
Usage of the ObjDiff library is mainly centered around one primary function, objdiff.obj_diff. This function provides the difference between 2 object hierarchies as a list of commands with full key path and value changes as shown in the example below:

>>> import objdiff
>>> a = {'a': 1, 'b':[1,2,3], 'c':None}
>>> b = {'a': 1, 'b':[1,4], 'c':'hello'}
>>> objdiff.obj_diff(a, b) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<generator object obj_diff at ...

By default objdiff returns an iterator of commands rather than a list as it was primarily intended to work with large, lazily loaded data structures. Expanding it out by forcing it via list() provides a sequence of commands as shown below:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(sorted(objdiff.obj_diff(a, b)))
[equal(path=['a'], old=1, new=1),
 modified(path=['b'], old=[1, 2, 3], new=[1, 4]),
 modified(path=['c'], old=None, new='hello')]

In total there are 4 types of command with one being internal, but exposed as it may be useful to your application. ie:

These commands represent changes in a 'deep' fashion and will contain the minimal set of changes (in terms of scope of change, or the minimal amount of data to change) to go from one object tree to another. The example below shows changes to a non root value along with some of the other primitive operations:

>>> c = {'a':{1: None, 2: 2, 3: 3}, 'b': None}
>>> d = {'a':{1: 1, 2: 2}, 'b': {'1':{}, '2':{'2':2}}}
>>> pprint(sorted(objdiff.obj_diff(c, d))) #doctest: +SKIP
[modified(path=['a', 1], old=None, new=1),
 equal(path=['a', 2], old=2, new=2),
 deleted(path=['a', 3], val=3),
 modified(path=['b'], old=None, new={'1': {}, '2': {'2': 2}})]