ObjDiff provides a simple cli program for comparison of 2 yaml files and providing the deltas between them. this is mainly for verification of the concept but may be useful in scripting or in validating changes.

to invoke this utility, ensure that the following modules are installed

Color output is provided by the blessings module and is suppressed automatically if stdout is not a tty for use in scripting.

Python can now be told to invoke the CLI program via the -m flag as so

$ python -m objdiff file1.yml file2.yml

Argument validation is minimal due to its status as a test program but should work as expected with 2 file arguments of valid yaml

The source repository contains 2 test yaml files from another project that can be used to see the library in action: infrastructure-1.yml and infrastructure-2.yml

$ python -m objdiff infrastructure-1.yml infrastructure-2.yml
! url_base: =>
! long_name: test cluster => test cluster
! short_name: test_cluster => pocketnix
! environ.ENVIROMENT: staging => production
! instances.elasticsearch_lb.overlays: ['images/debian-2014030301.tar.gz', 'images/elasticsearch.tar.gz', 'keys/ssh.tar.gz', 'setup/elasticsearch_setup.tar.gz', 'setup/debian.tar.gz'] => ['images/debian-2014030301.tar.gz', 'images/elasticsearch.tar.gz', 'keys/ssh.tar.gz', 'setup/elasticsearch_lb_setup.tar.gz', 'setup/debian.tar.gz']
+ instances.elasticsearch_lb.count 2
+ instances.webservers {'count': 3, 'overlays': ['images/debian-2014030301.tar.gz', 'images/nginx.tar.gz', 'keys/ssh.tar.gz', 'setup/nginx.tar.gz', 'setup/debian.tar.gz'], 'mem': '300MB', 'long_name': ' Webservers', 'cpus': 4}
+ instances.elasticsearch_data {'count': 10, 'overlays': ['images/debian-2014030301.tar.gz', 'images/elasticsearch.tar.gz', 'keys/ssh.tar.gz', 'setup/elasticsearch_setup.tar.gz', 'setup/debian.tar.gz'], 'mem': '300MB', 'long_name': 'Elastic Search Data nodes', 'cpus': 4}