Physical Machine Configuration

The following tutorial goes through configuring a new physical machine from scratch. The first section, called “Pre-Configuration”, is a little vague because the information can vary between machines. The second section, called “Base Configuration”, will usually be identical for all machines.


  1. Configure basic network connectivity.
  2. Turn off IPV6 (many different ways to do this).
  3. If applicable, mount any large volume to /mnt* (hint: vi /etc/fstab).

Base Configuration

1. Client-side DNS

All systems in the cluster must be reachable by DNS or by data in ‘/etc/hosts’.

2. Firewall

The firewall must be disabled:

service iptables stop
chkconfig iptables off


SELINUX must be disabled:

vi /etc/selinux/config








Systems will need full reboot before changes take effect.

4. Default Repositories

System default yum repos must be functional.

5. Proxy Settings

If working behind a proxy, system proxy settings must be configured.

6. Syncronize System Packages

System packages must be syncronized with default repositories:

yum clean all
yum distro-sync

7. Primary CDH User

Cloudera supports use of root or sudo user as administration user. If using sudo, user must have full nopassword sudo privileges.

8. ssh Connections

Using the primary CDH user, every system in the cluster must be able to communicate via ssh to all other systems in the cluster.

9. System Hostname

Set the hostname for each system in the cluster.


Limiting host names to lower-case alphanumeric characters is recommended.

10. Ulimits

The following definitions must exist in /etc/security/limits.conf

vi /etc/security/limits.conf

*                soft    nofile          32768
*                hard    nofile          32768
hadoop           -       nofile          32768
hadoop           -       nproc           unlimited
hdfs             -       nofile          32768
hbase            -       nofile          32768
spark            soft    nofile          65535
spark            hard    nofile          65535
spark            -       nproc           32768

11. NTP

NTP must be installed and properly configured on all cluster systems. Also NTP services should start on system boot:

service ntpd start
chkconfig ntpd on

All systems in cluster must be in time-sync with one-another.

12. Reboot

Once all configuration has been done, rebooting all cluster systems is recommended to properly activate all of the changes.