
Original use case

This module is the offshoot of a proof of concept project. This project would allow you to manage containers in a GUI environment in a browser and would spit out 2 yaml files, One with the the node/server information and another with the positioning information. When a user clicked submit this would be checked into version control. When a user decided to push to production the current state of the system would be diff'd using this library against the desired state and the command list generated would be used to work out how to manipulate the environment to match the new setup.

Why not another lib?

At the time of this library's inception, no other module that provided easy access to the key path was available. While several options exist it is not immediately obvious how to get at this information when playing around with them for a brief amount of time.


The difflib in python operates on lists of strings internally and can be adapted to work on generic lists of items. This forms the basis of diffing lists. Dictionaries are handled with short custom code that looks at the keys to determine what has been added, deleted and modified. User types are detected via the Abstract base class and are treated as dictionaries (ie unsorted item => value mappings).