuple(mods) if isinstance(operation,basestring): if len(operation.strip()) == 1: operation = [operation for i in range(len(mods)-1)] else: operation = operation.split('m')[1:-1] elif len(operation) != len(mods)-1: raise ValueError('impossible number of operations') self._ops = ops = tuple(operation) oplst = ['mval[%i]%s'%t for t in enumerate(ops)] oplst += 'mval[%i]'%len(oplst) self._opstr = ''.join(oplst) args = [] argmap = {} #add all parameters with suffixes for their model number for i,m in enumerate(self._models): for p in m.params: argn = p+str(i) args.append(argn) argmap[argn] = (i,p) if parnames: for k,v in parnames.iteritems(): try: i = args.index(k) except ValueError: raise KeyError('parameter %s not present'%k) if v in args: raise ValueError('attempted to specify a replacement parameter name that already exists') args[i] = v argmap[v] = argmap[k] del argmap[k] else: parnames = {} #remove suffixes if they are unique if autoshorten: cargs = list(args) argnames = [argmap[a][1] for a in cargs] for i,a in enumerate(cargs): if a not in parnames.values(): if argnames.count(argnames[i])==1: argmap[argnames[i]] = argmap[a] del argmap[a] args[i] = argnames[i] self._pars = tuple(args) self._argmap = argmap #finally apply kwargs for k,v in parvals.iteritems(): setattr(self,k,v) #now generate the data structures to map CompositeModel par numbers #to single model par numbers -- used for quick function evaluation parlistpairs = [] parlistd = defaultdict(dict) for i,p in enumerate(self._pars): modi,n = argmap[p] indinmodel = list(mods[modi].params).index(n) parlistpairs.append((modi,indinmodel)) parlistd[modi][indinmodel] = mods[modi].parvals[indinmodel] #value not important but we give it current value just for checking parlists = [] for i in range(len(parlistd.keys())): d = parlistd[i] innerlist = [d[j] for j in range(len(d.keys()))] parlists.append(innerlist) self._parlistmaps = tuple(parlistpairs) self._parlists = parlists
def __getattr__(self,name): if name in self._pars: i,n = self._argmap[name] return getattr(self._models[i],n) raise AttributeError("'%s' has no attribute '%s'"%(self,name)) def __setattr__(self,name,val): if name in self._pars: i,n = self._argmap[name] setattr(self._models[i],n,val) else: super(CompositeModel,self).__setattr__(name,val) @property def models(self): return self._models @property def ops(self): return self._ops
[docs] def f(self,x,*args): """ The composite model function. """ #TODO: switch back to this system if the mapping technique is too confusing # for p,a in zip(self.params,args): # setattr(self,p,a) # mval = [m.f(x,*m.parvals) for m in self._models] if len(args)!=len(self._pars): raise ValueError('incorrect number of parameters') parlists = self._parlists for a,(i,j) in zip(args,self._parlistmaps): parlists[i][j] = a #mval = [m.f(x,*parlists[i]) for i,m in enumerate(self._models)] #TODO:speed-up/cacheing? for m,pl in zip(self._models,parlists): m.parvals = pl mval = [m(x) for m in self._models] return eval(self._opstr)
[docs] def fitDataFixed(self,*args,**kwargs): """ Fits data using :meth:`FunctionModel.fitData`, but allows this :class:`CompositeModel` to hold all parameters of one of the sub-models fixed instead of fixing a list of parameters. The provided arguments will be passed into :meth:`FunctionModel.fitData`, except for `fixedpars`. Instead the `fixedmods` or `freemods` kwargs are used to determine which parameters should be fixed. Either can be specified, but not both. :param freemods: The indecies of the models (0-based) for which the parameters should be treated as fitting parameters. All other models' parameters will be held fixed. :type freemods: sequence of ints :param fixedmods: The indecies of the models (0-based) for which the parameters should be held constant. All other models' parameters will be treated as free fitting parameters. :type fixedmods: sequence of ints :returns: same return value as :meth:`FunctionModel.fitData` """ fps = [] if 'fixedmods' in kwargs and 'freemods' in kwargs: raise TypeError('fitDataFixed cannot have both fixedmod and freemod arguments') elif 'fixedmods' in kwargs: for i in kwargs.pop('fixedmods'): stri = str(i) for p in self._models[i].params: fps.append(p+stri) elif 'freemods' in kwargs: fps.extend(self.params) for i in kwargs.pop('freemods'): stri=str(i) for p in self._models[i].params: fps.remove(p+stri) else: raise TypeError('fitDataFixed must have fixedmods or freemods as arguments') if len(args)>=4: args[3] = fps else: kwargs['fixedpars'] = fps return self.fitData(*args,**kwargs)
[docs]class FunctionModel1D(FunctionModel): """ This class is the base for 1-dimensional models that are implemented as python functions. **Subclassing** The :meth:`f` method *must* be overridden in a subclass as described in :class:`FunctionModel`. The following methods may be overridden for speed of some operations, with specific syntax described in the docstrings. In any of these methods, parameters should be accessed as ``self.pardict``, ``self.parvals``, or by properties/name, as they are not passed into the function itself as in :meth:`f`. * :meth:`integrate` Overwrite to anlytically compute a definite integral - default is numerical. * :meth:`derivative` Overwrite to anlytically compute the derivative - default is numerical. * :meth:`inv` Inverse of the model at the requested y-value. This is by default computed numerically, although for non 1-to-1 functions, this may give unpredictable results. The following attributes may be set for additional information: * :attr:`xaxisname` Name of the input axis for this model. * :attr:`yaxisname` Name of the output axis for this model. * :attr:`rangehint` A hint for the relevant range for this model as a (lower,upper) tuple. If this needs to be computed from the current parameters of the model, it may be implemented as a property that returns a tuple. """ defaultIntMethod = 'quad' defaultInvMethod = 'brentq' xaxisname = None """ Name of the input axis for this model. """ yaxisname = None """ Name of the output axis for this model. """ rangehint = None """ A hint for the relevant range for this model as a (lower,upper) tuple (or None if no particular range is relevant) """
[docs] def __call__(self,x): """ Compute the output of the function at the input value(s) `x`. :param x: The input values as an ndarray or a scalar input value. :returns: The output of the function - shape will match `x` """ arr = np.array(x,copy=False,dtype=float) res = self._filterfunc(arr.ravel(),*self.parvals) return res.reshape(arr.shape)
[docs] def inv(self,yval,*args,**kwargs): """ Find the x value matching the requested y-value. The inverse is computed using root finders from the :mod:`scipy.optimize` module. :param yval: the output y-value at which to compute the inverse :type yval: float Other args and kwargs are those appropriate for the chosen root-finder, except for the keyword `method` which can be a name of any of the root finders from :mod:`scipy.optimize`. `method` can also be a function that should take f(g(x),*args,**kwargs) and return the x value at which g(x) is 0. The default method depends on the input arguments as follows: * inv(yval) Uses :func:`scipy.optimize.newton` * inv(yval,x0) Uses :func:`scipy.optimize.newton`, starting the search at x0 * inv(yval,a,b) Uses :func:`scipy.optimize.brentq`, searching the bracketing interval [a,b] for the lower and upper edges of the search range. :returns: the x-value at which the model equals the given `yval` **Examples** This finds the x value of the (very simple) function :math:`y(x) = 4x+2` at the point y=3 >>> from pymodelfit.builtins import LinearModel >>> m = LinearModel(m=4,b=2) >>> '%.2f'%m.inv(3) '0.25' These examples use Newton's, Brent's, and Ridder's method, to find the inverse of :math`y(x) = x^2` for 2,9,and 16, respectively (i.e. they should give sqrt(2),3, and 4) >>> from pymodelfit.builtins import QuadraticModel >>> m = QuadraticModel() >>> '%.2f'%m.inv(2,1) '1.41' >>> '%.2f'%m.inv(9,2,4) '3.00' >>> '%.2f'%m.inv(16,3,5,method='ridder') '4.00' All these methods require a guide for the range of x values to search. The first requires a guess, although the default guess of 0 will be assumed if the second argument is not present. (for this example, sqrt(2) and -sqrt(2) are both valid answers, so the default guess of 0 is ambiguous). """ import scipy.optimize if not np.isscalar(yval): raise ModelTypeError('generic 1D inverter can only accept scalar inputs') if len(args) == 0: args=[0] method = kwargs.pop('method','newton') elif len(args) == 1: method = kwargs.pop('method','newton') else: method = kwargs.pop('method','brentq') if isinstance(method,basestring): f = getattr(scipy.optimize,method) else: f = method if kwargs.pop('abs',False): g = lambda(x):np.abs(self(x)-yval) else: g = lambda(x):self(x)-yval return f(g,*args,**kwargs)
[docs] def minimize(self,x0,method='fmin',**kwargs): """ Finds a local minimum for the model. :param x0: The location to start the search :type x0: float :param method: Can be 'fmin' or 'fmin_powell', to use `scipy.optimize.fmin` and `scipy.optimize.fmin_powell`. :type method: string kwargs are passed into the `method` function :returns: a x value where the model is a local minimum """ return self._optimize(x0,'min',method,**kwargs)
[docs] def maximize(self,x0,method='fmin',**kwargs): """ Finds a local maximum for the model. :param x0: The location to start the search :type x0: float :param method: Can be 'fmin' or 'fmin_powell', to use `scipy.optimize.fmin` and `scipy.optimize.fmin_powell`. :type method: string kwargs are passed into the `method` function :returns: a x value where the model is a local maximum """ return self._optimize(x0,'max',method,**kwargs)
[docs] def findroot(self,x0,method='fmin',**kwargs): """ Finds a root for the model (location where the model is 0). :param x0: The location to start the search :type x0: float :param method: Can be 'fmin' or 'fmin_powell', to use `scipy.optimize.fmin` and `scipy.optimize.fmin_powell`. :type method: string kwargs are passed into the `method` function :returns: the x value where the model is 0 """ return self._optimize(x0,'root',method,**kwargs)
[docs] def findval(self,val,x0,method='fmin',**kwargs): """ Finds where the model is equal to a specified value. x0 is the location to start the search method can be 'fmin' or 'fmin_powell' (from scipy.optimize) kwargs are passed into the scipy.optimize function """ kwargs['valtofind'] = val return self._optimize(x0,'val',method,**kwargs)
def _optimize(self,x0,type,method,**kwargs): """ Find an optimal value for the model - x0 is where to start the search type can be 'min','max','root',or 'saddle'. method can be 'fmin' or 'fmin_powell'. """ from scipy.optimize import fmin,fmin_powell if type == 'min': g=lambda x:self(x) elif type == 'max': g=lambda xs:-1*self(x) elif type == 'root': g=lambda x:np.abs(self(x)) elif type == 'val': val = kwargs.pop('valtofind') g=lambda x:np.abs(self(x)-val) elif type == 'saddle': raise NotImplementedError else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized optimization type') if method == 'fmin': res = fmin(g,x0,**kwargs) elif method == 'fmin_powell': res = fmin_powell(g,x0,**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized method') self.lastOpt = res return res[0] def _optimize_f(self,x0,type,method,**kwargs): """ Find an optimal value for the model - x0 is where to start the search type can be 'min','max','root',or 'saddle'. method can be 'fmin' or 'fmin_powell'. Note that this optimizes the model function itself, *not* the function that :meth:`setCall` uses. To behave correctly with :meth:`setCall`, use :meth:`_optimize`. """ from scipy.optimize import fmin,fmin_powell if type == 'min': g=lambda *args,**kwargs:self.f(*args,**kwargs) elif type == 'max': g=lambda *args,**kwargs:-1*self.f(*args,**kwargs) elif type == 'root': g=lambda *args,**kwargs:np.abs(self.f(*args,**kwargs)) elif type == 'val': val = kwargs.pop('valtofind') g=lambda *args,**kwargs:np.abs(self.f(*args,**kwargs)-val) elif type == 'saddle': raise NotImplementedError else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized optimization type') if method == 'fmin': res = fmin(g,x0,tuple(self.parvals),**kwargs) elif method == 'fmin_powell': res = fmin_powell(g,x0,tuple(self.parvals),**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized method') self.lastOpt = res return res[0] def _getInvertedRangehint(self): """ computes the range hint taking into account input filters """ rh = self.rangehint if rh is None: return None else: #invert the rangehint if the input call type is a recognized string callin = self.getCall()[1] if self.getCall() is not None else None if callable(callin): from warnings import warn warn('Could not infer inverse of input filter, so assumed range may be incorrect') elif callin == 'log': rh = 10**np.array(rh) elif callin == 'ln': rh = np.exp(rh) elif callin == 'pow': rh = np.log10(rh) elif callin == 'exp': rh = np.log(rh) return rh
[docs] def plot(self,lower=None,upper=None,n=100,clf=True,logplot='',data='auto', errorbars=True,*args,**kwargs): """ Plot the model function and possibly data and error bars with :mod:`matplotlib.pyplot`. The plot will reflect any changes applied with :meth:`setCall`. :param lower: The starting x value for the plot. If None, the bound will be inferred from the `data` argument to this function or the :attr:`rangehint` attribute of the model. :type lower: scalar or None :param upper: The ending x value for the plot. If None, the bound will be inferred from the `data` argument to this function or the :attr:`rangehint` attribute of the model. :type upper: scalar or None :param n: The number of samples for the plot :type n: int :param clf: If True, the figure will be cleared before the plot is drawn. :type clf: boolean :param logplot: Sets which axes are logarithmic :type logplot: '','x','y', or 'xy' string :param data: Determines what (if any) data to display. If None, no data is displayed. If 'auto', data from the |attrdata| attribute of the :class:`FunctionModel1D` will be used if present, or nothing if the |attrdata| attribute is empty or None. Otherwise, the data to be plotted (and possibly errors) can be provided as arrays. Or if a dictionary is given, it will be treated as keyword arguments to the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` function (possibly with data as 'xdata','ydata',and 'weights' entries). :type data: 'auto', None, or array like of the form (x,y) or (x,y,(xerr,yerr)) :param errorbars: If True and weights are present in the data, error bars are shown on the data based on the interpretation given by the `weightstype` attribute. If False, no error bars are shown. :type errorbars: boolean Additional arguments and keywords are passed into :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. .. note:: By default, the model is plotted *over* the data points. If the points should be drawn on top of the model, set the keyword argument `zorder` to 0. """ from operator import isMappingType from .utils import mpl_context with mpl_context(clf=clf) as plt: if data is 'auto': if data = else: data = None if isMappingType(data): datakwargs = data.copy() data = [ datakwargs.pop('xdata',None), datakwargs.pop('ydata',None), datakwargs.pop('weights',None) ] if 'auto' in data or data[0] is None or data[1] is None: if data = else: data = None elif data[2] is None and 'errors' in data: data[2] = self._err_to_weights(datakwargs.pop('errors')) else: datakwargs = {'c':'r'} if data is not None: if lower is None: lower = datakwargs.pop('lower',np.min(data[0])) if upper is None: upper = datakwargs.pop('upper',np.max(data[0])) if lower is None or upper is None: rh = self._getInvertedRangehint() if rh is None: raise ValueError("Can't choose limits for plotting without data or a range hint") if lower is None: lower = rh[0] if upper is None: upper = rh[1] if 'x' in logplot: x = np.logspace(np.log10(lower),np.log10(upper),n) else: x = np.linspace(lower,upper,n) y = self(x) if clf: plt.clf() #plot the model if 'x' in logplot and 'y' in logplot: plt.loglog(x,y,*args,**kwargs) elif 'x' in logplot: plt.semilogx(x,y,*args,**kwargs) elif 'y' in logplot: plt.semilogy(x,y,*args,**kwargs) else: plt.plot(x,y,*args,**kwargs) #now plot the data if present if data is not None: plt.scatter(data[0],data[1],**datakwargs) if errorbars and data[2] is not None: err = self._weights_to_err(data[2]) if len(data[2].shape)>1: plt.errorbar(data[0],data[1],err[1],err[0],fmt=None,ecolor='k') else: plt.errorbar(data[0],data[1],err,fmt=None,ecolor='k') plt.xlim(lower,upper) if self.xaxisname: plt.xlabel(self.xaxisname) if self.yaxisname: plt.ylabel(self.yaxisname)
[docs] def plotResiduals(self,x=None,y=None,clf=True,logplot='',**kwargs): """ Plots the residuals of the provided data (:math:`y-y_{mod}`) against this model. :param x: The x data to plot the residuals for, or None to get it from any fitted data. :type x: array-like or None :param y: The x data to plot the residuals for, or None to get it from any fitted data. :type y: array-like or None :param bool clf: If True, the plot will be cleared first. :param logplot: Sets which axes are logarithmic :type logplot: '','x','y', or 'xy' string Additional arguments and keywords are passed into :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`. """ from .utils import mpl_context if x is None: if is None: raise ValueError("No xdata provided and no fitted data present - can't plot residuals") x =[0] if y is None: if is None: raise ValueError("No ydata provided and no fitted data present - can't plot residuals") y =[1] with mpl_context(clf=clf) as plt: #apply log if necessary if 'x' in logplot and 'y' in logplot: plt.loglog() elif 'x' in logplot: plt.semilogx() elif 'y' in logplot: plt.semilogy() ym = self(x) kwargs.setdefault('c','r') plt.scatter(x,y-ym,**kwargs) #Can Override:
[docs] def integrate(self,lower,upper,method=True,n=100,jac=None,**kwargs): """ Compute the definite integral of this model. This implememntation numerically estimates the integral using :mod:`scipy.integrate` functions. The integral computed is: .. math:: \\int_l^u \\! f(x) \\, j(x) \\, dx where :math:`j(x)` is the jacobian set from the `jac` argument. :param lower: the lower limit of the integral :type lower: float :param upper: the upper limit of the integral :type upper: float :param method: The name of a function from :mod:`scipy.integrate`, or if True, the class attribute :attr:`defaultIntMethod` will be used. :type method: string or None :param n: Only has an effect for integration techniques that use samples. If an integer, it specifies the number of evenly spaced samples. If it as a sequence, it is an array of samples to use for the integral (this renders `lower` and `upper` meaningless and their values have no effect) :type n: int :param jac: The jacobian factor to include in the integrand. :typ jac: a callable f(x,*params) or None :returns: The value of the computed definite integral. .. note:: Integration methods will store their full output to the attribute :attr:`lastintegrate` upon completion. .. note:: If overridden in a subclass, the signature should be integrate(self,lower,upper,method=None,**kwargs). if `method` is anything other than None, it should fall back on this version. e.g. the following should be at the top of the overriding method:: if method is not None: return FunctionModel1D.integrate(self,lower,upper,method,**kwargs) """ #TODO?: vectorize when needed import scipy.integrate as itg if method is True: method=self.defaultIntMethod e,d=None,None ps=tuple(self.parvals) if jac: def f(x,*pars): return jac(x,*pars)*self.f(x,*pars) else: f=self.f if method=='quad': res=itg.quad(f,lower,upper,args=ps,full_output=1,**kwargs) if len(res) == 4: v,e,d,m = res from warnings import warn warn('Integration message: %s'%m) #use these for 2d and 3d #elif method=='dblquad': # raise NotImplementedError #elif method=='tplquad': # raise NotImplementedError elif method=='fixed_quad': res=itg.fixed_quad(f,lower,upper,ps,5 if n is None else n,**kwargs) elif method=='quadrature': res=itg.quadrature(f,lower,upper,ps,**kwargs) elif method=='romberg': res=itg.romberg(f,lower,upper,ps,**kwargs) else: #sampled techniques if n is None: n=100 if np.isscalar(n): x=np.linspace(lower,upper,n) else: x=np.array(n) y=f(x,*ps) if method=='trapz': res=itg.trapz(y,x,**kwargs) elif method=='cumtrapz': res=itg.cumtrapz(y,x,**kwargs) elif method=='simps': res=itg.simps(y,x,**kwargs) elif method=='romb': res=itg.simps(y,np.convolve(x,[1,-1],mode='same').mean(),**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('unrecognized integration method') self.lastintegrate = res return res if np.isscalar(res) else res[0]
[docs] def integrateCircular(self,lower,upper,*args,**kwargs): """ Integrate this model on the 2D circle. This calls :meth:`integrate` with the jacobian set appropriately assuming the model is the radial profile for an azimuthally symmetric 2D surface density. .. math:: \\int_l^u \\! f(x) \\, 2 \\pi x \\, dx If a `jac` keyword is provided, it is taken as an additional factor to multiply the circular jacobian. """ if 'jac' in kwargs: kwargs['jac'] = lambda x,*params:kwargs['jac'](x,*params)*x*2.0*pi else: kwargs['jac'] = lambda x,*params:x*2.0*pi return self.integrate(lower,upper,*args,**kwargs)
[docs] def integrateSpherical(self,lower,upper,*args,**kwargs): """ Integrate this model on the 3D sphere. This calls :meth:`integrate` with the jacobian set appropriately assuming the model is the radial profile for a spherically symmetric 3D density. .. math:: \\int_l^u \\! f(x) \\, 4 \\pi x^2 \\, dx If a `jac` keyword is provided, it is taken as an additional factor to multiply the circular jacobian. """ if 'jac' in kwargs: kwargs['jac'] = lambda x,*params:kwargs['jac'](x,*params)*x*x*4.0*pi else: kwargs['jac'] = lambda x,*params:x*x*4.0*pi return self.integrate(lower,upper,*args,**kwargs)
[docs] def derivative(self,x,dx=None): """ Compute the derivative. This implementation numerically estimates the derivative at x using the following formula: .. math:: \\frac{df}{dx} \\approx \\frac{f(x+\\Delta x)-f(x)}{\\Delta x} :param x: the value at which to compute the derivative :type x: float or array-like :param dx: The spacing to assume for the numerically-computed derivative (:math:`\\Delta x` above). If None, and an array is provided for `x`, spacing will be inferred from the spacing between the `x` values. Otherwise, it defaults to 1. .. note:: If overridden in a subclass for efficient analytical computation, the signature should be derivative(self,x,dx=None), such that if `dx` is None, the analytical computation is used, and otherwise this numerical technique is used. i.e. all subclasses should have this at the beginning:: if dx is not None: return FunctionModel1D.integrate(self,x,dx) """ if dx is None: x = np.array(x,copy=False) if len(x.shape)>0: dx = np.convolve(x,[1,-1],mode='valid') dx = np.insert(dx,0,np.mean(dx))/2 else: dx = 1 return (self(x+dx)-self(x))/dx
[docs] def pixelize(self,xorxl,xu=None,n=None,edge=False,sampling=None): """ Generate a discretized version o the model. This method integrates over the model for a number of ranges to get a 1D "pixelized" version of the model. :param xoroxl: If array, specifies the location of each of the pixels. If float, specifies the lower edge of the pixelized section. :type xorxl: array-like or float :param xu: Specifies the upper edge of the pixelized section. Ignored if `xorxl` is array-like. :type xu: float :param n: Specifies the number of pixels. Ignored if `xorxl` is array-like. :type n: int :param edge: If True, pixel locations are for the edges (xorxl lower edges, xu upper edge), or if False, they are pixel centers. :type edge: bool :param sampling: If None, each pixel will be computed by integrating. Otherwise, the number of samples to use in each pixel. :type sampling: int or None :returns: Integrated values for the function as an array of size `n` or matching `xorxl`. """ if xu is None and n is not None or xu is not None and n is None: raise TypeError('must specify both xu and n') if xu is None and n is None: xorxl = np.array(xorxl) if not edge: dx = (xorxl[-1]-xorxl[0])/(len(xorxl)-1) edges = np.concatenate((xorxl-dx/2,(xorxl[-1]+dx/2,))) n = xorxl.size else: edges = xorxl n = xorxl.size-1 else: if edge: edges = np.linspace(xorxl,xu,n+1) else: dx = (xu-xorxl)/(n-1) edges = np.linspace(xorxl,xu+dx,n+1)-dx/2 if sampling is None: dx = np.convolve(edges,[1,-1],mode='valid') arr = [self.integrate(edges[i],edges[i+1]) for i in range(n)] arr = np.array(arr)/dx else: arr = [np.mean(self(np.linspace(edges[i],edges[i+1],sampling))) for i in range(n)] arr = np.array(arr) return arr #TODO:move this up into FunctionModel
[docs] def setCall(self,calltype=None,xtrans=None,ytrans=None,**kwargs): """ Sets the type of function evaluation to occur when the model is called. Changes the output of a function call to be :math:`t_y(g(f(t_x(x))))`, where :math:`g(x)` is set by `calltype`, :math:`t_x` is given by the `xtrans` argument, and :math:`t_y` is given by `ytrans`. :param calltype: Specifies what should be output when the model is called. Can be: * None basic function evaluation * 'derivative' derivative at the location (see :meth:`derivative`) * 'integrate' integral - specify `upper` or `lower` kwargs and the evaluation location will be treated as the other bound. If neither is given, lower = 0 is assumed. (see :meth:`integrate`) * 'integrateCircular' Polar integration -- see :meth:`integrateCircular` * 'integrateSpherical' Spherical integration -- see :meth:`integrateSpherical` * Any other string that is the name of a method on this object. It will be called with the function value as its first argument. :param xtrans: Transformations applied to the input value before being passed into the model. See below for valid forms. :type xtrans: string or None :param ytrans: Transformations applied to the output value. See below for valid forms. :type ytrans: string or None Any kwargs are passed into the function specified in `calltype`. `xtrans` and `ytrans` transformation functions can accept the following values: * None :math:`t(x) = x` * 'log' :math:`t(x) = \\log_{10}(x)` * 'ln' :math:`t(x) = \\ln(x)` * 'log##.#' :math:`t(x) = \\log_{\\#\\#.\\#}(x)` * 'pow' :math:`t(x) = 10^x` * 'exp' :math:`t(x) = e^x` * 'pow##.#' :math:`t(x) = (\\#\\#.\\#)^x` .. warning:: There may be unintended consequences of this method due to methods using the call value instead of the default function evaluation result. You have been warned... """ from types import MethodType import inspect from functools import partial transmap={'log':np.log10,'ln':np.log,'pow':partial(np.power,10),'exp':np.exp} xts,yts = xtrans,ytrans if isinstance(xtrans,basestring): if 'log' in xtrans and xtrans!='log': basex = float(xtrans.replace('log','')) if basex==10: xtrans = transmap['log'] else: sclx = np.log(basex) xtrans = lambda v:np.log(v)/sclx elif 'pow' in xtrans and xtrans!='pow': basex = float(xtrans.replace('log','')) xtrans = lambda v:basex**np.log(v) else: xtrans = transmap[xtrans] if isinstance(ytrans,basestring): if 'log' in ytrans and ytrans!='log': basey = float(ytrans.replace('log','')) scly = np.log(basey) if basey==10: ytrans = transmap['log'] else: scly = np.log(base) ytrans = lambda v:np.log(v)/scly elif 'pow' in ytrans and ytrans!='pow': basey = float(ytrans.replace('log','')) ytrans = lambda v:basey**np.log(v) else: ytrans = transmap[ytrans] if calltype is None: if xtrans and ytrans: self._filterfunc = MethodType(lambda self,x,*pars:ytrans(self.f(xtrans(x),*pars)),self,self.__class__) elif xtrans: self._filterfunc = MethodType(lambda self,x,*pars:self.f(xtrans(x),*pars),self,self.__class__) elif ytrans: self._filterfunc = MethodType(lambda self,x,*pars:ytrans(self.f(x,*pars)),self,self.__class__) else: self._filterfunc = self.f else: try: newf = getattr(self,calltype) if not callable(newf): raise AttributeError except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('function %s not found in %s'%(calltype,self)) if 'integrate' in calltype: if 'upper' in kwargs and 'lower' in kwargs: raise ValueError("can't do integral with lower and upper both specified") elif 'upper' in kwargs: xkw = 'lower' elif 'lower' in kwargs: xkw = 'upper' else: kwargs['lower']=0 xkw = 'upper' #raise ValueError("can't do integral without lower or upper specified") #TODO:undo this once integrateSpherical is vectorized def vecf(x): kwargs[xkw] = x return newf(**kwargs) vecf = np.vectorize(vecf) if xtrans and ytrans: def callfunc(self,x,*pars): self.parvals = pars return ytrans(vecf(xtrans(x))) elif xtrans: def callfunc(self,x,*pars): self.parvals = pars return vecf(xtrans(x)) elif ytrans: def callfunc(self,x,*pars): self.parvals = pars return ytrans(vecf(x)) else: def callfunc(self,x,*pars): #TODO:test cost of par-setting self.parvals = pars return vecf(x) else: fargs, fvarargs, fvarkws, fdefaults = inspect.getargspec(newf) for arg in fargs: if arg not in kwargs and arg !='self': xkw = arg break else: raise ValueError('function with no arguments attempted in setCall') if xtrans and ytrans: def callfunc(self,x,*pars): #TODO:test cost of par-setting self.parvals = pars kwargs[xkw] = xtrans(x) return ytrans(newf(**kwargs)) elif xtrans: def callfunc(self,x,*pars): #TODO:test cost of par-setting self.parvals = pars kwargs[xkw] = xtrans(x) return newf(**kwargs) elif ytrans: def callfunc(self,x,*pars): #TODO:test cost of par-setting self.parvals = pars kwargs[xkw] = x return ytrans(newf(**kwargs)) else: def callfunc(self,x,*pars): #TODO:test cost of par-setting self.parvals = pars kwargs[xkw] = x return newf(**kwargs) self._filterfunc = MethodType(callfunc,self,self.__class__) self._filterfunctype = (calltype,xts,yts)
[docs] def getCall(self): """ Retreives infromation about the calling function. :returns: The type of evaluation to perform when this model is called - a string like that of the type passed into :meth:`setCall`, or None if the model function itself is to be called. """ if hasattr(self,'_filterfunctype'): return self._filterfunctype else: return None
[docs]class FunctionModel1DAuto(FunctionModel1D): """ A :class:`FunctionModel1D` that infers the parameters from the :meth:`f` function. Equivalent to simply setting the metaclass to :class:`AutoParamsMeta`. """ __metaclass__ = AutoParamsMeta
[docs]class CompositeModel1D(FunctionModel1D,CompositeModel): """ This model is a composite model of FunctionModel1D models with a few extra additions for 1D models. """
[docs] def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): """ see `CompositeModel.__init__` for arguments """ super(CompositeModel1D,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) for m in self._models: if not isinstance(m,FunctionModel1D): raise ModelTypeError('Input model %s is not a 1D model'%m) self._filters = None #__init__.__doc__ = CompositeModel.__init__.__doc__
def f(self,x,*pars): res = CompositeModel.f(self,x,*pars) if self._filters is None: return res else: for filter in self._filters: res = filter(res) return res @property def rangehint(self): rhints = [] for m in self._models: if not hasattr(m,'rangehint'): return None else: rhint = m.rangehint if rhint is None: return None else: rhints.append(rhint) rhints = np.array(rhints) return np.min(rhints[:,0]),np.max(rhints[:,1]) # mx,mi = np.max(rhints,0),np.min(rhints,0) # return mi[0],mx[1],mi[2],mx[3] #TODO: remove
[docs] def addFilter(self,filter): """ :deprecated: This adds a function to be applied after the model is evaluated """ from warnings import warn warn('addFilter/clearFilters is deprecated in favor of setCall',DeprecationWarning) if self._filters is None: self._filters = [] if not callable(filter): raise ValueError('input filter is not a function') self._filters.append(filter)
[docs] def clearFilters(self): """ :deprecated: this clears all previously added filters """ from warnings import warn warn('addFilter/clearFilters is deprecated in favor of setCall',DeprecationWarning) self._filters = None
[docs] def addLowerBoundFilter(self,bound): """ :deprecated: """ def bndfunc(x): x[x<bound] = bound return x self.addFilter(bndfunc)
[docs]class DatacentricModel1D(FunctionModel1D): """ A FunctionModel1D that *requires* data to compute its value. """
[docs] def __call__(self,x): if is None: raise ValueError('A datacentric model must have data to execute') arr = np.array(x,copy=False,dtype=float) res = self._filterfunc(arr.ravel(),*self.parvals) return res.reshape(arr.shape)
[docs]class DatacentricModel1DAuto(DatacentricModel1D): """ A :class:`DatacentricModel1D` that infers the parameters from the :meth:`f` function. Equivalent to simply setting the metaclass to :class:`AutoParamsMeta`. """ __metaclass__ = AutoParamsMeta
[docs]class ModelSequence(object): """ A group of models with attached parameters that can be used to infer the parameter values at an arbitrary point in the space defined by the models. """
[docs] def __init__(self,models,extraparams=None,outputcontraction=None, interpolation='linear',interpolationdirection='y', offgrid=None): """ `models` must be a sequence of models or a 2-tuple with the second element a dictionary. If a model sequnce, they must all have the same parameter names and have compatible inputs. Otherwise, the first element specifies the type of model to use, and the second is a dictionary mapping parameter names to a sequence of parameter values. The resultant models are expected to be a "sequence" in the sense that they can be interpolated across to get a meaningful parameter value between two models (e.g. double-valued model grids are not meaningful) `extraparams` are parameters not a part of the model that are still available to be interpolated over. It must be None or a dictionary with values that are the same length as the model sequence. `output contraction` can be either a function to call on the output of the models returning a scalar, None to do nothing to the output, 'dist' to use the euclidian distance (e.g. sqrt(sum(output**2)), or 'sqdist' to use the square of the distance. `interpolation` may be either 'linear' for simple linear interpolation along the y-axis, or a 1D Model that will be fit with fitData on the contracted outputs. `interpolationdirection` determines the direction along which interpolation is to be performed, and can be: * 'y': interpolate along the output axis (by far the fastest method) * 'x': interpolate along the input axis - requires that inv be defined for the models * 'perp': interpolate along the perpendicular of the tangent line for the closest model to the data point. Only meaningful for FunctionModel1D Models. `offgrid` determines the behavior if a location is requested that is beyond the limits of the model sequence. It can be: * 'raise': raises a ValueError * 'warn': issue a warning * None: just output whatever the interpolating function provides - for linear interpolation, this takes the closest value. """ from operator import isMappingType if len(models)==2 and isMappingType(models[1]): modtype = get_model_class(models[0]) params = np.array(models[1].values()) params = [dict([(models[1].keys()[i],v)] for v in t) for i,t in enumerate(params.T)] models = [modtype(**params[i]) for m in range(len(params))] params = None for m in models: if params is None: params = m.params else: if m.params != params: raise ValueError('model %s does not match parameters for other models'%m) if extraparams is not None: self._extraparams = {} for n,ps in extraparams.iteritems(): arr = np.array(ps) if extraparams[n].size != len(models): raise ValueError('too many/few extra parameters for parameter %s'%n) self._extraparams[n] = arr else: self._extraparams = None self._params = params self.models = tuple(models) self._extraparams = extraparams self.outputcontraction = outputcontraction self.interpolation = interpolation self.interpolationdirection = interpolationdirection self.offgrid = offgrid
def _getOutputcontraction(self): return self._outcont def _setOutputcontraction(self,val): if val is None: val = lambda x:x elif isinstance(val,basestring): if val == 'dist': val = lambda x:np.sum(x**2)**0.5 elif val == 'sqdist': val = lambda x:np.sum(x**2) else: raise ValueError('invalid string for outputcontraction') elif not callable(val): raise TypeError('invalid type for outputcontraction') self._outcont = val outputcontraction = property(_getOutputcontraction,_setOutputcontraction,doc=None) def _getInterpolation(self): return self._interp def _setInterpolation(self,val): if isinstance(val,basestring): if val == 'linear' or val == 'linearinterp': self._interp = 'linear' else: raise ValueError('invalid interpolation string value %s'%val) elif isinstance(val,ParametricModel): self._interp = val else: raise TypeError('invalid type for interpolation') interpolation = property(_getInterpolation,_setInterpolation,doc=None) def _getInterpolationdirection(self): return self._interpdir def _setInterpolationdirection(self,val): if val not in ('x','y','perp'): raise ValueError('invalid interpolation direction %s requested'%val) self._interpdir = val interpolationdirection = property(_getInterpolationdirection,_setInterpolationdirection,doc=None) def _getOffgrid(self): return self._offgrid def _setOffgrid(self,val): if val not in ('raise','warn',None): raise ValueError("invalid value for offgrid - must be 'raise', 'warn', or None") self._offgrid = val offgrid = property(_getOffgrid,_setOffgrid,doc=None) @property
[docs] def params(self): """ a tuple of the possible parameter names for this ModelSequence """ return tuple(self._params)
[docs] def extraparams(self): """ A tuple of the possible extra parameter names for this ModelSequence or None if there are none """ return None if self._extraparams is None else tuple(self._extraparams)
[docs] def getParamArray(self,parnames): """ Generates an array of values for the requested parameter corresponding to each of the models. `parnames` can be a single parameter name (output is then a scalar), a stirng with a comma-seperated list of parameters, a sequence of parameter names, or None to get a dictionary mapping parameter names to their arrays """ scalarout = dictout = False if parnames is None: parnames = self.models[0].params if self._extraparams is not None: parnames.extend(self.extraparams) dictout = True elif isinstance(parnames,basestring): parnames = parnames.split(',') if len(parnames) == 1: scalarout = True res = [] for p in parnames: if p in self.params: res.append(np.array([getattr(m,p) for m in self.models])) elif p in self._extraparams: res.append(np.array(self._extraparams[p])) else: raise ValueError('invalid parameter name %s requested'%p) if dictout: return dict([t for t in zip(parnames,res)]) elif scalarout: return res[0] else: return res
[docs] def getParam(self,x,y,parnames=None,contracty=True): """ Computes the value of a requested parameter at the provided point in the input/output space of the models. `parnames` can be a single parameter name (output is then a scalar), a stirng with a comma-seperated list of parameters, a sequence of parameter names, or None to get a dictionary mapping parameter names to their value at the provided point `x` and `y` should be inputs and outputs, respectively, of the Model objects that define this sequence. if `contracty` is True, the output contraction will be applied to the provided y-value. Otherwise, it should be a scalar. """ scalarout = dictout = False if parnames is None: parnames = self.models[0].params if self._extraparams is not None: parnames.extend(self.extraparams) dictout = True elif isinstance(parnames,basestring): parnames = parnames.split(',') if len(parnames) == 1: scalarout = True for p in parnames: if p not in self._params and p not in self._extraparams: raise ValueError('invalid parameter %s'%p) if contracty: y = self._outcont(y) if self._interpdir == 'y': interpin = np.array([self._outcont(m(x)) for m in self.models]) interpat = y elif self._interpdir == 'x': interpin = np.array([m.inv(y) for m in self.models]) interpat = x elif self._interpdir == 'perp': raise NotImplementedError('perp interp direction not working yet') from .builtins import LinearModel ys = np.array([m(x)-y for m in self.models]) closestmodel = self.models[np.where(ys==np.min(ys))[0][0]] dmod = closestmodel.derivative(x) linmod = LinearModel(m=-1/dmod,b=0) linmod.b = y - linmod(x) interpin = (1 + linmod.m)**0.5*np.array([intersectmodels(m,linmod,bounds=bnds(x-dmod,x+dmod)) for m in self.models]).ravel() interpat = x else: raise RuntimeError('This point should never be reachable in getParam!') #take parnames sequence and for each one add the result to the res list res = [] sorti = np.argsort(interpin) interpin = interpin[sorti] if self._offgrid is not None: if interpat < interpin[0] or interpat > interpin[-1]: if self._offgrid == 'warn': from warnings import warn warn('off grid in getParam input %s'%interpat) elif self._offgrid == 'raise': raise ValueError('off grid in getParam input %s'%interpat) else: raise RuntimeError('This point should never be reachable in getParam!') for p in parnames: if p in self._params: interpout = np.array([getattr(m,p) for m in self.models])[sorti] else: #instead in _extraparams interpout = self._extraparams[p][sorti] if self._interp == 'linear': res.append(np.interp(interpat,interpin,interpout)) else: self._interp.fitData(interpin,interpout) res.append(self._interp(interpat)) if scalarout: return res[0] elif dictout: return dict([t for t in zip(parnames,res)]) else: return res
[docs] def getParams(self,xs,ys,parnames=None,contracty=True): """ Get parameters for an array of inputs - `xs` and `ys` should be matching sequences which each item matches the input and ouptut types of the models. For more info, see ModelSequence.getParam """ if len(xs) != len(ys): raise ValueError("xs and ys don't match") return np.array([self.getParam(x,y,parnames,contracty) for x,y in zip(xs,ys)])
[docs] def plot1D(self,x1=None,x2=None,legend=False,clf=True,n=100,**kwargs): """ Plots the models in this ModelSequence assuming the models are 1D `x1` and `x2` are the upper and lower limits to the plot. If not specified, the rangehints for the models will be used The output contraction function will be used to compute the y-axis. `legend` determines if the legend with parameter value should be shown on the plot kwargs are passed into the models' plot method (except for n) """ from .utils import mpl_context with mpl_context(clf=clf) as plt: if x1 is None: x1 = [m._getInvertedRangehint()[0] for m in self.models if m._getInvertedRangehint() is not None] if len(x1)>0: x1 = np.min(x1) else: raise ValueError('could not infer range from models - must provide x1') if x2 is None: x2 = [m._getInvertedRangehint()[1] for m in self.models if m._getInvertedRangehint() is not None] if len(x2)>0: x2 = np.max(x2) else: raise ValueError('could not infer range from models - must provide x2') kwargs['n'] = n kwargs['clf'] = False #allow legend to be a string 'par1,par2' specifying which parameters to show if legend and isinstance(legend,basestring): labelpars = legend.split(',') else: labelpars = list(self.models[-1].pardict) if self._extraparams is not None: labelpars.extend(self._extraparams) fixedlabel = kwargs.pop('label',None) for i,m in enumerate(self.models): if fixedlabel is None: label = ['%s=%.2g'%t for t in m.pardict.iteritems() if t[0] in labelpars] for ep,pv in self._extraparams.iteritems(): if ep in labelpars: label.append('%s=%.2g'%(ep,pv[i])) label = ','.join(label) kwargs['label']=label elif fixedlabel is not True: kwargs['label'] = fixedlabel fixedlabel = True elif 'label' in kwargs: del kwargs['label'] m.plot(x1,x2,**kwargs) if legend: plt.legend()
[docs]class InputCoordinateTransformer(object): """ This mixin class (i.e. a class intended to be subclassed to provide extra functionality) converts FunctionModel input values from one coordinate system to another. *Subclassing* In subclasses, the following *class* attributes should be defined: * :attr:`_inputtransforms` : a dictionary of dictionaries where the values are functions that define the transforms as ``_intransforms[incoordsys][funccoordsys] = func`` * :attr:`incoordsys` : the default input coordinate system * :attr:`fcoordsys` : the coordinate system in which the function is defined To implement the transform, just call :meth:`tranformCoordinates` and feed the return value into the :func:`f` function. """ _inputtransforms = {} incoordsys = None _fcoordsys = None
[docs] def transformCoordinates(self,x,incoordsys=None,outcoordsys=None): """ Transform from the input coordinate system into that defined for the model function. :param incoordsys: The input coordinate system name to use for this model. If None, :attr:`incoordsys` will be used. :type incoordsys: string or None :param outcoordsys: The output coordinate system name to use for this model. If None, the standard for this model will be used. :type outcoordsys: string if incoordsys is None, self.`incoordsys will be used """ if incoordsys is None: incoordsys = self.incoordsys if outcoordsys is None: outcoordsys = self._fcoordsys if incoordsys == outcoordsys: return x else: return self._inputtransforms[incoordsys][outcoordsys](*x)
[docs] def addTransform(self,input,output,func): """ Register a function as a transform from one coordinate system to another. :param input: The name for the input system of this function. :type input: string :param output: The name for the output system of this function. :type output: string :param func: The function to perform the transform. It should take one argument, an array with at least 2 dimensions where the first dimension is defined by the coordinate system. :type func: callable """ import inspect from collections import defaultdict try: args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func) if len(args)-1 > len(defaults) or varkw: raise TypeError('input function must take one argument') except TypeError: raise TypeError('input func is not a callable') #make sure we are in the instance if '_inputtransforms' not in self.__dict__: dd = defaultdict(dict) dd.update(self._inputtransforms) self._inputtransforms = dd dd[input][output] = func
[docs]class FunctionModel2DScalar(FunctionModel,InputCoordinateTransformer): """ This class is a FunctionModel that maps a two-dimensional input to a scalar output for each 2D coordinate. The input thus is at least a two-dimensional array, with the first dimension of length 2. """ from .utils import cartesian_to_polar,polar_to_cartesian _inputtransforms = {'cartesian':{'polar':cartesian_to_polar}, 'polar':{'cartesian':polar_to_cartesian}} incoordsys = 'cartesian' _fcoordsys = 'cartesian' def _filterfunc(self,x,*params): return self.f(self.transformCoordinates(x),*params)
[docs] def __call__(self,x): """ call the function on the input x,which will be flattened. If not 1D, the output will be reshaped to the input """ arr = np.array(x,copy=False,dtype=float) if len(arr.shape) > 1: subshape = arr.shape[1:] elif len(arr.shape) == 1: subshape = tuple() else: raise ModelTypeError('Scalar cannot be fed into 2D model') try: arr = arr.reshape(2, except ValueError: raise ModelTypeError('2D model input must have first dimension of length 2') return self._filterfunc(arr,*self.parvals).reshape(subshape)
[docs] def integrateCircular(self,outr,inr=0,theta=(0,2*pi),**kwargs): """ Integrates using a circular jacobian from `inr` to `outr` :param outr: outer limit of integration :type outr: float :param inr: inner limit of integration :type inr: float :param theta: The angular range of the integral in radians as (lower,upper). :type theta: a tuple of floats kwargs are passed into :func:`scipy.integrate.dblquad` """ import scipy.integrate as itg oldcoordsys = self.incoordsys try: self.incoordsys = 'polar' f = lambda th,r:r*self((r,th)) res = itg.dblquad(f,inr,outr,lambda y:theta[0],lambda y:theta[1],**kwargs) finally: self.incoordsys = oldcoordsys self.lastintegrate = res return res[0]
[docs] def integrateCartesian(self,xl,xu,yl,yu,**kwargs): """ Integrates the function in a rectangular area defined in rectangular coordinates. :param xl: left bound of integral :type xl: float :param xu: right bound of integral :type xu: float :param yl: lower bound of integral :type yl: float :param yu: upper bound of integral :type yu: float kwargs are passed into :func:`scipy.integrate.dblquad` """ import scipy.integrate as itg oldcoordsys = self.incoordsys try: self.incoordsys = 'cartesian' f = lambda y,x:self((x,y)) res = itg.dblquad(f,xl,xu,lambda y:yl,lambda y:yu,**kwargs) finally: self.incoordsys = oldcoordsys self.lastintegrate = res return res[0]
def gradient(self,x): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pixelize(self,xl,xu,yl,yu,nx=None,ny=None,sampling=None): """ Generates a 2D array of the model smoothed/integrated over a certain pixel size. :param xl: left edge of pixelized region :type xl: float :param xu: right edge of pixelized region :type xu: float :param yl: lower edge of pixelized region :type yl: float :param yu: upper edge of pixelized region :type yu: float :param nx: Number of horizontal pixels. If None, assumes `xl` and `xu` are in nearest pixel numbers. :type nx: int or None :param ny: Number of vertical pixels. If None, assumes `yl` and `yu` are in nearest pixel numbers. :type ny: int or None :param sampling: If None, each pixel will be computed by integrating the model over the area of the pixel. Otherwise, sampling gives the factor to multiply nx and ny by to get the total number of "virtual pixels" that will be averaged to get the actual result at the given grid point. If <=1, this is equivalent to directly sampling the model. :type sampling: None or int :returns: An nx X ny array with the pixelized model. .. note:: The attribute :attr:`lastintegrate` stores the result of the integrations if sampling is None, with lastintegrate[0] storing the result and lasteintegrate[1] storing the error on the integral for each pixel. """ import scipy.integrate as itg oldcoordsys = self.incoordsys if nx is None: if int(xu)!=xu or int(xl)!=xl: raise ValueError("Can't infer pixel size for x-coordinate if xu or xl aren't integers.") nx = int(xu-xl)+1 xu = int(xu)+.5 xl = int(xl)-.5 if ny is None: if int(yu)!=yu or int(yl)!=yl: raise ValueError("Can't infer pixel size for y-coordinate if yu or yl aren't integers.") ny = int(yu-yl)+1 yu = int(yu)+.5 yl = int(yl)-.5 try: self.incoordsys = 'cartesian' if sampling is None: xs = np.linspace(xl,xu,nx+1) xs = np.vstack((xs,np.roll(xs,-1))).T[:-1] ys = np.linspace(yl,yu,ny+1) ys = np.vstack((ys,np.roll(ys,-1))).T[:-1] res = np.empty((2,nx,ny)) f = lambda y,x:self((x,y)) #TODO:optimize more? for i,(xl,xu) in enumerate(xs): for j,(yl,yu) in enumerate(ys): res[:,i,j] = itg.dblquad(f,xl,xu,lambda y:yl,lambda y:yu) self.lastintegrate = res #res[0]= result, res[1]= integration error return res[0] else: da = ((xu-xl)/nx)*((yu-yl)/ny) sampling = int(sampling) if sampling<=1: xg,yg = np.mgrid[xl:xu:1j*nx,yl:yu:1j*ny] return self((xg,yg))*da else: xg,yg = np.mgrid[xl:xu:1j*nx*sampling,yl:yu:1j*ny*sampling] res = self((xg,yg)) res = res.reshape((nx*sampling,ny,sampling)).mean(axis=-1) res = res.reshape((nx,sampling,ny)).mean(axis=-2) return res*da finally: self.incoordsys = oldcoordsys
[docs] def getFluxSize(self,flux=0.5,frac=True,mode='radial',cen=(0,0),v0=1, minfunc='fmin',intkwargs=None,**kwargs): """ Compute the radius/area enclosing a specified amount of flux. :param flux: Specifies the flux value at which to compute the size (in model units if `frac` is False). :type flux: float :param frac: If True, interprets `flux` as a fraction of the total flux instead of an absolute model flux value. :type frac: bool :param mode: Specifies the way to compute flux. Can be: * 'radial' : computes the radius enclosing the specified flux - return value in this case is a single scalar * 'square' : computes the square enclosing the specified flux - return value in this case is a single scalar with the box length * 'rectangular' : computes the box enclosing the specified flux - return value in this case is a 2-tuple (xsize,ysize) :param cen: Specifies the center to assume. Currently this must be (0,0) for 'radial' profiles. :type cen: 2-tuple (x,y) :param v0: The initial guess at which to start (for methods that require it). :type v0: float :param minfunc: The name of a function in :mod:`scipy.optimize` that should do the minimizing. :type minfunc: string :param intkwargs: Keyword arguments for the integrate method. :type intkwargs: dictionary kwargs are passed into the minimization function :returns: The location at which the flux enclosed is given by `flux` as specified by the `mode` argument. """ import scipy.optimize fmin = getattr(scipy.optimize,minfunc) if intkwargs is None: intkwargs = {} if mode == 'radial': if cen != (0,0): raise NotImplementedError('radial profiles must be centered on (0,0)') if frac: total = self.integrateCircular(np.inf,**intkwargs) flux = flux * total def f(r): intres = self.integrateCircular(r,**intkwargs)-flux return intres*intres if np.isscalar(v0): v0 = (v0,) elif mode == 'square': x0,y0 = cen if frac: total = self.integrateCartesian(-np.inf,np.inf,-np.inf,np.inf,**intkwargs) flux = flux * total def f(l): intres = self.integrateCartesian(x0-l,x0+l,x0-l,x0+l,**intkwargs)-flux return intres*intres if np.isscalar(v0): v0 = (v0,) elif mode == 'rectangular': x0,y0 = cen if frac: total = self.integrateCartesian(-np.inf,np.inf,-np.inf,np.inf,**intkwargs) flux = flux * total def f(ls): lx,ly = ls intres = self.integrateCartesian(x0-lx,x0+lx,y0-ly,y0+ly,**intkwargs)-flux return intres*intres if np.isscalar(v0): v0 = (v0,v0) else: raise ValueError('unrecognized mode') if minfunc!='brent': res = fmin(f,v0,full_output=1,**kwargs) else: res = fmin(f,full_output=1,**kwargs) self.lastfluxsize = res val = res[0] return val.ravel()[0] if val.size == 1 else tuple(val)
[docs] def plot(self,datarange=None,nx=100,ny=100,clf=True,cb=True,data='auto', log=False,**kwargs): """ Plots the model over the range requested using the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` function. :param datarange: Specifies the range to plot in the form (xl,xu,yl,yu). If None, it will be inferred from the data. :type datarange: 4-tuple or None :param nx: determines the number of pixels in the x-direction :type nx: int :param ny: determines the number of pixels in the y-direction :type ny: int :param clf: If True, the figure will be cleared before plotting. :type clf: bool :param data: Data to be plotted along with the model. If None, no data will be plotted, or if 'auto', it will be taken from |attrdata| (if present). :type data: array-like, None, or 'auto' :param log: Can be False, True (natural log), '10' (base-10), 'mag', or 'mag##' (pogson magnitudes with ## as zeropoint) :type log: bool or string kwargs are passed into :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` :except ValueError: if data is not present and `datarange` is None """ from operator import isMappingType from .utils import mpl_context with mpl_context(clf=clf) as plt: if data == 'auto': data = or None maxmind = None if data: #TODO:correct coord conv xd,yd = data[0][0],data[0][1] dataval = data[1] if datarange is None: datarange = (np.min(xd),np.max(xd),np.min(yd),np.max(yd)) maxmind = (np.max(dataval),np.min(dataval)) elif datarange is None: if self.rangehint is not None: datarange = self.rangehint else: raise ValueError("Can't choose limits for plotting without data or a range hint") grid = np.mgrid[datarange[0]:datarange[1]:1j*nx,datarange[2]:datarange[3]:1j*ny] res = self(grid) if log: if isinstance(log,basestring) and 'mag' in log: lognomag = log.replace('mag','') zpt = float(lognomag) if lognomag.strip() != '' else 0 logfunc = lambda x:zpt-2.5*np.log10(x) elif log == '10': logfunc = np.log10 else: logfunc = np.log res = logfunc(res) if data: dataval = logfunc(dataval) if maxmind is not None: maxmind = logfunc(maxmind) if maxmind: norm = plt.normalize(min(np.min(res),maxmind[1]),max(np.max(res),maxmind[0])) else: norm = plt.normalize(np.min(res),np.max(res)) if clf: plt.clf() kwargs.setdefault('aspect','auto') #plt.imshow(res[::-1].T,norm=norm,extent=datarange,origin='lower',**kwargs) plt.imshow(res.T,norm=norm,extent=datarange,origin='lower',**kwargs) if cb: if isMappingType(cb): plt.colorbar(**cb) else: plt.colorbar() if data: if isMappingType(data): kwscat = dict(data) else: kwscat = {} kwscat.setdefault('norm',norm) kwscat.setdefault('c',dataval) plt.scatter(xd,yd,**kwscat) plt.xlim(datarange[0],datarange[1]) plt.ylim(datarange[2],datarange[3])
[docs] def plot3d(self,datarange=None,nx=100,ny=100,clf=True,cb=True,data='auto',**kwargs): """ Generate a 3D plot of the model using mayavi. See :meth:`plot` for meaning of the arguments """ from enthought.mayavi import mlab as M from operator import isMappingType if data == 'auto': if data =[:2] else: data = None if data: #TODO:correct coord conv xd,yd = data[0][0],data[0][1] if datarange is None: datarange = (np.min(xd),np.max(xd),np.min(yd),np.max(yd)) maxmind = (np.max(data[1]),np.min(data[1])) elif datarange is None: if self.rangehint is not None: datarange = self.rangehint else: raise ValueError("Can't choose limits for plotting without data or a range hint") maxmind = None grid = np.mgrid[datarange[0]:datarange[1]:1j*nx,datarange[2]:datarange[3]:1j*ny] res = self(grid) # if maxmind: # norm = plt.normalize(min(np.min(res),maxmind[1]),max(np.max(res),maxmind[0])) # else: # norm = plt.normalize(np.min(res),np.max(res)) if clf: M.clf() M.mesh(grid[0],grid[1],res) if cb: if isMappingType(cb): M.colorbar(**cb) else: M.colorbar() if data: if isMappingType(data): kwscat = dict(data) else: kwscat = {} zd = data[1] zres = zd-self((xd,yd)) kwscat.setdefault('scale_mode','none') kwscat.setdefault('scale_factor','auto') g = M.points3d(xd,yd,zd,zres,**kwscat) if kwscat['scale_factor'] == 'auto': g.glyph.glyph.scale_factor /= 2 #M.xlim(datarange[0],datarange[1]) #M.ylim(datarange[2],datarange[3])
[docs] def plotResiduals(self,x=None,y=None,fmt='or',xaxis='r',clf=True,relative=False): """ Plots residuals between data and the model for a variety of projections. If x and y are None, the residuals will be inferred from the last-fit data. For details on how residuals are computed see :meth:`FunctionModel.residuals` :param x: input data :type x: array-like :param y: output data :type y: array-like :param fmt: fmt argmument for :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.ploy` :param xaxis: Sets the plane in which to plot residuals. Can be 'r','theta','x', or 'y'. :type xaxis: string :param clf: If True, the plot will be cleared before plotting. :type clf: bool :param relative: If true, the plot will be relative residuals (e.g. residual/model) instead of the absolute residuals. """ from .utils import mpl_context with mpl_context(clf=clf) as plt: x,y,res = self.residuals(x,y,retdata=True) if relative: res = res/self(x) if xaxis=='r': outcoordsys = 'polar' cind = 0 elif xaxis=='theta': outcoordsys = 'polar' cind = 1 elif xaxis=='x': outcoordsys = 'cartesian' cind = 0 elif xaxis=='y': outcoordsys = 'cartesian' cind = 1 else: raise ValueError('unrecognized x-axis type') if clf: plt.clf() xt = self.transformCoordinates(x,outcoordsys=outcoordsys)[cind] plt.plot(xt,res,fmt) plt.axhline(0,color='k',ls=':') plt.xlabel(xaxis)
[docs]class FunctionModel2DScalarAuto(FunctionModel2DScalar): """ A :class:`FunctionModel2DScalar` that has its parameters automatically determined by the :meth:`f` method. Equivalent to setting the metaclass to :class:`AutoParamsMeta`. """ __metaclass__ = AutoParamsMeta
[docs]class CompositeModel2DScalar(FunctionModel2DScalar,CompositeModel): """ This model is a composite model of :class:`FunctionModel2DScalar` models. """
[docs] def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): """ See :class:`CompositeModel` for initializer arguments """ super(CompositeModel2DScalar,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) for m in self._models: if not isinstance(m,FunctionModel2DScalar): raise ModelTypeError('Input model %s is not a 2D->scalar model'%m) self.incoordsys = 'cartesian'
def _getIncoordsys(self): return self._incoordsys def _setIncoordsys(self,val): for m in self._models: m.incoordsys = val #this ensures the conversions never happen at the composite level self._fcoordsys = self._incoordsys = val incoordsys = property(_getIncoordsys,_setIncoordsys,doc='Input coordinate system')
[docs]class FunctionModel2DScalarSeperable(FunctionModel2DScalar): """ A :class:`FunctionModel2DScalar` that is seperable and follows a radial and polar function that are seperable - e.g. :math:`F(r,\\theta) = R(r)*T(\\theta)` """
[docs] def __init__(self,rmodel,thetamodel=None): """ :param rmodel: A FunctionModel1D that is to be used as the radial function. :type rmodel: A valid input to :func:`get_model_instance` :param thetamodel: A FunctionModel1D that is to be used as the polar function. :type thetamodel: A valid input to :func:`get_model_instance` """ if rmodel is None: self.__dict__['_rmodel'] = None elif isinstance(rmodel,FunctionModel1D): self.__dict__['_rmodel'] = rmodel else: self.__dict__['_rmodel'] = get_model_instance(rmodel,FunctionModel1D) if thetamodel is None: self.__dict__['_thetamodel'] = None elif isinstance(thetamodel,FunctionModel1D): self.__dict__['_thetamodel'] = thetamodel else: self.__dict__['_thetamodel'] = get_model_instance(thetamodel,FunctionModel1D) self._fixParams()
_fcoordsys = 'polar' def f(self,x,*params): self.parvals = params R = self._rmodel(x[0]) if self._rmodel is not None else 1 T = self._thetamodel(x[1]) if self._thetamodel is not None else 1 return R*T def _gettmod(self): return self._thetamodel def _settmod(self,val): if not (val is None or isinstance(val,FunctionModel1D)): raise TypeError('input value is not a FunctionModel1D') self._thetamodel = val self._fixParams() def _getrmod(self): return self._rmodel def _setrmod(self,val): if not (val is None or isinstance(val,FunctionModel1D)): raise TypeError('input value is not a FunctionModel1D') self._rmodel = val self._fixParams() def _fixParams(self): ps = list() if self._rmodel is not None: ps.extend(self._rmodel.params) if self._thetamodel is not None: ps.extend(self._thetamodel.params) self._pars = ps def __getattr__(self,name): if name in self.params: if hasattr(self._rmodel,name): return getattr(self._rmodel,name) elif hasattr(self._thetamodel,name): return getattr(self._thetamodel,name) else: raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self,name,val): if name in self.params: if hasattr(self._rmodel,name): return setattr(self._rmodel,name,val) elif hasattr(self._thetamodel,name): return setattr(self._thetamodel,name,val) else: super(FunctionModel2DScalarSeperable,self).__setattr__(name,val) @property def rangehint(self): if self._rmodel is None: rh = (1,1) else: rh = self._rmodel.rangehint if rh is None: return None else: return -rh[1],rh[1],-rh[1],rh[1] #assume theta is not localized
[docs]class FunctionModel2DScalarDeformedRadial(FunctionModel2DScalar): """ A `FunctionModel2DScalar` with a profile that is flattened along an axis but has a radial form if unflattened atob is a ratio of the large to small axis, and pa is the position angle measured in radians from the x-axis to the y-axis (e.g. west to north) """
[docs] def __init__(self,rmodel,atob=1,pa=0): if isinstance(rmodel,FunctionModel1D): self.__dict__['_rmodel'] = rmodel else: self.__dict__['_rmodel'] = get_model_instance(rmodel,FunctionModel1D) self.__dict__['_rmodel'].incoordsys = 'cartesian' self._fixPars() self.atob = atob = pa
_fcoordsys = 'cartesian' def f(self,arrin,*params): #self.parvals = params params = list(params) pa = params.pop() atob = params.pop() #xr=(-sinpa*x+cospa*y)/cosi #yr=(x*cospa+y*sinpa) x,y = arrin sinpa,cospa = np.sin(pa),np.cos(pa) yr=(-sinpa*x+cospa*y)*atob xr=(x*cospa+y*sinpa) return self._rmodel((xr*xr+yr*yr)**0.5) def _fixPars(self): ps = list(self._rmodel.params) ps.append('atob') ps.append('pa') self.__dict__['_pars'] = tuple(ps) def _getrmodel(self): return self._rmodel def _setrmodel(self,val): if not isinstance(val,FunctionModel1D): raise TypeError('input value is not a FunctionModel1D') self._rmodel = val self._rmodel.incoordsys = 'cartesian' self._fixPars() def __getattr__(self,name): if hasattr(self._rmodel,name): return getattr(self._rmodel,name) else: raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self,name,val): if name in self._rmodel.params: return setattr(self._rmodel,name,val) else: super(FunctionModel2DScalarDeformedRadial,self).__setattr__(name,val) def _getPaDeg(self): return np.degrees( def _setPaDeg(self,val): = np.radians(val) padeg=property(_getPaDeg,_setPaDeg,"""position angle (from +x-axis to +y-axis) in degrees """) def _getInc(self): return np.arccos(1/self.atob) def _setInc(self,val): self.atob = 1/np.cos(val) inc=property(_getInc,_setInc,doc=""" inclination angle of object in radians - maps onto atob """) def _getIncDeg(self): return np.degrees(np.arccos(1/self.atob)) def _setIncDeg(self,val): self.atob = 1/np.cos(np.radians(val)) incdeg=property(_getIncDeg,_setIncDeg,doc=""" inclination angle of object in degrees - maps onto atob """) def _getE(self): return (1-(1/self.atob)**2)**0.5 def _setE(self,val): self.atob = (1- val**2)**-0.5 e = property(_getE,_setE,doc='ellipticity given by e^2 = 1-(b/a)^2') @property def rangehint(self): rh = self._rmodel.rangehint if rh is None: return None else: return -rh[1],rh[1],-rh[1],rh[1] #assume theta is not localized @staticmethod
[docs] def intrinsic_to_observed_ellipticity(ei,i,degrees=True): """ Converts intrinsic ellipticity to observed where :math:`e^2 = 1-(b/a)^2` :param ei: intrinsic ellipticity :type ei: float or array-like :param i: inclination angle :type i: float or array-like :param degrees: if True, the inclination is assumed to be in degrees :returns: observed ellipticity """ if degrees: i = np.radians(i) return 1 - ((1-ei)**2*np.sin(i)**2+np.cos(i)**2)**0.5
[docs] def observed_to_intrinsic_ellipticity(eo,i,degrees=True): """ Converts observed ellipticity to intrinsic where :math:`e^2 = 1-(b/a)^2` :param eo: observed ellipticity :type eo: float or array-like :param i: inclination angle :type i: float or array-like :param degrees: if True, the inclination is assumed to be in degrees :returns: intrinsic ellipticity """ if degrees: i = np.radians(i) return 1 - ((1-eo)-np.cos(i)**2)**0.5/np.sin(i) #<-------------------------------Module functions ----------------------------->
[docs]def register_model(model,name=None,overwrite=False): """ Registers a model at the module package level for :func:`get_model_class` and :func`list_model`. :param model: The model to register :type model: a class object that is a subclass of class:`ParametricModel` :param name: The name to assign to this model. If None, the model name will be taken as the *all lowercase* version of the `model` class name, with the substring 'model' removed if it is present in the name. :type name: string or None :param overwrite: If True, if a model already exists with the provided name, it will be silently overwritten. Otherwise a KeyError will be raised. :type overwrite: bool :except KeyError: If `overwrite` is False and a model already exists with the name provided. **Example** >>> class MyFavoriteModel(FunctionModel1DAuto): ... def f(self,x,c=1): ... return x**2+c >>> register_model(MyFavoriteModel) >>> list_models(include=[MyFavoriteModel]) ['myfavorite'] >>> class MyOtherFavoriteModel(MyFavoriteModel): ... pass >>> register_model(MyOtherFavoriteModel,name='myotherBestest') >>> list_models(include=[MyOtherFavoriteModel]) ['myotherBestest'] >>> class MyMostFavoriteModel(MyFavoriteModel): ... pass >>> register_model(MyMostFavoriteModel,name=None) >>> list_models(include=[MyMostFavoriteModel]) ['mymostfavorite'] >>> list_models(baseclass=MyFavoriteModel) ['myotherBestest', 'mymostfavorite', 'myfavorite'] """ if not issubclass(model,ParametricModel): raise TypeError('Supplied model is not a Model') if name is None: name = model.__name__.lower().replace('model','') if overwrite and name in __model_registry: raise KeyError('Model %s already exists'%name) __model_registry[name]=model
[docs]def get_model_class(model,baseclass=None): """ Returns the class object for the requested model in the model registry :param model: can be a name, instance, or class object :param baseclass: If not None, specifies that the requested model me a subclass of the provided base class. If not, a TypeError will be raised. :returns: A class object for the requested model. :except KeyError: If a model name is not present in the registry :except TypeError: For all other invalid inputs """ from inspect import isclass if isinstance(model,basestring): if model not in __model_registry: res = __model_registry[model.lower()] else: res = __model_registry[model] elif isclass(model): if issubclass(model,ParametricModel): res = model else: raise TypeError('class object is not a Model') elif issubclass(model.__class__,ParametricModel): res = model.__class__ else: raise TypeError('attempted to get invalid model') if baseclass: if not issubclass(res,baseclass): raise TypeError('%s is not a subclass of %s'%(res,baseclass)) return res
[docs]def get_model_instance(model,baseclass=None,nvarparams=1,**kwargs): """ Returns an instance of the supplied model - if the input is actually an instance of a model, the same instance will be passed in - otherwise, a new instance will be created. :param model: A model name, model class, or model object. :param baseclass: If not None, ensures that the instance is a subclass of the provided base class. :type baseclass: class or None :param int nvarparams: The number of parameters to cerate if the model is a variable parameter number model. Otherwise, this is ignored. kwargs will either be passed into the new model constructor or applied as attributes to an already-existing model object. :returns: An instance of the request model type :except ValueError: if the model is not a subclass of the `baseclass` """ if isinstance(model,ParametricModel if baseclass is None else baseclass): for k,v in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(model,k,v) return model else: cls = get_model_class(model,baseclass) args = (nvarparams,) if cls.isVarnumModel() else tuple() return cls(*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def list_models(include=None,exclude=None,baseclass=None,showabstract=False): """ Lists the registered model objects in the package, possibly subject to constraints. :param include: A sequence of model names or class objects for which to include names in the list (e.g. strings will just be validated as correct model names). :type include: sequence of strings or None :param exclude: A sequence of model names that should be excluded. :type exclude: sequence of strings or None :param baseclass: If not None, all models that are not subclasses of this class will be filtered out of the results. :type baseclass: a class or None :param bool showabstract: If True, models that have abstract class objects will be included. Otherwise, they will not appear in the list. :returns: A list of strings for the models that can be used with :func:`get_model_class` or :func:`get_model_instance`. :except ValueError: if any provided model strings are not in the registry :except TypeError: if both include and exclude are not None See the :func:`register_model` docstring for examples. """ from operator import isSequenceType from inspect import isclass,isabstract res = [k for k,c in __model_registry.iteritems() if (baseclass is None or issubclass(c,baseclass)) if (showabstract or not isabstract(c))] if include is not None: if exclude is not None: raise TypeError("can't specify both included models and excluded models") if isinstance(include,basestring): include = include.split(',') elif not isSequenceType(include): include = [include] valid = [] for m in include: if isinstance(m,basestring): if m not in res: raise ValueError('Model name to include %s not a valid model name of the requested type'%m) valid.append(m) elif isclass(m): for nm,cls in __model_registry.iteritems(): if m is cls: valid.append(nm) if nm not in res: raise ValueError('Model with name %s not a valid model of the requested type'%nm) break else: raise ValueError('Model class to include %s not a valid model class'%m) else: ValueError('Model to include %s not a valid model name or class'%m) res = valid elif exclude is not None: if isinstance(exclude,basestring): exclude = exclude.split(',') elif not isSequenceType(exclude): exclude = [exclude] for m in exclude: if isinstance(m,basestring): if m not in res: raise ValueError('Model name to exclude %s not a valid model name'%m) res.remove(m) elif isclass(m): for nm,cls in __model_registry.iteritems(): if m is cls: if nm not in res: raise ValueError('Model with name %s not a valid model of the requested type'%nm) res.remove(nm) else: ValueError('Model to exclude %s not a valid model name or class'%m) return res
[docs]def intersect_models(m1,m2,bounds=None,nsample=1024,full_output=False,**kwargs): """ Determine the points where two models intersect. :param m1: the first model :type m1: a :class:`FunctionModel1D` object :param m2: the second model :type m2: a :class:`FunctionModel1D` object :param bounds: If None, the bounds will be determined from the model data if any is saved. Otherwise, a 2-tuple (min,max) defining the region to search for intersections. :type bound: tuple or None :param nsample: number of points within the bounds to sample for intersections. :returns: A sorted array of points where the two models intersect on the interval (up to a resolution of (max-min)/nsample), or if full_output is True, returns (array,scipy.optimize.zeros.RootResults) kwargs are passed into :func:`scipy.optimize.brentq` """ from scipy.optimize import brentq if bounds is None: data1 =[:2] if hasattr(m1,'data') and is not None else None data2 =[:2] if hasattr(m2,'data') and is not None else None if data1 is None and data2 is None: raise ValueError('must supply bounds if neither model has data') elif data1 is None: data2 = data2[0] bounds = (np.min(data2),np.max(data2)) elif data2 is None: data1 = data1[0] bounds = (np.min(data1),np.max(data1)) else: #both are valid data1 = data1[0] data2 = data2[0] bounds = (min(np.min(data1),np.min(data2)),max(np.max(data1),np.max(data2))) xsample = np.linspace(bounds[0],bounds[1],nsample) diff = m1(xsample) - m2(xsample) transis = np.convolve(diff>0,[1,-1]) #1-> crossing up between index and the one before transis[0] = 0 transis[-1] = 0 inters = [] reses = [] kwargs['full_output'] = 1 for i in np.where(transis)[0]: t = brentq(lambda x:m1(x)-m2(x),xsample[i-1],xsample[i],**kwargs) inters.append(t[0]) reses.append(t[1]) arr = np.array(inters) arr.sort() if full_output: return arr,reses else: return arr
[docs]def scale_model(model,scaleparname='A',scaleval=1): """ A convinience function to generate a CompositeModel with a scaling factor multiplying the wrapped model. A convinience to generate a CompositeModel with a scaling factor multiplying the wrapped model (e.g. :math:`A m(x)`). :param model: the model to wrap (or a name of a model that will be created) :type model: :class:`FunctionModel` object or string :param string scaleparname: name for the parameter controlling the scaling factor :param float scaleval: The initial value for the scale parameter. :returns: a :class:`CompositeModel` (or subclass) object """ model = get_model_instance(model) if scaleparname in model.params: scaleparname += '1' if isinstance(model,FunctionModel1D): compclass = CompositeModel1D else: compclass = CompositeModel res = compclass((model,'constant'),operation='*', parnames={'C1':scaleparname}) setattr(res,scaleparname,scaleval) return res
[docs]def offset_model(model,offsetparname='C',offsetval=0): """ A convinience to generate a CompositeModel with an additive offset on the wrapped model (e.g. :math:`m(x)+C`). :param model: the model to wrap (or a name of a model that will be created) :type model: :class:`FunctionModel` object or string :param string offsetparname: name for the parameter controlling the additive offset value :param float offsetval: The initial value for the offset parameter. :returns: a :class:`CompositeModel` (or subclass) object """ model = get_model_instance(model) if offsetparname in model.params: offsetparname += '1' if isinstance(model,FunctionModel1D): compclass = CompositeModel1D else: compclass = CompositeModel res = compclass((model,'constant'),operation='+', parnames={'C1':offsetparname}) setattr(res,offsetparname,offsetval) return res
[docs]def scale_and_offset_model(model,scaleparname='A',offsetparname='C',scaleval=1,offsetval=0): """ A convinience function to generate a CompositeModel with a multiplicative scale and an additive offset on the wrapped model. (e.g. :math:`A m(x)+C`) :param model: the model to wrap (or a name of a model that will be created) :type model: :class:`FunctionModel` object or string :param string scaleparname: name for the parameter controlling the scaling factor :param string offsetparname: name for the parameter controlling the additive offset value :param float scaleval: The initial value for the scale parameter. :param float offsetval: The initial value for the offset parameter. :returns: a :class:`CompositeModel` (or subclass) object """ model = get_model_instance(model) if scaleparname in model.params: scaleparname += '1' if offsetparname in model.params: offsetparname += '2' if isinstance(model,FunctionModel1D): compclass = CompositeModel1D else: compclass = CompositeModel res = compclass((model,'constant','constant'),operation=['*','+'], parnames={'C1':scaleparname,'C2':offsetparname}) setattr(res,scaleparname,scaleval) setattr(res,offsetparname,offsetval) return res