
Function: obj_diff(old, new)


obj_diff takes 2 trees of objects and returns the minimal set of changes (ie making the smallest possible changes to the data at once) that will transform the old object tree to the new object tree. The iterator of commands it provides back can then be used to manipulate the existing object or detect specific types of changes and act upon these.


old: The old state of the objects

new: The new state of the objects

Ideally these root objects should both be dictionaries, the use of lists or scalars at this time may fail.


An iterator of command objects, cast to a list this looks similar to the list below:

[modified(path=['a', 1], old=None, new=1),
 equal(path=['a', 2], old=2, new=2),
 deleted(path=['a', 3], val=3),
 modified(path=['b'], old=None, new={'1': {}, '2': {'2': 2}})]

The returned objects are of one of the following types:

These types are available under the module objdiff for use with isinstance. the use of isinstance is the recommended way to confirm which command is which in the stream as the implementation may change from namedtuple to something different in the future.


Function: deep_update(base, updates)


deep_update is similar to dict.update() in the same way that copy() and copy.deepcopy from the copy module are related. It attempts to do a 'deep' rather than 'shallow' (ie recurse as deeply as possible rather than root key only) update of values and can be used to apply a deeply nested structure of dictionaries and lists on top of another set of dictionaries and lists.

First the structure is parsed to obtain a delta via obj_diff, followed by taking this output and using it to apply the new values on top of the old ones, preserving intermediate keys.

Note: This function updates in place on top of the base object


base: The base object that will be updated in place

updates: The values to apply on top of the base object


Function: diff_list(a, b)


diff_list compares 2 lists and returns a list of commands to mutate the first list to be identical to the second list. This is a 'shallow' function and does not recurse into the intermediate values (see obj_diff if you need this functionality)


a: The list to be compared against

b: The new list to compare against


An iterator of commands, identical to obj_diff


Function: diff_dict(a, b)


diff_dict compares 2 dicts and returns a list of commands to mutate the first dict to be identical to the second dict. This is a 'shallow' function and does not recurse into the intermediate values (see obj_diff if you need this functionality)


a: The dictionary to be compared against

b: The new dictionary to compare against


An iterator of commands, identical to obj_diff

command types

Class: added(path, val)

Class: deleted(path, val)

Class: modified(path, old, new)

Class: equal(path, old, new)


These 4 classes represent the core command list to transition one object hierarchy to another. These commands are normally returned via iteration and the official way to determine which command is being provided is via the use of isinstance.


path: A list of keys from the root object to the leaf object.

val: The Value that changed (applicable to added and deleted only).

old: A reference to the old value to change from.

new: A reference to the new value to change to.

Note: equal provides both old and new rather than just val as it is used to pass the old object hierarchy back for further iteration. For this values are provided with new being the value that should always be chosen for updates (use of old in an update may lead to issues if mutating the old object tree).